Program of events dedicated to commemorate the nationally designated day of genocide of the Jewish people of Lithuania

Program of events dedicated to commemorate the nationally designated day of genocide of the Jewish people of Lithuania

A special series of events dedicated to commemorate the nationally designated day of genocide of the Jewish people of Lithuania, with events set to commemorating also the liquidation of the Kaunas (Kovno) and Šiauliai (Shavl) ghettos as well as other important dates in Lithuanian Jewish history.

Wednesday 17 September

5.30 PM Diplomats of the Condemned  – event to commemorate  Jan Zwartendijk and Chiune Sugihara, honourable diplomats, who, endangering their careers and even life, saved Jews during WWII.
Enseble Orphic Trio from United Kingdom (Orpheus Papafilippou – violin, William Routledge – cello and Rimantas Vingras – piano), Music by Joseph Achron, Tōru Takemitsu and Dmitrij Shostakovich.

Organizators of the event – the Vilna Gaon Jewish State Museum together with London „Santara-Šviesa“  club.

Entrance by invitation only

 Vilna Gaon Jewish State Museum Tolerance center, Naugarduko str.  10/2, Vilnius

Thursday 18 September

VILNE, VILNO, VILNA: The Three (Actually Four) Jewish Names for Vilnius

by Dovid Katz

ווילנער אַנטיקל⸗זאַכן


ווילנא, ווילנע, ווילנה (וילנה) — אַלע דריי אינאיינעם ביי אַ ווילנער איינבינדער אין די הענט…

די דריי (פאַקטיש פיר) נעמען פון דער שטאָט ביי ווילנער יידן גופא

       כידוע טרעפט מען אויף די שער⸗בלעטער פון ווילנער אויסגאַבעס דעם נאָמען פון דער שטאָט אַ געשריבענע אויף דרייערליי אופנים, ואלו הן:

       (א) ווילנא: אין שיער⸗ניט אַלע טראַדיציאָנעלע אויסגאַבעס, פון סאַמע אָנהייב פון ווילנער יידישן דרוק⸗וועזן סוף אַכצעטן יאָרהונדערט, ביזקל די ראָמס אין זייערע אַלע גלגולים, און ביי טייל אַנדערע יידישע פאַרלעגער אין שטאָט אין דער צווישן⸗מלחמהדיקער צייט; און פון זינט דעם חורבן, אין צאָלרייכע פאָטאָמעכאַנישע איבערדרוקן פון ווילנער ש″סן און אַנדערע יקר⸗המציאותן.

WJC Announcement

WJC Announcement

As you know, the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) has decided to establish a Commission of Inquiry (COI) to investigate Israel’s operations in the recent Gaza confrontation, to the consternation of our global Jewish community. The UNHRC has chosen Professor William Schabas to head the COI, known for his negative attitudes and biased pronouncements concerning Israel. We are attaching a backgrounder on the UNHRC and William Schabas which we believe will be very useful to you in your role as community leaders when you educate your members and constituents as to this counter-productive step taken by the UNHRC that demonstrates its ongoing anti-Israel bias. This COI was called for in a recent UNHRC resolution that condemned Israel for its actions in Gaza and made absolutely no mention of Hamas. We believe that this one-sided resolution will no doubt result in a prejudiced outcome that will only serve to once again single out Israel for blame. We are sending you the attached document that states our current position.
Kindly circulate this material to your membership since it is crucial that community leadership be fully apprised as to developments concerning Israel in the United Nations. The WJC will keep you informed as we continue to advocate for the fair treatment of Israel in the United Nations.
This is to advise you that this notice is not a call for any action on your part but mainly for you to know that we are monitoring the situation and will report to you further.

In pictures: A black and white tour of old Tel Aviv   

In pictures: A black and white tour of old Tel Aviv  

Amit Cotler, Shai Rajoan

Blogger Shai Rajoan, 25, has made it his mission to preserve Israeli metropolis in pictures and has a lot to say about the way we treat our own history.

Shema Yisrael, 1972


The Great Synagogue on 110 Allenby Street, corner of 23 Ahad Ha’am Street, immediately after its construction was completed(Photo: The G. Eric and Edith Matson Photograph Collection, Library of Congress)

See more at


Lev Tahor community ‘forced out’ of Guatemalan village

AFP, Ynet

Orthodox Jews from US, Israel, UK, Russia say they’ve been threatened with lynching if they don’t leave San Juan La Laguna, while indigenous population accuses Jews of ‘wanting to impose their religion.’

A community of 230 Orthodox Jews from several countries, reportedly belonging to the Lev Tahor sect, began leaving the Guatemalan Indian village where they have lived for six years on Thursday after claims and counterclaims of discrimination and threats.

Their exit from San Juan La Laguna, on the banks of Lake Atitlan and 200 kilometers (125 miles) from the capital Guatemala City, follows a meeting Wednesday in which Jewish and indigenous representatives failed to reach an agreement.


We are all proud Israelis!

As part of my job as the eastern director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center I often do media interviews. Given that we are an official non-governmental organization (NGO) at the United Nations and our physical location is down the block from the UN, we get many requests from foreign news agencies. So when I received a call from a German radio station I didn’t think twice about inviting them to our Museum of Tolerance.

When the woman arrived we chatted for a bit and I found out that they represent the German equivalent of NPR in Germany and our conversation would reach over 25 million listeners. The topic was the UN and Israel so I felt fairly confident that I could handle the interview. We sat down in our conference room as she did her sound check. All was ready and here came the first question. “How do you feel the UN has treated YOU” she queried.

I have rarely been left speechless in life, let alone in an interview but there I was stammering “How they’ve treated me?” I quickly asked, “To whom are you referring… me, the Wiesenthal Center, American Jewry?”. She clarified and said “you, the Israelis.” Well there it was, in the span of a few seconds I became an official undocumented representative of the State of Israel. The rest of the interview went fine but I was left a bit shaken.

I came to the realization that the world does not differentiate between being an Israeli and being a Jew. That is why we have seen this recent tsunami of global anti-Semitism. The world looks at all Jews as ambassadors of Israel and therefore responsible for all that occurs there. I immediately started to focus on that new identity that I was given and was overcome with intense sense of pride.

The global community has finally come to terms with the undisputable fact that the Jews have a nation-state of their own. Indeed, every Jew has a connection to Israel, a place to call home. The many years that we spent as a nomadic people, wandering the earth, being expelled from more countries than on a “Risk board”, is over. This should be the silver lining that we take away from recent events. As we go through the deep pain of the war with Hamas terrorists and the growing epidemic of global anti-Semitism, let us focus on the fact that the world finally looks at us, the Jewish people, as a unified strong nation. We will always have each other, and yes, we are all proud Israelis!

 More: We are all proud Israelis! | Steven Burg | The Blogs | The Times of Israel  


Foreign Ministry welcomes an open-ended ceasefire in the Gaza Strip

Foreign Ministry welcomes an open-ended ceasefire in the Gaza Strip

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania welcomes an agreement on an open-ended ceasefire in the Gaza Strip announced on 26 August. Hopefully, all parties involved will abide by the terms of the agreement that will give impetus to further political process as the only way to achieving lasting peace.

The open-ended ceasefire agreement should lead to an immediate halt to rocket attacks and other attacks by Hamas and other militant groups in Gaza against Israel. The Palestinian Authority should exercise its full government responsibilities in Gaza and establish its effective governance. Israel should lift Gaza closure regime, which would lead to the fundamental improvement in the living conditions for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip as well as to the economic development of Gaza.

The Foreign Ministry commends the efforts by the Egyptian government to broker this deal. Lithuania is ready to support the possible international mechanism endorsed by the UN Security Council.

Rare photos of pre-Holocaust Jewish life to go online

Rare photos of pre-Holocaust Jewish life to go online

U.S. Holocaust Museum and International Center of Photography in New York announce joint creation of digital database.

A vast U.S. archive of photographs of pre-Holocaust Eastern European Jewish life is being made available to the public and researchers.

The International Center of Photography in New York and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday announced the joint creation of a digital database to facilitate access to photographer Roman Vishniac’s archive.

Volunteers Tackle Cobwebs and Dust at Vilna Ghetto Library

Volunteers Tackle Cobwebs and Dust at Vilna Ghetto Library

by Geoff Vasil

photos by Milda Jakulytė-Vasil

Volunteers in Vilnius none the worse for the wear after an afternoon spent in the cobwebs and gloom of the old ghetto library

 As Litvaks resident and formerly resident in Vilna well know, the Vilna ghetto had its own library.

 Located on what was then Strashun and now Žemaitijos street in the Vilna Old Town, the library, called the Mefítsey Haskóle (or Mefitsey Haskolo in Ashkenazic Hebrew), existed prior to the establishment of the ghetto near the historic Jewish quarter, from about 1921. The street name seems to have been a source of confusion because of the “real” Strashun library located within the Great Synagogue, whose collections were largely bequeathed by a Mr. Strashun.

 Most of what we know went on in the Vilna ghetto that doesn’t come from the very few survivors, we know from the scrupulous diary kept by the Vilna ghetto librarian, the Polish refugee Herman Kruk. Kruk’s diary is longer than DeFoe’s “Journal of the Plague Year” and just as gruesome, if not more so, since the agent of the great death was not the plague, but our fellow man. 

Who Will Stand Up for the Christians?

Who Will Stand Up for the Christians?

New York Times, USA  20 August 2014


WHY is the world silent while Christians are being slaughtered in the Middle East and Africa?

In Europe and in the United States, we have witnessed demonstrations over the tragic deaths of Palestinians who have been used as human shields by Hamas, the terrorist organization that controls Gaza. The United Nations has held inquiries and focuses its anger on Israel for defending itself against that same terrorist organization. But the barbarous slaughter of thousands upon thousands of Christians is met with relative indifference.

The Middle East and parts of central Africa are losing entire Christian communities that have lived in peace for centuries. The terrorist group Boko Haram has kidnapped and killed hundreds of Christians this year — ravaging the predominantly Christian town of Gwoza, in Borno State in northeastern Nigeria, two weeks ago. Half a million Christian Arabs have been driven out of Syria during the three-plus years of civil war there. Christians have been persecuted and killed in countries from Lebanon to Sudan.

Collapse No Longer Threatens Vilnius Synagogue

Collapse No Longer Threatens Vilnius Synagogue

Cultural Heritage Department to the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania

 Work is being done to stop the collapse of the Vilnius Synagogue (Gėlių street No. 6, Vilnius).

 Until the work was started, the house of prayer was in a dangerous condition. The roof has holes and so the building is being affected strongly by the environment. Because of this some of the flooring and the internal cupola collapsed, the wooden roof construction was rotting and the mortar in the walls was decaying.

 In order to avoid an accident and solve the dangerous situation, supports were put in place to hold up the wooden flooring and wooden rafters supporting the roof to keep it from caving into the building. Also, a wall of silicate brick and metal constructions which were obscuring the facade of the synagogue as well eroding the mortar in the original brick walls and thus endangering the entire building are being removed.

 The Cultural Heritage Department has allocated over 50,000 litas [approximately 14,431 euros] from its Heritage Conservation Program for 2014 to carry out these tasks. The Vilnius Jewish Religious Community has allocated a further 5,000 litas. Architect Irena Staniūnienė drafted the plan to save the building.

What Riga Ghetto Survivors Had to Say About Herberts Cukurs, Now “Hero” of a 2014 Show in Latvia

by Aleksandrs Feigmanis (Riga)

Herberts Cukurs (1900-1965) had been an officer and a famous aviator during the years of the interwar Latvian Republic (1918-1940). After Nazi Germany’s 1941 occupation of Latvia, he became a significant figure in the infamous Arājs Kommando (or Sonderkommando Arajs), a notorious killing unit during the Latvian Holocaust. The Arājs group consisted of about 1,200 people, mostly local Latvians. It was established at the beginning of July 1941 within the German security services.

The Arājs Kommando carried out the killing of at least 30,000 Jews in numerous cities and towns in Latvia. The toll included the family of my grandfather in Vilani (in Yiddish Vilon), which occurred at dawn on August 4, 1941. The victims were his parents, and his sisters and their husbands and young children.

That Cukurs is back in the news here now has to do with a new musical to premiere soon across Latvia for which a Youtube promo clip of Herberts Cukurs has elicited such comments as “wonderful, nice music, nice voice!” and more. This naturally makes a mockery of the memory of victims of the Holocaust.

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Genia Rubelski (by Dovid Katz)
Just a few months ago we were wishing happy 75th birthday to the Vilnius Choral Synagogue’s inimitable and much-loved caretaker (and gate-keeper), EUGENIUSZ RUBELSKI, a Catholic Pole of many generations’ Vilna/Wilno heritage who lived all his 75 years in a dwelling in the synagogue’s historic courtyard. He has just passed away suddenly.His earliest memory of life was of one of the last (or the last) large group of Jews from the ghetto opposite being marched from Rūdninkų Street (Yiddish: Rudnítsker gas) right up Pylimo (Zaválne) past the synagogue and past the entrance to his courtyard, where the little boy stood by the gate watching the macabre and unforgettable scene.He recalled the Jewish men, women and children from the Vilna Ghetto, surrounded, driven mercilessly and taunted, by a large contingent of armed local Vilnius police, on their way to the mass killing site Ponár (Paneriai).
For many years, his warm welcome to visitors and kindness to everybody, and unique spritely humor, were part and parcel of the Vilna synagogue experience for visitors from every part of the world. He will be very much missed.
—Dovid Katz
EU calls again for ‘all terrorist groups in Gaza to disarm,’ durable ceasefire ‘must end threat posed by Hamas to Israel’

EU calls again for ‘all terrorist groups in Gaza to disarm,’ durable ceasefire ‘must end threat posed by Hamas to Israel’

BRUSSELS (EJP)— The European Union reiterated its call for ‘’all terrorist groups in Gaza to disarm and said the situation in the Gaza Strip ‘’has been unsustainable for many years and a return to the status quo prior to the latest conflict is not an option.’’

In conclusions on Gaza issued after a meeting of EU Foreign Ministers in Brussels, the EU stressed that ‘’adurable ceasefire’must lead to a fundamental improvement in the living conditions for the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip through the lifting of the Gaza closure regime and it must end the threat to Israel posed by Hamas and other militant groups in Gaza as demonstrated by rocket attacks and tunnel construction’’.

‘’The EU is extremely concerned about the fragile situation on the ground following the recent conflict in the Gaza Strip,’’ it said.

The EU strongly welcomed the ceasefire which has been in place since 11 August and called on all the parties concerned ‘’to agree on and abide by a durable ceasefire’’.

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An Open Letter to the Israel Defense Forces

Thank you for your service and sacrifice on behalf of the Jewish State and Jewish Nation.

We thank the leaders and members of the Israel Defense Forces for their courage, commitment, and humanity in the battle against Hamas and other terrorist organizations that constantly and deliberately endanger civilians in Gaza and Israel. We remember those who fell and their families and pray for the quick recovery of those who were injured.

A grateful American and world Jewish community thanks you.

We are one people with one heart.

World Jewish Congress 

Ronald S. Lauder, President
Robert Singer, CEO

Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations

Robert G. Sugarman, Chairman

The Hushed-Up Hitler Factor in Ukraine

Behind the Ukraine crisis is a revision of World War II history that seeks to honor eastern European collaborators with Hitler and the Holocaust by repackaging these rightists as anti-Soviet heroes, a reality shielded from the U.S. public, as Dovid Katz explains.

By Dovid Katz

Would America support any type of Hitlerism in the course of the State Department’s effort to turn the anti-Russian political classes of Eastern Europe into paragons of PR perfection that may not be criticized, howsoever mildly?

It was frankly disconcerting to see Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, embracing the leader of Ukraine’s far right, anti-Semitic, pro-fascist Svoboda party last December. It was disturbing to learn of the neo-Nazi elements that provided the “muscle” for the actual Maidan takeover last February (BBC’s Newsnight was among the few major Western outlets to dare cover that openly).

More at

The Real Face of Hamas

  A true understanding of the month-long conflict in Gaza depends on a careful examination of Hamas’ ideology, characteristics and objectives.

Hamas is a radical Islamist Palestinian movement dedicated to the destruction of Israel. Since its establishment in 1987 as an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, it has remained committed to the path of terrorism. Its violent actions have led Hamas to be recognized as a terrorist organization not only by Israel, but by the US, European Union, UK, Canada, Australia, Japan and Egypt.

Hamas’ Charter rejects peace with Israel and stresses the terrorist organization’s commitment to destroying it through holy war (jihad). This is an overtly antisemitic and anti-Western document that expresses the organization’s radical agenda.

Hamas implements its ideology by carrying out horrific terrorist attacks. Its first suicide bombing was in April 1993, shortly before the signing of the Oslo Accords. Hamas’ bombing campaign undermined efforts to reach a peace accord and culminated in the unprecedented wave of suicide bombings during the second intifada that murdered and injured thousands of Israeli civilians.