The Unknown Connection between Zambia and Ukmergė

The Unknown Connection between Zambia and Ukmergė

by Rytas Sakavičius

One average day doing my usual thing, scrolling through facebook, an entry caught my eye about a European who is a national hero of Zambia. The most interesting part was his surname, Zukas.

It sounded familiar, but I didn’t really believe it: is it possible we wouldn’t know about this person? We so love stories about people whose ancestors came from Lithuania and it hardly matters whether they identified themselves with Lithuania. Not expecting much, I put “Simon Zukas” into a search engine. The results were suprising. Born July 31, 1925, in Ukmergė [Vilkomir], Lithuania. That’s when I got interested, thinking it strange such an important and exceptional African political figure might be completely unknown in his native land.

Silvia Foti at the Tolerance Center

Silvia Foti at the Tolerance Center

Silvia Foti presented her book “The Nazi’s Granddaughter: How I Discovered My Grandfather Was a War Criminal” at the Tolerance Center of the Vilna Gaon Jewish History Museum October 29.

She spoke about her painful experience confronting and coming to terms with the fact her grandfather Jonas Noreika collaborated with the Nazis in Lithuania and committed Holocaust crimes. She said she regretted he is still revered in Lithuania as a hero and an example to follow.

The book will be published in Lithuanian translation by Kitos Knygos publishing house in 2022 under the title “Vėtra lietaus šalyje” [Storm in the Country of Rain].

Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman Faina Kukliansky took part in the discussion as well, saying: “I have no doubt at all that, despite the fact the media are ignoring this discussion, after this event we will hear heavy criticism from people who were not here and did not participate. But as I have said many times, Lithuania’s reputation is being tarnished not by those who speak the truth, but by those who hide it.” She said she understood how hard it was for Foti and how much courage and sincerity she had shown in telling the truth about a close family member.

European Days of Jewish Culture Lead to Regular Discussions

European Days of Jewish Culture Lead to Regular Discussions

The #ŽydiškiPašnekesiai web discussion started as part of the European Days of Jewish Culture this fall, whose motto this year was “Dialogue,” has turned into real-life meetings and discussions. Starting now every second Wednesday of the month will be devoted to discussions of Jewish history and heritage, subtle aspects of history and the issues which came up last fall with political, educational and public figures, held at 5:00 P.M. at the Bagel Shop Café at the Lithuanian Jewish Community, Pylimo street no. 4, Vilnius. There will also be relevant passages of music performed at these events.

The first such discussion is scheduled for November 10 under the title “Reflections of the Holocaust in Political Rhetoric and the Media.” The discussions will likely be held in Lithuanian. Founder of this new discussion club Arkadijus Vinokuras says: “Today only a small portion of Lithuanian society and especially politicians are able to speak at least respectfully about the tragedy which befell us all in the mid-20th century. Yes, all of us, all of Lithuanian society, without regard to ethnicity. It’s important to realize that ‘speaking respectfully’ about the Holocaust is one thing, and understanding the connections between the Holocaust and institutionalized anti-Semitism is another thing altogether. This kind of dualism arises often in speeches by politicians and is reflected in their actions. There are cases in the media (not just in Lithuania) where there is a lack of reflection and ‘innocent’ opinions are expressed, under the alleged right to ‘an alternative view of the holocaust.’ And no, writing the Holocaust uncapitalized is not an unintentional mistake here.”



Simon Zukas, one of Zambia’s independence heroes and most admired figures, has died aged 96. He passed away September 28, 2021 Zukas was one of the proponents of the reintroduction of multi-party politics and held several positions in the MMD government.

His family state that funeral arrangements will be announced later.

Mr Zukas and his family came from pre-war Lithuania to what was then the British colony of Northern Rhodesia because it did not employ quotas limiting Jewish settlers — unlike South Africa and Southern Rhodesia, later Zimbabwe.

Happy Birthday to Maša Grodnikienė

Happy Birthday to Maša Grodnikienė

We wish Maša Grodnikienė a wonderful birthday, good health, love and affection, many happy moments, domestic joy and happiness.

Maša has served as deputy chairwoman of the Lithuanian Jewish Community for more than 20 years and has initiated and held many important cultural events. The first World Litvak Congress held in 2001 was her initiative and she authored and moderated her Fates cultural events for many years.

Dear Maša, what you have started is being continued. No one has forgotten and the work goes on.

Mazl tov. Bis 120!

Pumpkins and Bagels: Halloween at the Community

Pumpkins and Bagels: Halloween at the Community

Fun is tricks, costumes, ghosts, pumpkins and screaming children.

Last Friday evening the third Kinder Tish event was held at the Bagel Shop Café. The children made bagels with maple syrup and pumpkin-seed toppings. Friends from the US embassy in Vilnius also attended. We learned all about Halloween, received many horrible gifts and had fun ushering in the Sabbath. Cultural attaché Caitlin Nettleton from the US embassy in Vilnius and colleagues explained Halloween traditions, costumes, tricks and jack-o’-lanterns.

LJC Chairwoman Faina Kukliansky Speaks at Commemoration of Grosse Aktion in Kaunas

LJC Chairwoman Faina Kukliansky Speaks at Commemoration of Grosse Aktion in Kaunas

Your excellency, the president of the Republic of Lithuania,
Honorable mayor of Kaunas,
Ladies and gentlemen,

The Passion, the path of suffering leads us to this place from Democrat Square, which eighty years ago was witness to a disgusting and horrific crime committed against ten thousand Jewish residents of Kaunas.

Earlier that same year the kommandant and the burgermeister of Kaunas issued order no. 15, point 4 of which evicted all Jews of Kaunas from their homes and lives: “All people of Jewish ethnicity living within the borders of the city of Kaunas without regard to sex or age must remove to the Kaunas suburb Vilijampolė between July 15 and August 15 of this year.”

Lithuanian Makabi Conference

Lithuanian Makabi Conference

The Lithuanian Makabi Athletics Club will convene their annual conference at the Lithuanian Jewish Community in Vilnius on November 21. Agenda items include the annual report by the president, a report by the revision commission, new election of president and current issues.

Lithuanian President Speaks at Grosse Aktion Commemoration in Kaunas

Lithuanian President Speaks at Grosse Aktion Commemoration in Kaunas

Lithuanian president Gitanas Nausėda Thursday attended a procession and ceremony to commemorate the victims of the Grosse Aktion, the 24-hour period during which almost 10,000 people taken from the Kaunas ghetto were murdered. The commemoration included a “Road of Memory” march which the Lithuanian president said symbolically linked hundreds of locations all over Lithuania.

He and other marchers walked in silence along the route by which almost 10,000 victims were marched from the Kaunas ghetto to their deaths at the Ninth Fort exactly 80 years ago.

“Standing here, we understand better the catastrophe whose true dimensions we will never fathom, and which wiped out Jewish lives in many towns and cities in Lithuania and other countries,” Nausėda said at the Ninth Fort Memorial Complex.


Fania Lindina, a member of the Lithuanian Jewish Community and a client of our Social Services Department, has passed away. She was born in 1934. Our deepest condolences to her son Leonidas and daughter Julia.

Holocaust Seminars for Teachers

Holocaust Seminars for Teachers

The Lithuanian Jewish Community, the Olga Lengyel Institute for Holocaust Studies and Human Rights and the secretariat of the International Commission to Assess the Crimes of the Nazi and Soviet Occupational Regimes in Lithuania are currently implementing a project to educate Lithuanian teachers about the Holocaust and human rights.

The goal of the project is to improve quality of education by examining different aspects of the Holocaust and human rights and social justice in light of the main historical events of the 20th century. The project is aimed at teaching new teaching methods and talking about opportunities for including them in the education process.

The lessons and seminars are intended to provide a deeper understanding of the effect stereotypes, superstitions and discrimination have on people, different groups and society as a whole. There is also broad discussion with teachers about Jewish life before the Holocaust and after. The sessions include painful and uncomfortable topics and histories which need to be told to the younger generation.

Silvia Foti to Speak at Vilna Gaon Museum

Silvia Foti to Speak at Vilna Gaon Museum

Silvia Foti will present her book “The Nazi’s Granddaughter: How I Discovered My Grandfather Was a War Criminal” at the Vilna Gaon Jewish History Museum located at Naugarduko street no. 10 in Vilnius at 3:00 P.M. on Friday, October 29. She is the granddaughter of Jonas Noreika, the Lithuanian Nazi war criminal whom some in Lithuania consider a hero and an example to follow. Also participating in the discussion will be Lithuanian Restoration of Independence Act signatory and chairman of the International Commission to Assess the Crimes of the Nazi and Soviet Occupational Regimes Emanuelis Zingeris, International Commission director Ronaldas Račinskas, Jewish Public Library founder and director Žilvinas Bieliauskas, Lithuanian ambassador Marius Janukonis, Vilnius University professor Jurgita Verbickienė and Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman Faina Kukliansky.

Vilnius Library Commemorates 80th Anniversary of Holocaust

The Adomas Mickevičius Vilnius District Public Library located at Trakų street no. 10, Vilnius, is hosting a commemoration to mark the 80th anniversary of the beginning of the Holocaust in Lithuania at 6:00 P.M. on Thursday, October 28. Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman Faina Kukliansky; her daughter Ruth Reches, PhD, principal of the Sholem Aleichem ORT Gymnasium in Vilnius; Righteous Gentile and Jewish rescuer researcher Danutė Selčinskaja and director of the Andrena publishing house Nijolė Petrošienė will speak about the Jewish experience in Lithuania and discuss the books “Samuelis Kuklianskis: Attorney” and “The Experience of Identity by Holocaust Survivors” by Ruth Reches. The Lithuanian film “Gyvybės ir kančių duobė” [Pit of Life and Suffering] will be shown (duration: 60 minutes). The event will be filmed and photographed.

Chaim Frenkl Memorial Soccer Tournament

Chaim Frenkl Memorial Soccer Tournament

A soccer tournament was held by the Šiauliai district soccer federation and the Šiauliai Jewish Community on September 23. Four teams competed in three matches each. The Šiauliai Soccer Chain team came in first, followed by the Šiauliai “Police” team, then Šiauliai Makabi, and in fourth the ShAFF team. Thanks to everyone for participating. We hope it becomes a regular thing.

Bagel Shop Café Produces Seventy-Five Loaves of Challa Bread

Bagel Shop Café Produces Seventy-Five Loaves of Challa Bread

The Bagel Shop Café baked 75 small and large loaves of challa bread Friday evening as part of the world Shabbos Project. The Sabbath on October 22 was special. The Lithuanian Jewish Community invited everyone young and old to bake challa together with the world Jewish community. Members, friends and a ton of children gathered at the Bagel Shop Café, had fun making and baking challa, and were treated to a performance by the Fayerlakh ensemble. We counted around 75 loaves. Snapshots below.