Social Center Takes Children to See Play

SC vaikai

On November 21 the Lithuanian Jewish Community Social Center’s program the Jewish Family Service took children and parents to the formerly Jewish theater to watch a fun performance of the Three Little Pigs. Twenty-six people turned out for the event. We would like to thank the Goodwill Fund which made it possible for us to attend. It was a lot of fun for everyone.

The coordinator of the program is planning more such cultural events for families to allow children and their parents to have a good time together during the dark and chilly days of fall.


Congratulations, Ilja Bereznickas, we’re proud of you!

The Lithuanian Jewish Community congratulates Ilja Bereznickas on receiving the important Golden Gunnar Award at the Fredrikstad Animation Festival 2015 in Norway. Ilja Bereznickas received the award for lifetime achievements and contributions to the Nordic and Baltic animation industry.

Ilja, we’re proud of you! We wish you much inspiration and success! Mazl tov!

Lecture Series

European and Lithuanian Jewish Youth (Work, Projects, Vision)
Amit Belaitė

Participation in a photo project about Jews living in Lithuania now. If you have an interesting historical photograph or an item important to you, bring it along (but not more than three items, please).

12 noon, Sunday, November 22 in the Jascha Heifetz Hall on the 3rd floor of the Lithuanian Jewish Community, Pylimo No. 4, Vilnius

Ilja Bereznickas Receives Lifetime Achievement Award

Ilja Bereznickas Receives Lifetime Achievement Award

During the official opening ceremony for Fredrikstad Animation Festival 2015, held at Litteraturhuset, Ilja Bereznickas was awarded the Golden Gunnar Lifetime Achievement Award for his contribution to the Nordic-Baltic animation industry. Chairwoman Trine Vallevik Håbjørg presented Bereznickas with the award, highlighting the following as the reason for the board’s decision:

“On behalf of the festival board, we would like to honour a person who’s had a major impact on the Nordic-Baltic animation scene. Ilja Bereznickas is a key figure within Lithuanian animation and has for over four decades had a career within the animation industry. His filmography includes several short films, and he is an acclaimed teacher and draughtsman. In addition to Lithuania, he’s also worked in countries such as Israel, the USA and Norway. He has worked as a director, animator and scriptwriter at the Lithuanian Film Studio since 1985, and in 2002 he initiated and became the head of the animation programme at the Vilnius Academy of Art. The festival board honours Ilja Bereznickas with a lifetime achievement award in recognition of his work within and dedication to the animation industry.”

Congratulations, Ilja!

Jewish Teacher Stabbed in Marseilles by ISIS Members

Educator’s condition not life-threatening; assailants uttered anti-Semitic remarks during incident.

MARSEILLES—A teacher at a Jewish school in the southern French city of Marseilles was stabbed on Wednesday by three people professing support for Islamic State, but his life was not in danger, prosecutors said.

The victim was identified as Tziyon Saadon who is in his fifties.

The three men who attacked the teacher uttered anti-Semitic remarks during the incident, AFP reported.

Three people on two scooters, one of them wearing an Islamic State t-shirt, approached the teacher in the street, Marseilles prosecutor Brice Robin told Reuters.

European Rabbis Condemn New EU Labeling of Products from Occupied Territories

The Times of Israel reports an umbrella group of European rabbis branded the recent EU move to require special country-of-origin labels on good manufactured in the Golan Heights, West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem “a new case of anti-Semitism in Europe.”

The Conference of European Rabbis Wednesday condemned the EU decision to label Israeli goods produced in the occupied territories without regard to opposition from a number of leading religious figures.

The CER’s condemnation echoes denouncements by Israeli politicians who criticize the EU decision to impose labeling guidelines on Israeli products produced over the Green Line, with the government likening the move to a boycott and MKs saying it was tantamount to anti-Semitism.

A Loss in the Family

We are saddened to learn of the death of Boris Mishkin on November 6 of this year. He was born on November 14, 1929. Our deepest sympathies go to his family and friends.

An Evening of Getting to Know One Another

with Rabbi Efraim Priyampolski and his family

Sunday, November 22, 2015

The weekly Vaishlakh

4:00 P.M. Lesson: “Three Sources, Three Ingredients…” (with Rabbi Efraim)
5:00 P.M. Children’s Hour. Let’s learn about Kiddush haShem (Yitzhok and Tsofochka)
6:00 P.M. Lesson “Hanukkah in the Talmud”/free discussion (Rabbi Efraim)
7:00 P.M. Lesson for women: “What is a Lie?” (Devora)
8:00 P.M. We say goodbye, but we remain together

To be held at the Choral Synagogue in Vilnius.

Presentation of Book on Biržai Jews


During a conference on November 13 to mark the 150th anniversary of the birth of Dr. Meir (reported here in earlier news items), a large book called “Žydai Lietuvos žemėlapyje. Biržai” [“Jews on the Map of Lithuania. Biržai”] was presented to the public in the Arsenal Hall of the Biržai Castle. Those who attended included Panevėžys Jewish Community members Yuri Smirnov and Tamara Antanaitienė, Panevėžys school teacher Asta Kurulytė and history teacher and head of the Rožynas school’s Tolerance center Genutė Žilytė. Israel’s ambassador to Lithuania, Amir Maimon, was invited and arrived early to look over the old Jewish cemetery in Biržai and pay his respects at the graveside of the last Jew of Biržai who recently passed away, Sheftel Melamed, and to visit the memorial for the Jews who were murdered in the Pakamponys Forest. Greeting the large audience who turned out for the event, the ambassador remembered the old proverb: “If you want to know where you’re going, you have to know whence you’ve come.”

Speaking of the Holocaust, the ambassador said the past cannot be forgotten so that it never happens again. “One of my priorities is the protection of Jewish heritage,” he also said. The ambassador managed to surprise even locals with his knowledge of Biržai Jewish history, citing prewar population figures and talking about the walks of life of local Jews.

Full story in Lithuanian and picture gallery here.

Children’s Event at the Klaipėda Jewish Community


Sunday the Klaipėda Jewish Community hosted an event for children on the topic of the State of Israel. The hands-on event acquainted the children with Israeli geography and they “traveled” through an interactive virtual Land of Israel, stopping at historical sites and attractions. A bird’s-eye view of Israel from the sky was projected onto a screen, providing children with interesting views of the Dead Sea and Jerusalem. New counselors from Vilnius demonstrated their ability to conduct appropriate and interesting lessons for children of all ages. Everyone had snacks at the end.

Photo gallery here.

Sunday at the Ilan Children’s Club


Sunday children at the Ilan Club spent time with club counselors and discussed the important topic of Jewish homes. It was an informative conversation about Jewish family values. After the serious stuff was over, the kids played different games with various goals. The time passed quickly and after the games there was additional discussion of Jewish homes, then snacks.

Snapshots from a fun Sunday here.

Everyone Invited to the Gesher Club

Šabas gesher

Everyone is invited to begin the Sabbath with the Gesher Club this Friday, November 20, at 7:00 P.M.

Come and meet friends, and bring your board games!

For more information, call Alla Segal at 861061812 or Irina Frišman at 868687580.

We look forward to seeing you there!

The Lithuanian Jewish Student Union Invites You

to a free screening of the film “Dėdė Chackelis” [“Uncle Chatskel”]

Registration required. Send your full name and telephone number and the full names of any companion you intend to bring by email to

The screening is to take place at 6:00 P.M. on Wednesday, November 18 at the Jewish Culture and Information Center located at Mėsinių street No. 3A/5 in Vilnius.

Dėdė Chackelis (1999) is a documentary film by Litvak Rod Freedman about Chackelis Lemchenas, one of Lithuania’s most famous linguists whom Jonas Jablonskis called his best student. This fact helped save him from Lithuanian Holocaust perpetrators.

to donate clothes, books and items

The Lithuanian Jewish Student Union and the Social Center of the Lithuanian Jewish Community invite you to join the campaign and share the clean and neat clothes you no longer wear, books and items to the Social Center for distribution to the needy. You may leave clothes in the bins next to the guard inside the entrance of the Community building or contact

to participate in a photography project

Very soon we will begin a photography project to document the stories of Jews living in Lithuania today. If you’d like to be part of it and have the time at your convenience to have and receive a professional photographic portrait and tell your story, write an email to with PHOTO PROJECT in the subject line, and please include alternate ways to contact you.

A Mehaye Winter Camp 2015

The annual winter camp for kids and adolescents aged 7 to 17 is scheduled for December 24-30. Make sure to register early at the Lithuanian Jewish Community from 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.

For more information call +37068542463 or +37069920212 during working hours.

Terrorism Has No Religion? Unfortunately, It Does.

by Arkadijus Vinokuras

It’s at least 13. ISIS, the Islamic State. In 2003 it was a small, insignificant cult, but today it occupies a territory larger than the United Kingdom, rules over six million people and has an army of about 100,000 soldiers. What is ISIS’s religion? Islam. And what is the religion of the other terrorist organizations Hezbollah, Hamas, al Qaeda, the Taliban, Boko Haram and Shehab? Again, Islam.

All of these organizations taken as a whole have another 100,000 armed soldiers. Hamas rules about two million residents of Gaza. Hezbollah has become part of Lebanese society, a state within a state. Iran, a theocracy with sixty-six million residents and about one million soldiers, is the primary supporter of terrorism in the Near East. What is Iran’s religion? Islam. Not to mention the other Arab states.

Panevėžys Celebrates 150th Anniversary of Birth of Doctor Shakhnel Avrahom Meir

Margaritos mokykla

Panevėžys city mayor Rytis Račkauskas attended a conference to unveil a memorial plaque to mark the 150th anniversary of the birth of public figure and doctor Shakhnel Avrahom Meir. The project was financed by the Goodwill Fund and was supported by the Panevėžys Jewish Community and the municipality.

“The great contribution made by Dr. Meir to the life of the city is undisputed among residents. The doctor set up a hospital, clinics for children and adults and a tuberculosis dispensary. It is difficult to list all his accomplishments. But one must be mentioned: his concern for people. Meir dedicated himself to children from poor families and never discriminated against patients based on wealth or ethnicity. To him they were all the same, they were all important to him. The 150th anniversary of his birth compels us to remember and commemorate this notable person. I sincerely thank the organizers of this event for this initiative,” mayor Račkauskas told the audience.

Hundreds Gather at Paris Synagogue under Tight Security to Pray for Terror Victims

PARIS (JTA)—Some 200 people gathered under heavy guard at a Paris synagogue to remember the victims of the terrorist attacks in the French capital on Friday night.

Led by chief rabbi of France Haim Korsia, leaders of French Jewry and Israel’s ambassador to France were among those who assembled at the Synagogue de la Victoire Sunday evening.

“Our people, who have been tested more than others, know the healing power of solidarity and unity in the face of the pain of families torn apart, broken couples and orphaned children,” Michel Gugenheim, chief rabbi of Paris, said about the132 fatalities and more than 350 wounded in multiple coordinated attacks.

Rubio: Israel, Europe, US in Same Fight against Terrorism

Presidential hopeful says threat to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv is identical to threat to Paris, London and US cities

Republican presidential candidate senator Marco Rubio of Florida spoke during a community rally called “Never Again” to bring attention to what the organizers say is a rise in worldwide anti-Semitism and the campaign against Israel’s right to exist on November 15, 2015 in Miami Beach, Florida. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images/AFP)

Rubio said Israel’s fight against terrorism is the same one being fought by the United States and Europe.

He spoke in Miami Beach during a large rally in support of Israel and against anti-Semitism and said the threat to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv is the same as the threat to Paris, London and US cities. Rubio warned against “casting out one of our own”—meaning Israel—in hopes of appeasing jihadis.

French Jews Worried over Safety

Grande Synagogue de la Victoire, Paris

French Jews are calling for a “war without mercy” on jihadists. The Jewish communities security council has issued instructions for safeguarding synagogues following the Paris attacks. The French Jewish security council distributed specific directives to community leaders for the latter to warn their members about the cancelation of synagogue services if circumstances dictate. The attacks have made many French Jews cautious about their physical safety.

Roger Cukierman, president of the Conseil Représentatif des Institutions juives de France, the union of all Jewish institutions in France, issued a statement saying the war of the democratic state upon the jihadists must take the highest priority. He expressed condolences in the name of the CRIF to all the families of victims from Friday’s attacks.

French Jewish Communities on Highest Alert

Roger Cukierman, president of the Conseil Représentatif des Institutions juives de France, the council representing all Jewish institutions in France, reported following the attacks in the capital city Friday night he had no information on Jewish casualties or fatalities. The French Jewish communities have gone on highest alert following the event.

BBC reported Rench president François Hollande blamed Islamic State for the terrorist attacks, and AFP reported the organization had claimed responsibility. French police also reported they found a Syrian passport on the remains of one of the suicide bombers near the Stade de France sports arena, according to the Guardian newspaper. The number of dead was revised to 127.

More information available at the Forward.