History of the Vilnius Jewish Community: Learn (Not) to Forget


Professor François Guesnet, a reader at the Hebrew and Jewish Studies Faculty at University College London currently visiting at the History Faculty of Vilnius University, granted Nijolė Bulotaitė, a writer for VU’s news page, a long interview. Dr. Guesnet is also the secretary of the European Association for Jewish Studies. Excerpts translated from Lithuanian appear below.

What is the most interesting or most inspiring thing to you?

That’s a good question. We were just talking with a doctoral student about how some topics become very boring as the years go by and become stale. Partisan politics, let’s say, isn’t very sexy. Right now I’m most interested in the human body and the history of medicine, because it’s very interesting to explore who people understand themselves and their bodies. I also research the functioning of the Jewish communities in Eastern Europe. I was born in Germany, my mother is German, my father French; I grew up in a very European family and studied the history of Eastern Europe. I know Polish and Russian. Both languages were very important for me and Russian helped especially in researching archival material. I know Hebrew and Yiddish, otherwise it would be impossible to study the history of Eastern European Jews, at least a basic knowledge is required. My dissertation concerns the 19th century when the majority of official documents were in Russian.

There Will Be No Investigation of Holocaust Perps: Only Names of Dead Found

Vilnius, June 9, BNS–The Lithuanian Office of Prosecutor General reports they can’t open investigations in line with a request by the Lithuanian Jewish Community and the Center for the Study of the Genocide and Resistance of the Residents of Lithuania into Holocaust crimes allegedly committed by people named in a list handed over to them because none of the people on the list of 2,039 are still alive, the 15min.lt news site reported.

“The information possessed is insufficient to begin a pre-trial investigation. After becoming acquainted with the list, it is stated that these people are no longer alive, and therefore criminal prosecution is impossible,” Elena Martinonienė, head of the communications department of the Lithuanian Office of Prosecutor General, said.

Gruber’s Journey


Dear friends of the Tolerance Center,

As Romania takes over the presidency of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, the Romanian embassy in Vilnius and the Tolerance Center of the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum will present the film Gruber’s Journey (Calatoria lui Gruber, Romania, 2008) to the public at a free screening at 6:00 P.M., June 15, 2016, at the Tolerance Center, Naugarduko street no. 10/2, Vilnius.

The film centers around the pogrom in the city of Iasi in Bessarabia (Moldova) from June 27 to 29, 1941. Film in Romanian with Lithuanian and English subtitles.

Invitation here.

Lithuania Vows to Continue to Support Fighting Terrorism in Wake of Tel Aviv Shootings

TELAviv ataka
photo: scene at the Sarona complex following the shootings there June 8. Judah Ari Gross/Times of Israel

Vilnius, June 9, BNS–Lithuania condemned the attack carried out in Tel Aviv Wednesday and vowed to continue supporting the battle against terrorism. “We express our solidarity with the Government of the state of Israel, and vow to continue supporting all efforts by the international community in the fight against terrorism,” a statement by the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry said. The statement also expressed deep condolences and support for the families of the victims and all the people of Israel.

Wednesday two Palestinians opened fire at a popular Tel Aviv shopping center near Israeli Army headquarters, killing four in the bloodiest such attack in the most recent wave of violence. Another five were injured. Police reported one of the attackers was apprehended and the other was in hospital with gunshot wounds.


Youth Activities in May at the LJC

Lithuanian Jewish Community youth activities coordinator Pavel Guliakov has provided a report on youth activities for the month of May as most children in Lithuania have finished school and are busy enjoying the first weeks of summer vacation.

The Ilan Club is closing for summer and getting ready for summer camps, but had three activities in May. On the 15th children and parents visited a fire station, got to try out firefighting equipment, learned about how firefighters live and had an informative outing. On May 22 the kids learned about the Israeli military and the life of Israeli soldiers at the Lithuanian Jewish Community. On May 29 the club had an end-of-season closing event called Jewish social networks where counselors presented an interesting activity involving social media and mobile telephones, which most of the children already use regularly and enthusiastically.

Police Release Names of Victims Shot in Tel Aviv

Police on Thursday released the names of the four Israelis murdered in a gruesome terrorist shooting in central Tel Aviv Wednesday night.

The victims were: Ido Ben Ari, 42, from Ramat Gan; Ilana Nave, 39, from Tel Aviv; Michael Fayge, 58, from Ramat Gan; and Mila Mishaev, 32, from Ashkelon.

The coordinated terrorist assault on Tel Aviv’s Sarona Market Wednesday evening was one of the deadliest attacks in the city since Palestinian violence erupted last October.

Jewish Cut-Outs: An Exhibit


Klaidas Navickas, a recognized master who works in the medium of cut paper, is holding an exhibit of his works called Jewish Cut-Outs at Gallery A at the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University library, Saulėtekio alley no. 14, Vilnius, running from June 7 to August 26.

A Night of African Music


The Šnekutis bar popular with tourists and locals alike is hosting a night of African dance music at their Užupis location Saturday evening, June 11. The address is Polocko street no. 7a, Vilnius, and the first selections of recorded music from around Africa are scheduled to go out around 6:00 P.M. Entrance is free to the public. According to a statement by Šnekutis representatives, the evening is intended to celebrate cultural diversity and the music will include Coupé-Decalé, Ethiopian jazz, Afrobeat, Afrofunk and Highlife, among others. The DJs for the AFRICANISM@Šnekutis event are Dovilė Abro from Lithuania and Rees Archibald from Australia.

World Jewish Congress Israel Delegation Visits LJC


A delegation from World Jewish Congress Israel visited the Lithuanian Jewish Community. The delegation included WJC Israel chairman Shai Hermesh (former MK), member of the board of directors J. Moshe Leshem, foreign relations council director Dr. Laurence Weinbaum, Knesset Christian Allies Caucus chairman MK Robert Ilatov, MK Yakov Margi, KCAC director Josh Reinstein and WJC Israel director general Sam Grundwerg. WJC Israel visits national capitals annually to meet with members of national parliaments and Christian community leaders to establish contacts and discuss shared problems, set up Israeli support groups and increase understanding of Jewish problems. This sort of support is especially sought by Israel now, when the Jewish state is increasingly facing isolation in the international arena and especially in the EU. Last year delegations visited Russia, Poland, Latvia and Estonia.

On June 1 the delegation visited the Lithuanian Jewish Community, met LJC chairwoman Faina Kukliansky and were greeted with a musical welcome of Jewish song and dance provided by the Fayerlakh ensemble, which warmed everyone’s hearts and facilitated better communication. Former MK, current vice president of the WJC and leader of WJC Israel Shai Hermesh shared with everyone heartwarming news he received on the trip to Lithuania.

Come Take Part in Pride Voices


When we talk about the situation regarding the human rights of LGBT people in the country, we often forget that are lives are not exclusively the challenges we face daily. Our lives are also stories which need to be heard.

The national LGBT rights organization LGL invites you to take part in a Baltic Pride 2016 event, scheduled to run from 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. on June 16 at the Russian Drama Theater in Vilnius. Well known LGBT advocates from around the world and human rights activists will share their personal experiences, stories and encounters in the struggle for LGBT equal rights.

The theatrical Pride Voices event will feature personal stories shared by Johanna Sigurdardottir (former Icelandic PM) and her wife, journalist and playwright Jónína Leósdóttir, as well as Ulrike Lunacek (deputy speaker of the European Parliament) Matthew Shepard’s parents Judy Shepard and Dennis Shepard and Ugandan LGBT activist Dennis Wamala.

Reckoning the Number of Lithuanian Holocaust Perps

photo: mass murder of Jews in Šiauliai in 1941

by Liepa Želnienė

It will perhaps never be known exactly how many Jews were murdered in Lithuania in the 1940s, or how many Lithuanians collaborated in perpetrating the Holocaust. Historians say we must first define whom we will include: those who pulled the trigger, those who stood guard at the mass murder sites, prepared the killing pits, or those who forced Jews into the ghettos, or those who stole Jewish property?

Full story in Lithuanian here.

List of Lithuanian Holocaust Perpetrators Could Run to 6,000

by Mindaugas Jackevičius, www.DELFI.lt

Avoiding the subject of the Holocaust and research in this field, Lithuania is in danger of becoming a nation of Jew-killers in the eyes of the world. Statements like that were aired at a conference held at the Lithuanian parliament Monday, where participants reiterated we still don’t know the true number of Jews murdered, or of the people who rescued Jews in Lithuania. MP Arvydas Anušauskas said at the conference people tend be very conservative in talking about the number of Lithuanian Holocaust perpetrators. He said it was difficult to calculate who took part in mass murder operations, for example, some people’s names are duplicated because they participated at different locations. There was also discussion of who should be included as perpetrators: should they only include people who fired weapons, or also those who transported the victims to the mass murder sites or otherwise aided the process.

Full story in Lithuanian here.

The Floodgates Within: Video Art from Israel


Where: NGA Auditorium, Konstitucijos prospect no. 22, Vilnius
When: 6:00 P.M., Tuesday, June 7, 2016

On June 7-8 National Gallery of Arts presents the program of contemporary Isreali video art ‘The Floodgates Within: Video Art from Israel’ curated by Chen Tamir, curator at the Center for Contemporary Art in Tel Aviv. Chen Tamir will present two evenings of video from Israel. Designed to complement one another, these two events will situate Israeli contemporary art within historic, social, and political contexts, and offer a wide overview of experimental video-based art from this unique country.

Lithuanian Historian: Guards of Massacre Sites Should Also Be Listed as Murderers

VILNIUS, June 6, BNS–Not only those who pulled the trigger should be considered perpetrators of the Jewish genocide in Lithuania–they should include the individuals who transported Jews and guarded the sites of massacres, a local historian says.

Alfredas Ruksenas, a specialist of the Genocide and Resistance Research Center of Lithuania, said that the number of genocide perpetrators could be calculated very roughly.

“Shooters of Jews should include all participants of the operations, even if they did not pull the trigger but facilitated the operations,” Ruksenas said at a discussion at the parliament on Monday.

In his words, the battalions that were conducting the genocide are known, however, establishing a specific person or contribution is a difficult task.

EBRD President Chakrabarti Visits Central Asia

The Eurasian Council on Foreign Affairs reports Suma Chakrabarti, president of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), concluded a tour of Central Asia last week which included visits to Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan.

The EBRD has several offices throughout Central Asia, and to date has invested over €6 billion in Kazakhstan alone. During his visit to Astana, Chakrabarti met with Kazakh president Nursultan Nazarbayev to discuss EBRD-Kazakh cooperation in sectors such as infrastructure and transport, as well as with Prime Minister Karim Massimov and other key ministers.

The EBRD president praised Kazakhstan’s political development and multi-party system, and stated that, having invested more than €1.2 billion in 2015–a record for the Central Asian region–the bank plans to maintain its ambitious operational targets, and invest over €700 million in Kazakhstan during 2016. He participated in the 9th edition of the Astana Economic Forum on May 26th, and co-chaired the Foreign Investors Council devoted to the Astana International Financial Centre on May 27th, alongside president Nazarbayev.

Previously Chakrabarti met with Turkmen president Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on May 23rd, receiving an invitation to participate in a UN conference on transport and transit corridors taking place in the country in November; and with Azeri president Ilham Aliyev during a visit to Azerbaijan on May 24-25th.

Deputy Lithuanian Foreign Minister Meets Israeli Journalists

The Lithuanian Foreign Ministry reports deputy foreign minister Mantvydas Bekešius met May 27 with a group of journalists from Israel. The group was visiting Lithuania from May 25 to 29.

The deputy minister said Israel is an important partner to Lithuania in the Middle East and the countries share common values. He said friendship between people continues to grow, that this encourages better knowledge of one another, and that that contributes to growth in business contacts and tourism.

The journalists were interested in successfully expanding relations between Lithuania and Israel, business opportunities, Jewish community current events and the agenda of Lithuanian foreign policy, according to a statement released by the ministry. They also asked about challenges arising in the EU over the migration crisis, the UK’s upcoming referendum on quitting the EU and the Ukraine problem, the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry said.

On January 8, 2017, Lithuania and Israel will mark 25 years of diplomatic relations.

Full story in Lithuanian here.

Come Celebrate Shavuot at the Lithuanian Jewish Community Social Club

The Abi Men Zet Zikh and the Social Club of the LJC invite members to meet on the eve of Shavuot at 1:00 P.M. on Thursday, June 9, on the third floor of the LJC. Rabbi Shimshon Izakson will talk about the rise of King David and there will be traditional Shavuot dishes.

Registration is required. Please contact Žana Skudovičienė by telephone at 867881514 between 10:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. during the work week.

First Auction of Children’s Art in Vilnius!

The Vilnius Art School for Children and Youth, the first independent private art educational institution in Lithuania, was created by Jūratė Stauskaitė in 1991.

Over its 25 years of history, the school has turned become a versatile and innovative artistic education resource where everyone gets a chance to express their individuality through freedom of expression and creativity, which are important in all professions.

Since 1991 several thousand pupils have attended and completed school programs. School staff have published various teaching aids and textbooks for other schools. The school has taken part in numerous artistic educational initiatives and charity events held by the Vilnius municipality and state authorities, and remains true to its main objective: to raise creative members of society.