Spirit of Jewish Girl Leads New Tour of Kaunas


The story of one Lithuanian who lived in Kaunas in the early 20th century deserves to be made into a film. Instead, a group of Kaunas residents are using it in their intriguing new tour of the Kaunas Old Town. This is the first project of its kind in Lithuania.

Beginning this week locals and visitors will be able to follow this exceptional itinerary through Kaunas called “Spirit Guide through Old Kaunas” with a narration about the story of Kaunas and people living in Kaunas.

An audiovisual tourist guide file at www.atmintiesvietos.lt is available for free download before embarking on this 70 minute tour starting May 5.

Daiva Citvarienė, a teacher from the Arts Faculty at Vytautas Magnus University and the director of the university’s 101 Art Gallery, and a team of professionals created the project.

Attend the March of the Living


The Lithuanian Jewish Community invites you to attend the annual March of the Living procession from the Ponar railroad station to the Ponar Holocaust Memorial and the commemorative ceremony following this on Holocaust Day (Yom ha Shoah) on Thursday, May 5.

The march will begin at 12:30 P.M. from the parking lot next to the railroad tracks in Ponar. A bus will take those wishing to attend but this year you will have to register beforehand (see more below). The bus will wait at the base of Kalinausko street in Vilnius near the Lithuanian Jewish Community, next to the Frank Zappa statue and the Central Clinic. Be ready to board by 11:15 A.M. because the bus will depart at 11:30 A.M. sharp.

The Embassy of Israel in Lithuania, the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum and the Lithuanian Jewish Community also invite you to attend events following the March of the Living at the Government House of the Republic of Lithuania including a ceremony to honor Lithuanian Righteous Gentiles at 3:30 P.M. the same day. Government House is located at Gedimino prospect No. 11, Vilnius. Please come early for this event, arriving by 2:30 P.M., with personal identification.

To register for the bus, the Government event or both, please send your intention to attend with your full name to info@lzb.lt or call (8 5) 2613 003 by April 29.

Vilnius Jewish Community Window Smashed as Passover Ends


May 2, BNS–Police have opened a criminal case in the smashing of a window on the Lithuanian Jewish Community building last week. LJC chairwoman Faina Kukliansky told BNS the event took place Thursday night at the building on Pylimo street in Vilnius during Passover week.

“At 4:00 A.M. the alarm went off. It’s a large rock, probably torn from the sidewalk paving at the bus stop [across the street]. They threw it into the window where young children gather for the children’s club. Fortunately it happened at night when there were no children, or it would have been tragic,” she said. She said there was property damage. The incident was caught on video and the video material has been given to the police. She said it was surprising the window was broken during the holiday. “It’s difficult for us to assess. Let the police first find who did it. Maybe it’s a coincidence, maybe it was the act of drunk hooligan, but maybe not. But it is a fact we need security. The World Jewish Congress has promised to set up a security system and put plastic over the windows. Promises, promises, and now this happens,” she commented.

Police told BNS a criminal case for property destruction and damage to part of the premises of the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum has been filed.

An Unforgettable Concert

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Dutch pianist Marcel Worms performed melodies by interwar Jewish composers at the Lithuanian Jewish Community on April 29, in the same hall where he played 11 years ago. Most of the composers were murdered in the Holocaust, and Worms said if their music was forgotten, they would die a second death.

Works by Rosy Wertheim, Erwin Schulhoff, Gideon Klein, Alexander Tansman, Szymon Laks, Anatolijus Šenderovas, Leo Smit, Dick Kattenburg and George Gershwin were performed. Anatolijus Šenderovas’s “Sonatina” lent a local flavor to the concert.

Concert-goers were got more than just wonderful music: the children of Dutch diplomat Jan Zwartendijk attended. Robert Zwartendijk and Edith Jes spoke about their father who helped rescue at least 2,000 Jews in Lithuania by issuing visas for the Dutch possession of Curaçao, a somewhat fictitious “end-visa” the Soviets demanded of holders of Sugihara’s transit visas through Japan. He and his sister Edith were glad their father was being commemorated and also happy to have a chance to visit Kaunas again, where the Zwartendijk family lived and which Edith, then 13, remembers well.

The World Blames the Jews, But Never the Terrorists

by Judith Bergman

The scene of the bus bombing on Moshe Baram Street in Jerusalem on April 18, 2016. Photo: Nati Shohat/Flash90.

A disturbingly clear pattern has emerged in the wake of the increase in terrorism around the world, especially in the West. Whenever there is a terrorist attack, the parents, friends and families of the perpetrators are always in “deep shock.” They cannot fathom from where their terrorist offspring, who had always been so “normal and good,” got their inspiration. The parents have absolutely “no idea” what could possibly have prompted the attacks.

It is conspicuous–and pathetic–how uniform these parents of Muslim radicals are in their frantic denial of knowledge and responsibility for raising monsters who go out and commit such atrocities. But the politically-correct mainstream international press never probes deeper and lets the parents off the hook easily. After all, the international mainstream media push and encourage the very victimhood narratives that the parents’ denials and feigned “shock” foster in order to escape further scrutiny. It is astounding that no one in the media seriously questions these uniform denials.

Rome to Open Jewish Catacombs to the Public


Rome plans to open the 2,000-year-old Villa Randanini Jewish catacombs to the public for the first time between May 1 and June 5 as part of a cultural initiative as one of the several initiatives taken by the Italian Cultural Ministry to promote the scope of the “Jubilee Year of Mercy” declared by the pope.

The Jewish catacombs were discovered beneath the vineyard of Villa Randanini in 1859. The maze of tunnels covers nearly 18,500 square meters (about 199,000 square feet) and has a depth of five to 16 meters (about 16 to 52 feet). The walls have inscriptions in Greek, Latin, and Hebrew providing information about people buried there. The catacombs have been vandalized over time, but still contain many colorful frescoes and tablets with Jewish candelabra depicted. The walls are covered with paintings of birds, dancing maidens, flourishes and grapevines. The catacombs also contain kokhim, a type of Jewish burial chamber.

Israeli Jazzman Tamir Grinberg Visits Panevėžys


Israeli jazzman Tamir Grinberg visited Panevėžys April 25, giving a performance with his ensemble at the Panevėžys Music Theater to a large and enthusiastic audience.

Grinberg, 21, is already a star in his native Israel and plays at the big clubs and festivals, and in recent years has become better known in Europe as well. He has a loyal fan base in Lithuania. Last year the fiery and lyrical Grinman, scrupulous in his music to a fault and a master of his genre, became the favorite at the Kaunas Jazz Festival. He was declared a young musical phenomenon several years ago, and formed several bands in his teens at music school. Fans say his voice is both interesting and emotional, and that he is faithful to his funk, blues and jazz roots. They point to his stylish retro sound and his incredible energy as the reasons for Grinberg’s success and his cross-generational audience. They say his style doesn’t obey the dictates of time or fashion.


On April 19 Roza Znak, member of the LJC Social Club, passed away. She was born October 6, 1938. Our deepest condolences to her friends and family in this time of pain.


Roza Levit, LJC Social Center member, passed away on April 22. She was born July 9, 1939. Our deepest condolences go to her friends and family.

Wooden Synagogue in Pakruojas, Lithuania


EEA and Lithuanian state support as well as from the Pakruojas regional administration has been allocated for fixing the wooden synagogue in Pakruojas, Lithuania.

The plan is to house a children’s literature section of the Juozas Paukštelis Public Library in the synagogue and to use it for educational activities and cultural events. The synagogue has no heat and will have to be outfitted with a heating system for year-round use.

A team of architectural experts, cultural heritage protection specialists, restorers and engineers visited Lithuania’s oldest wooden synagogue April 27. This mission organized by Lithuania’s Ministry of Culture was intended to come up jointly with experts the best solution to the heating problem and other outstanding issues at the site. Participants said the meeting was highly productive and hoped similar heritage issues would see the same sort of good practices applied in the future.

From EEA Grants for Culture in Lithuania

Photos from the trip here.

Jewish Cultural Legacy Presented in Ukmergė

The Big Stone Hotel in Ukmergė Friday evening was the venue for Jewish music and the audience had the opportunity to try some traditional Jewish cuisine items recently included on the hotel restaurant’s menu. The Ukmergė regional administration, the Ukmergė Tourism and Business Information Center and Big Stone Hotel owners Tajana and Filionis August held a symbolic Passover seder to mark the Jewish holiday on April 23, with the requisite four glasses of wine (kosher, by the way).

The celebrants including members of the Ukmergė Jewish Community discussed the next steps in the life of the recently created Jewish Cultural Heritage Association and its Jewish Cultural Heritage Tourist Route, Lithuania’s largest newspaper, Lietuvos rytas, reported.

Full story in Lithuanian here.

New Space Created for LJC Youth

The Lithuanian Jewish Student Union is pleased to announce the beta phase of the project Moadon Helimudim. We have officially opened the doors to the new educational space where young people can meet daily. It includes computers, internet, wifi connection, and coffee and tea!

Please come in and make use of the new space at Pylimo street no. 4 in Vilnius.

Contact person: Ziv Atlas
For more information write lujsinfo@gmail.com with Moadon Halimudim in the subject line.
The space is open from 5:00 P.M. onward.

Letter from Director of the Regional Administration of Molėtai

Director of the Regional Administration of Molėtai

March 3, 2016 No. B22-399
re: February 29, 2016 No. 190

To Faina Kukliansky, chairwoman
Lithuanian Jewish Community

On Measures to Commemorate Father Jonas Žvinys and Bronius Žvinys

We thank you for the position expressed regarding activities to commemorate Father Jonas Žvinys and Bronius Žvinys. We understand your people’s pain and desire to expose the truth.

We inform you that there has been no discussion in the board of administrators of the Regional Administration of Molėtai on any sort of merits of Bronius Žvinys which might be deserving of commemoration. Regarding the commemoration of the activities of the priest Jonas Žvinys meritorious to Lithuania, his relatives represented by Antanas Žvinys have petitioned multiple times the Molėtai regional administration director and board of administrators and finally the President’s Office regarding the inadequate actions by the director and board of administrators in solving this issue.

The board of administrators of the Molėtai regional administration in considering the commemoration of Jonas Žvinys’s contributions to Lithuania do so based on the fact the President’s Office of the Republic of Lithuania, having investigated the circumstances, awarded him the Order of the Cross of Vytis, 4th degree, in 1999. We don’t have the right to question the decision of the President’s Office, and so long as it hasn’t been proved that he did participate in committing crimes against the Jewish people, the contributions of this person to Lithuania cannot be struck from the record. In view of the doubts concerning this person’s actions, causing great public discussion, however, we will propose to the board of administrators of the Molėtai regional administration not to consider the question of commemorating this person until an investigation is completed.


Stasys Žvinys, director
Regional Administration of Molėtai

Invitation to Literary Lecture “Hate is a Failure of Imagination”

The Tolerance Center of the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum invites you to the literary lecture Hate is a Failure of Imagination.

It will take place on May 5, 2016, at 5:30 P.M.,

at the Tolerance Center, Naugarduko street no. 10/2, Vilnius.

Narrator Gregorij von Leïtis is a winner of the New York Theater Club Prize, founding artistic director of Elysium and president of the Lahr von Leïtis Academy & Archive.

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Interwar Jewish Composers


a concert dedicated to the memory of
Jan Zwartendijk
Dutch diplomat and Righteous Gentile

5:00 P.M., Friday, April 29
at the Lithuanian Jewish Community, Pylimo street no. 4, Vilnius


Rosy Wertheim (1888 – 1949)
6 Morceaux de Piano

Erwin Schulhoff (1894 – 1942)
Suite dansante en Jazz (1931)

Gideon Klein (1919 – 1945)
Sonata for Piano (1943)

Alexander Tansman (1897 – 1886)
Sonatine Transatlantique (1930)

Szymon Laks (1901 – 1983)

Anatolijus Šenderovas (1945 – )
Sonatina (1973)

Leo Smit (1900 – 1943)
Deux Hommages

Dick Kattenburg (1919 – 1944)
Tempo di blues (1940)
Two Waltzes

George Gershwin (1898 – 1937)
3 Preludes for Piano (1926)

Olameinu Mishpakha Camp for Young Families 2016


Dear parents,

You are invited to register for the Olameinu Mishpakha Baltic Camp for Young Families 2016 to be held June 21 to 26 in Dubingiai, Lithuania. The camp is intended for Jewish families with children 12 and under.

There will be a packed program of activities for the parents as well as the children, including discussion of current events, interesting lessons and lectures, unforgettable evenings and recreation for the entire family surrounded by friends.

Registration forms are available here.

Please register quickly because the number of places is extremely limited.

Schedule for Hebrew Classes


Next Tuesday, April 26, Hebrew classes will not be held.

They will resume and take place at the usual time on May 10 and May 19.

The final class in the current course taught by Yehuda Vagneris will be held May 26.

Lithuanian and Indian Jewish Communities Make Contact


On Sunday, April 16, Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman Faina Kukliansky met with representatives of the Indian Jewish Community and discussed opportunities for working together.

Chairwoman Kukliansky visited synagogues, met with local Jews and learned about their history and activities in India.

Kukliansky was visiting Mumbai, formerly Bombay, India’s largest city and home to a number of religious minorities in the country.

In discussions with local Jewish leaders, Kukliansky spoke about the experience of Litvaks and proposed holding a screening in Mumbai of documentary films about the history of Lithuanian Jews.

Her visit took place with the help of the Lithuanian embassy in India. Until now there has been no official contact between the Indian Jewish community and the Lithuanian Jewish Community.

About 4,000 Jews call Mumbai home and the city of around 12.5 million people has 8 working synagogues.

Photos here.


How to Join the Vilnius Jewish Community

Those who desire to join the Vilnius Jewish Community may do so by submitting a free-form request to that effect to the VJC board of directors. According to the articles of incorporation of the VJC, members may be Jews of the age of majority living in Lithuania and their family members throughout Lithuania in areas where there are no regional Jewish Communities, and also foreign Jews and their family members who make a request in writing to become members of the Community who have acquainted themselves with the rules and regulations and have pledged to follow them. Proof of Jewishness is also required.

To streamline the process, a form is available here to include with your written request, proof of identity (copy of passport) and proof of Jewish origins.

For more information, contact Monika Antanaitytė in room 201 of the Lithuanian Jewish Community by email at info@lzb.lt or telephone, 85 261 3003.