Concerning Matzo Ordered from Ukraine

Concerning Matzo Ordered from Ukraine

The Lithuanian Jewish Community has always maintained special ties with the Ukrainian Jewish community. In December last year we ordered matzo from the Ukrainian Jewish community which was supposed to be baked and certified kosher under the authority of chief Ukrainian rabbi Dov Yaakov Bleich and then packed and shipped in our original-style package.

We have received a query from Ukrainian Jewish community leaders in recent days asking whether they could return 9,000 euros already paid for this. While we appreciate their honesty and conscientiousness, our reply was that this constitutes a portion of our aid to the Ukrainian Jewish community and this money should be used for the needs of members of the Ukrainian Jewish community.

We reminded the Ukrainian Jewish community every Lithuanian Jewish family stands ready to help all Ukrainian Jews who need help.

We have a special telephone help hotline,+370 665 064 60, and may also be reached at

Historical Prayer Service

Rabbi Nathan Alfred will deliver lectures via internet before an historic and historical Saturday prayer service and Torah reading at 10:00 A.M. on March 19 to mark the 100th anniversary of the bat mitzvah when Judith Kaplan read the Torah portion on March 18, 1922. To register contact Viljamas at or call+37067250699.

Classes for Making Challa and Other Jewish Foods

Classes for Making Challa and Other Jewish Foods

The Lithuanian Jewish Community’s Bagel Shop Café is offering students and teachers the opportunity to learn Jewish cooking secrets in classes held every Thursday. The classes are intended for students in grades 5 to 10 and the cost is 12 euros per 60-minute class. For more information see the details in Lithuanian here.

What Lithuanian Ethnic Minority Communities Think about the War in Ukraine: Our Position and Israel’s

What Lithuanian Ethnic Minority Communities Think about the War in Ukraine: Our Position and Israel’s

Note: Postponed due to illness. A later date for the discussion will be announced.

With the majority of people in Lithuania appearing to support the Ukraine in the current conflict with Russia, Israel’s position doesn’t seem to make sense. At the same time, the majority population of Lithuania is questioning the Lithuania Jewish Community’s position regarding the war.

To address these questions and to discuss the atrocious current events coming out of the war, the #ŽydiškiPašnekesiai discussion club is holding its fifth round entitled “What do the Lithuanian ethnic minority communities think about Russia’s aggression against the Ukraine? The position of the Lithuanian Jewish Community and of Israel.”

The panel discussion will take place at the Bagel Shop Café located at Pylimo street no. 4 in Vilnius on Wednesday, March 16. You are invited to attend in person or watch on facebook. Speakers will include conservative Lithuanian MP Emanuelis Zingeris, cultural historian Violeta Davoliūtė, Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman Faina Kukliansky and a surprise guest. Arkadijus Vinokuras will serve as moderator on the panel. The discussion will take place in the Lithuanian language.

For more information and to view live, see the announcement on facebook here.

Note: Postponed due to illness. A later date for the discussion will be announced.

Purim Celebrations

Purim Celebrations

Purim is coming up and as usual the Lithuanian Jewish Community is sponsoring multiple celebrations for all age-groups, including but not limited to the following three:

Purim celebration for seniors from the LJC Social Department starting at 1:00 P.M. on March 17. Register by sending an email to or call +37067881514;

Family Purim celebration at 6:30 P.M. on March 18 at the Bagel Shop Café with Rabbi Nathan Alfred, including reading the Book of Esther, Sabbath ceremony and food. Cost is 15 euros. Register by contacting Viljamas at or +3067250699;

Purim carnival for children at 12 noon on March 20 with a traditional Purim shpil with the Fayerlakh musical ensemble and our favorite madrichs. Purim foods including Hamen tashn and special guests. Children expected to wear costumes. Register by contacting Margarita at or +37061800577. The event is free.

LJC Calls on Public, Russian and Ukrainian Jewish Leaders to Stop War, Help Victims

LJC Calls on Public, Russian and Ukrainian Jewish Leaders to Stop War, Help Victims

Russia’s aggression against the Ukraine is a shocking violation of international law. The images we are seeing now coming out of the Ukraine raise grave concerns over violations of human rights and the spilling of the blood of innocent citizens of the country.

The Lithuanian Jewish Community condemns this attack and we stand ready to provide humanitarian aid to our fellow Jews in the Ukraine. Every Litvak family in Lithuania is ready to contribute to insuring safety and security during these days of worry and chaos.

Jewish communities numbering the hundreds of thousands live both in the Ukraine and in Russia with whom we maintain constant, deep, long-term and good relations. We call upon the leaders of the Russian Jewish communities to do all they can to stop this aggression by the Russian Federation and to insure the safety of our people in the Ukraine.

Members of the Lithuanian Jewish Community understand like no one else the pain and darkness brought by war and aggression. We invite everyone to contribute to providing aid to the victims and in this way to express solidarity with the people of the Ukraine.

Faina Kukliansky, chairwoman
Lithuanian Jewish Community

LJC and Partners Begin S4Change Project

LJC and Partners Begin S4Change Project

The Lithuanian Jewish Community in concert with the Lithuanian Human Rights Institute and the Padėk Pritapti organization are carrying out a project called S4Change which will assess anti-discrimination policies in Lithuania, present comprehensive recommendations and increase resistance among teachers and young people to anti-Semitic, anti-Roma and xenophobic narratives. Besides assessing the state of anti-Semitism and Romophobia and providing recommendations to legislators and national institutions to encourage a strategic response the discrimination and xenophobia, the project will work to increase Roma resilience to hate narratives in society and will hold workshops for Roma children, young people and women. The project will work with teachers and students in the majority population to encourage critical thinking regarding anti-Semitism, Romophobia and xenophobia with teaching workshops and an additional “inconvenient cinema” class for educators to acquire teaching methods and aides. The project will hold an international conference intended to strengthening the state’s strategic response to anti-Semitism, Romophobia and xenophobia and will include a public education campaign.

The full name of the project is “S4Change: Strategy for a Change in Anti-Discrimination Policies in Lithuania” and is financed jointly by the EU’s Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Program. The project will run from February of 2022 to January of 2024.

Table Tennis

Table Tennis

The Lithuanian Jewish Community is sponsoring ping-pong classes for beginners and skilled players. Classes/matches for adults will take place Sundays from 2:00 to 4:00 P.M. at the Community, and from Monday to Friday from 5:00 to 8:00 P.M. at the Simonas Daukantas pre-gymnasium in Vilnius. Classes for primary school students will take place on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:00 to 4:00 P.M. at the Sholem Aleichem ORT Gymnasium, as will classes for students from higher classes, on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:00 to 5:00 P.M. For more information contact Rafael Gimelštein by telephone at 866283856 or Neta Alon at 862957005.

Grant Gochin Brings New Suit against Genocide Center

Grant Gochin Brings New Suit against Genocide Center

South African born Los Angeles-based Litvak Grant Gochin is bringing another lawsuit against Lithuania’s Center for the Study of the Genocide and Resistance of Residents of Lithuania, or Genocide Center, over the latter’s mendacious claims Lithuania Nazi collaborator Jonas Noreika actually let an underground anti-Nazi network to rescue Jews. Gochin says Noreika was directly responsible for the murder of his relatives in Šiauliai and calls Genocide Center apologies and equivocations Holocaust denial.

Kabbalat Shabat

Kabbalat Shabat

The next Kabbalat Shabat ceremony will be via internet on the zoom platform at 6:30 on Friday, February 25. To register contact

Acting Classes for Children

Acting Classes for Children

The Lithuanian Jewish Community invites your children to attend acting classes taught by the actresses Emilija and Elžbieta Latėnaite. Topics include improvisation, stage acting and performing entire plays before an audience. The first class is at 3:30 P.M. on March 1 at the Lithuanian Jewish Community in Vilnius. For more information and to register, contact Žana by email at or call +370 67881514.

Snapshots of Last Friday’s Kabbalat Shabat

Snapshots of Last Friday’s Kabbalat Shabat

Progressive Rabbi Nathan Alfred from Israel led a Kabbalat Shabat ceremony with about 50 members of the Lithuanian Jewish Community including our seniors and families with children. In the afternoon prior he attended the LJC Seniors Club Abi Men Zet Zich and sang the hymns to usher in the Sabbath. One of our oldest members, Libė Britaniskina, lit the Sabbath candles and the meeting concluded with songs in Hebrew and Yiddish. He led the prayer service and delivered the weekly Torah portion.

Sabbath Times

Sabbath Times

The Sabbath begins at 5:14 P.M. on Friday, February 18, and concludes at 6:30 P.M. on Saturday in the Vilnius region.

Lithuanian State Radio to Air Documentary on Young Jews Who Left for Israel in 1991

Lithuanian State Radio to Air Documentary on Young Jews Who Left for Israel in 1991

LRT Radio-Documentary: An Unknown Story from 1991

On the last two Sundays in February Lithuanian State Radio listeners will have the opportunity to hear an extraordinary two-part radio documentary called “Roots: The Story of One Journey.” This story involves a group of about 27 children who left Lithuania in 1991 to study in Israel.

“We immediately listened up when we heard from historian Violeta Davoliūtė about children who travelled abroad at those times without their parents,” writer Rimantas Kmita recalled. He and the journalists Vaida Pilibaitytė and Vita Ličytė produced the documentary. “Right away we were unable to understand who and how. Why didn’t their parents travel with them? How did these high school students live there by themselves? Back in those times when there were no mobile telephones or internet [in Lithuania]? Why did they send them there at all? What did they do there, where did they live, how did they adapt, what sort of lives did they have? Our imaginations immediately began painting all sorts of different stories and dramas.”

The radio documentary made in cooperation with the Goethe institute in Vilnius tells the stories of five adolescents from the period: Judita, Laurina, Nira, Rašella and Rananas. It includes recollections by the organizers of the trips, Daumantas Todesas and Ilja Bereznickas. Ilja Bereznickas escorted a group of students to Israel at the time.

Chess Classes for Children

The Lithuanian Jewish Community and the Rositsan and Maccabi Elite Chess and Checkers Club will hold classes to teach children chess from 5:30 to 6:30 P.M. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Virginijus Dumbrauskas will be the instructor. Registration is required by calling +370 676 07907. The classes will take place at the Lithuanian Jewish Community at Pylimo street no. 4 in Vilnius and by internet.

Israeli Dance Club Rekudim

The Israeli dance club Rekudim will meet on Sundays from 11:00 A.M. to 12 noon for beginners and from noon to 1:30 P.M. for more advanced dancers. Julija Patašnik will teach the classes. For more information call +370 569 60512.