A Tale of Two Synagogues in Vilnius: Both Survived the Meat Grinder of History


… If you call the Choral Synagogue the fortunate daughter, then another surviving synagogue near the bus station and train station could be called the poor stepdaughter in terms of appearance and visitors. The building located at Gelių street no. 6 only bears slight resemblance to a house of prayer. Restoration of the abandoned building began recently, in 2015.

Using several sources of financing, this synagogue has been slowly getting back on its feet over the last two years to become what it once was, a house of prayer. It’s said that it was the first stop for Jews arriving in Vilnius by train from all points in Lithuania. That’s hardly surprising, since the synagogue is right next to the railroad tracks!

This synagogue was in a state of imminent collapse until 2014 and its rebirth began with a “STOP” ribbon put up around it, followed by work to strengthen the roof. Over the three years since repairs began, great progress has been made. But it probably won’t be completed in 2017, it will take years longer.

Meeting at the Kaunas Young Tourists Center

The Kaunas Young Tourists Center hosted the meeting “Don’t Forget” on the afternoon of February 9. Kaunas Jewish Community chairman Gercas Žakas and Feiga Koganskienė took part in the meeting where young regional historians, tourism critics, tourists and older sea scout members and leaders listened to the story of the Kaunas ghetto. The Kaunas Jewish Community and the sea scouts have a history of association ever since the sea scouts took the initiative and began attending Community events.

This event was organized by Tolerance Education Program coordinator Dailna Galskienė and extracurricular history group leader Martyna Vitkauskaitė Valantikonienė.

Launch of Irena Veisaitė Biography in Kaunas

The President Valdas Adamkus Library/Museum and the publishing house Aukso žuvys launched historian Aurimas Švedas’s biography “Irena Veisaitė. Gyvenimas turėtų būti skaidrus” in Kaunas February 9. The author and the subject of his book attended. The discussion was moderated by professor Egidijus Aleksandravičius. A large number of readers including members of the Kaunas Jewish Community turned out for the meeting with one of the more remarkable modern Lithuanian cultural figures, professor Irena Veisaitė. Among the many subjects she addressed was her native city of Kaunas, which she said was “under her skin.”


Holocaust Survivor Rūta Glikman Says Other Children Only Knew She Didn’t Have Parents

Holokaustą išgyvenusi R. Glikman: vaikai žinojo tik tiek, kad aš neturiu tėvų


Rūta Glikman who was smuggled out of the Kaunas ghetto as a child is celebrating her birthday. If not for her rescuers, Righteous Gentiles Jadvyga and Alfonsas Babarskis, the woman would have been murdered during the Holocaust, as was her entire family. Having survived the horrors of the war and Soviet oppression, Glikman resolved to honor both her families. It was due to her efforts that the Babarskis family was recognized by Yad Vashem in Israel. Now, she says, the time has come to commemorate her real parents as well. If all goes as planned, this summer their names will be inscribed on brass “memory stone” plates.

Glikman’s grandfather Chaim and father Leiba Basai had a business which was in operation in Kaunas since the end of the 19th century. They were in the fur, hat and fedora trade and exported goods to Latvia, Germany, France, England and other countries in Europe. Basai was a respected man in Kaunas. It was noted in numerous loan documents these businessmen were honest and ethical partners.

Full story in Lithuanian here.

Bagel Shop’s First Customer Still Loves It


The Bagel Shop Café is celebrating its first birthday and asked its most loyal customer who came in the very first day and still visits often for her thoughts. Violeta Palčinskaitė is a poet, playwright, scene designer and translator, but is perhaps best known as a writer of children’s books. Several generations have grown up loving her poems and stories.

“Of course I have been visiting the Bagel Shop from the first day. It’s comfortable and feels like home, and the bagels really remind me of the baronkos of my childhood, which mother used to coat in half and spread with butter. Memories gently returned when I tasted that first bagel. The important thing is that you will something here which you will nowhere else! I like spending time here because all other cafés are more or less the same, but here you make real Jewish treats thanks to the creative women in charge who have inherited the food-making methods and can pass it on from generation to generation, and without whom that legacy would perish. I remember how I searched for the treat of my childhood, unsweetened baronkos, but it was never the same. Traveling in foreign countries, I once discovered the bagel in America, then in Israel, and I was overjoyed. That’s why I find it a very happy thing to come to the Bagel Shop in the center of Vilnius, besides which, it has the very best coffee which I have ever had in the city.

“I like the atmosphere, the café is cozy, it feels like being at home. I come often, whenever I can, and it doesn’t matter if beigalakh were supposed to be for breakfast or lunch. I can eat bagels day and night. My favorite is the bagel and lox, and with sprat, another smoked fish. I like the teiglakh the most, and I bring friends from Vilnius and foreign visitors in. They are very satisfied. I told my friend about the best coffee just last night. So let them all come and sample, and not just the coffee,” Palčinskaitė said, asked what draws her to the Bagel Shop.


Currently she has many meetings with her readers. Her book “Atminties babilonai, arba aš vejuos vasarą” is one of the selections for Book of the Year. It’s a collection of memories from her happy childhood home in Kalvarija. It’s a complex testimony of the Soviet era and self-deprecating look at her own daily life as a writer, and stories about important Lithuanian cultural figures.

Palčinskaitė says it’s difficult to find time for all the meetings with readers. “Readers who would vote for my book are waiting for me. And the Book Fair is coming soon, the meetings are increasing, and there isn’t enough time to go to the Bagel Shop today,” she told us.

Jewish Brothers of Lithuanian Soccer

futbolas Makabi
After a match between Kaunas LFLS and Kaunas Makabi in 1926

The Jewish community influenced the development of the sport of soccer in interwar Lithuania. In 1916 the Jews of Vilna followed in the footsteps of their fellow Jews in Warsaw and founded the Jewish athletics and sports club Makabi. Vilna Makabi not only propagated gymnastic and other fields of athletics, but also soccer. The interwar provisional capital of Lithuania, Kaunas, was mad about soccer then and became the center of sporting activity. The Lithuanian Athletics Union was founded there in 1919, and a year later was replaced by the Lithuanian Physical Fitness Sports Union (the Lithuanian acronym is LFLS). The Jewish Makabi Union soon followed and was established in Kaunas.

Full story in Lithuanian here.

Concert in Memory of Saulius Sondeckis at Royal Castle in Vilnius

by Monika Petrulienė, Lithuanian National Radio and Television TV News Service

A concert to honor the memory of the late professor and conductor Saulius Sondecikis called “Called to Music” was held at the Royal Castle in Vilnius. Stars and young talents from around the world came to pay their respects to the man with whom they had worked and performed.

Conductor and teacher Saulius Sondeckis

On February 7 some of the performers included violinist Zakhar Bron, trumpeter Sergei Nakariakov, pianists Maria Meyerovich and Julia Zilberquit and the maestro’s son, Paulius Sondeckis.

Solo violinist and violin teacher Zakhar Bron recalled: “We weren’t closely acquainted when he gave the good word for me and helped me very much. Later I encountered this man more often and then I realized what a deep and gigantic figure he really was. Lithuania has become a country dear to me because of Saulius Sondeckis.”

Violinist Boris Traub said: “It so happened that I completed music school with him, and the conservatory, and I worked with him. I was associated with him from 1957 until last year, quite a long gig. There aren’t many families of this kind who work so long.”

State-of-the-Art Jewish Museum Planned in Šeduva

Preliminary design concept for the Lost Shtetl Museum

Plans have been announced for a state-of-the-art Jewish museum scheduled to open in 2019 as part of the Lost Shtetl memorial complex in Šeduva, Lithuania.

The museum complex is to be designed by the Finnish company Lahdelma & Mahlamäki Architects who also designed the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw. POLIN won the 2016 European Museum of the Year Award. They are towork together with local partner Studia2A established in 1994 and headed by Vilnius Art Academy dean of architecture Jonas Audejaitis.

The museum is to be located next to the sprawling Šeduva Jewish cemetery, completely restored and opened in 2015 as part of the memorial complex. The complex includes memorials at three sites of Holocaust mass murders and mass grave sites and a symbolic sculpture in the middle of the town. A study of the Jews of Šeduva was conducted as part of the project and is to result in a documentary film called Petrified Time by film director Saulius Beržinis.

Memorial statue in Šeduva. Photo © Ruth Ellen Gruber

Sergey Kanovich, founder of the Šeduva Jewish Memorial Fund, said the Lost Shtetl Museum will employ advanced technologies to teach visitors the history and culture of Šeduva and similar Litvak shtetls. It is expected to serve as an educational and cultural center.

“Visiting the Lost Shtetl will be a history lesson which will allow national and international visitors to learn about the lost Litvak shtetl history and culture,” he said.

“Lifestyle, customs, religion, social, professional, and family life of Šeduva Jews will serve a center point of the Museum exhibition,” he said. Visitors to museum will learn “the tragedy of Šeduva Jewish history which in the early days of World War II ended in three pits near the shtetl.”

Generations and Destinies

An exhibition of painting called Generations and Destinies opens at the Tolerance Center of the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum at 5:30 P.M. on February 13, 2017. The exhibit will run until May 21.

The exhibit is dedicated to the 100th birthday of Algirdas Savickis (1917-1943) and includes works by several generations of artists, including interwar Lithuanian diplomat and writer Jurgis Savickis, his sons Algirdas and Augustinas, his grandson Raimondas Savickas and his great-granddaughter Ramunė Savikaitė-Meškėlienė.

The opening is free to the public and the Tolerance Center is located at Naugarduko street no. 10/2 in Vilnius.

Happy Birthday to Aleksandras Rutenbergas

Sveikiname Aleksandrą Rutenbergą su jubiliejumi!

The Lithuanian Jewish Community sends heart-felt birthday greetings to its loyal member Aleksandras Rutenbergas on the occasion of his 70th birthday, wishing him much energy and excellent health!

Aleksandras is an interesting and highly-educated person, a great economist who contributed to the restructuring of the Lithuanian economy in the early period of independence. For 10 years now he has served as the director of the Jewish Cultural Support Center Foundation. The foundation, which restored and refurbished what is now the Tolerance Center of the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum, is supported by Austria. Aleksandras comes from a well-known Litvak family and his parents survived the Holocaust in the ghettos and concentration camps. He is deeply engaged with Jewish heritage and is an active member of the executive board of the Lithuanian Jewish Community, and participates in the activities of the Makabi athletics club.

Aleksandras, we wish you a continued interesting life and that you would achieve all that your heart desires!

Happy birthday!

About Sheryl Sandberg’s Parents, the Sandberg Family

A few days ago we learned the great-grandmother of the world-famous woman Sheryl Sandberg lived in Vilnius. After looking into Sheryl’s family history, it turned out her parents were active participants in the battle for the right of Jews to emigrate from the Soviet Union.

Sheryl Sandberg was born in Washington, D. C., in 1969 and was the eldest of three children. Her parents were English teacher Adele Einhorn and famous ophthalmologist Joel Sandberg. In 1970 there were active in fighting for the right of Soviet Jews to emigrate to Israel. In 1975 the married couple were arrested in Kishniev, the capital of Soviet Moldova where they had to come to meet with those who wanted to leave the Soviet Union, and both were expelled from the country.

Not many people remember the anti-Zionist booklets the Soviet Union published in the millions of copies, condemning “foreign emissaries” sent by the West into the USSR, who actually sought to make contact with Jews in their struggle for their human rights, to provide moral support and aid to them. The Israeli press has written of Joel Sandberg who helped Soviet Jews from 1970 to 1980. The well-known ophthalmologist Joel Sandberg of Miami is one of a number of activists in the American Jewish community who fought the battle for the right of Soviet Jews to emigrate.

Sandberg Joel

An attempt to protest by a group of 16 refuseniks (otkazniki) in Leningrad by hijacking a plane in 1970 was a major event at the time. The ringleaders were sentenced to death, but following protests from the international community, the Soviets reduced it to long terms of imprisonment. This encouraged American Jews to support more strongly Jews living in the Soviet Union. In an interview Joel Sandberg, recalling those times, said the main goal of the Americans was to help those protesting against the emigration ban and those wishing to exit the USSR. Out of the thousands refuseniks in Kiev in 1979, only 70 people were granted exit visas a year later, while requests by 3,000 more were rejected.

Lithuanian Women’s Magazine Features Amit Belaitė on Cover

16486907_10154232463426867_5335691874283383955_oA popular magazine for young Lithuanian women has featured Amit Belaitė, the head of the Lithuanian Union of Jewish Students, on its February cover, with a long interview with her and a series of fashion photographs inside.

“Cover girl: Amita honors her people’s past with deeds,” the cover proclaims.

The feature on page 10 is called “Living History”:

“The Jewish girl Amita Belaitė (24) is completing her studies this year at Vilnius University. During her university career this active defender of human rights was able to establish the Lithuanian Union of Jewish Students, to become the vice president and a member of the executive board of the European Union of Jewish Students, to start a Jewish history project called Mayses fun der Lites/Stories from Lithuania, to become a Living Library volunteer and for all of those activities to receive a tolerance award. Amita, who selected social health studies as her major, said her professional career over those years would have been much more difficult if not for her love of her cherished boyfriend, the economist Rokas Grajauskas (31).”

More information in Lithuanian here.

Israeli Dance Seminar with Ilai Szpiezak

Ilai Szpiezak of London will give a seminar about dance for the first time in Lithuania. Registration is required.

The event is for both accomplished dancers and beginners who have just started or danced in childhood and now want to renew their skills.

To register, send an email to karina.semionova@gmail.com and please indicate the participant’s name, email and telephone number.

Registration is open till February 20.

Ilai Szpiezak, half-Israeli half-Argentinian, started his career as a dancer and choreographer of Israeli dance in 2006, rapidly moving into choreography and the direction of performing troupes and artistic organizations in Argentina at the age of 16. He danced in the international Israeli Dance Company Agshama performing in different countries around South America while training as a professional ballet dancer and was graduated from the Ulpan of Rikudei Am with honors in 2017. He moved to London in 2011 to take on the role of dance development manager in the Israeli dance community. Since then he has been responsible for directing, organizing and managing annual classes, workshops and concerts in London and around the UK including Machol Europa and many other events in Europe. He is looking forward to seeing you all soon!


Howard Margol, 92, born in Jacksonville, Florida on February 22, 1924 to Morris and Sarah Margol, passed away on February 9, 2017. He was a veteran of World War II where he participated in the liberation of Dachau, a successful businessman and a devoted husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather.
Howard Margol
Howard’s roots were in Lithuania found a true passion in the field of genealogy, becoming one of the foremost authorities on Lithuanian genealogical research. For 20 years he led Roots Tours to Lithuania and helped thousands research their heritage. He served as president of LitvakSIG, initiated and headed the Internal Passports Project and served as chair of Records Acquisitions and Translations. Howard and his wife Esther founded the American Fund for Lithuanian and Latvian Jews to support elderly Jews in Lithuania and Latvia.

May his memory be blessed.

Lithuanian State Auditors Find Compensation for Jewish Property Used Appropriately


Vilnius, February 9, BNS–The Lithuanian State Auditor has no complaints on the use of compensation for Jewish religious communal property this year, although they found irregularities last year.

The State Auditor’s Office reported finding no violations in the 2016 audit of the use of such funds.

The year prior to that auditors said the foundation dispensing the funds had used some monies from the state allocated under the Lithuanian law on goodwill compensation for pre-Holocaust Jewish real estate had been used in the 2012-2015 period for matters not defined in the law, namely, to pay for administrative expnses of the disbursing foundation. In 2016 the Lithuanian parliament amended the law to allow for the Goodwill Foundation to pay its own administrative costs.

Some Features of the Jewish Calendar


Aušra Požėraitė

by Dr. Aušra Pažeraitė

The Mekhilta d’Rabbi Ishmael in the Midrash details a discussion by Talmudic sages regarding a line from the Bo portion of the readings for the last Sabbath (Exodus 12:2): “This month shall be for you…” Rabbi Ishmael says: Moses showed the new moon to Israel and said to them: In this way shall you see and fix the new moon for the generations. Rabbi Akiva says: This is one of the three things that were difficult for Moses to understand and all of which God pointed out to him with His finger. And thus you say: “And these are they which are unclean for you” (Leviticus 11:29). And thus: “And this is the work of the candelabrum” (Numbers 8:4). Some say it was also difficult for Moses to understand ritual slaughter, it being written: “Now this is that which thou shalt offer upon the altar; two lambs of the first year day by day continually.” (Exodus 29:38).

Modern scholar of Jewish philosophy David Boyarin says this midrash is one of many examples which plainly, almost spelling it out, show how St. Augustine was correct in saying Jews read Holy Scripture “erotically” [erotically charged by ocular desire]. But here “eros” doesn’t mean imprisonment to the material or carnal for its own sake. It is, rather, a certain method or way to understand the life of the spirit, the religious life, based on what is here and now, on the concrete physical world. Rav Moshe Rosenstein of Kelm (Kelmė) in his explanation of the way in which the wisdom of the world differ from the wisdom of the Talmudic sages gave as an example a small bird which once flew through a window into a home and couldn’t not find the path to fly back out because by nature it sought the way on high, whereas in this case it only needed to look downward. In this way the worldly-wise can exalt their wisdom so much that that which is “low,” the simple truths which aid in finding the answers, may be hidden (Basics of Knowledge, I, 24).

An Exhibit Leading to Love and Understanding between People and Nations

by Galina Romanova

On January 31 the cozy hall of the Nalšia Museum was packed to the gills for the ceremonial opening of an exhibit of interest to the whole world, and especially Catholics called “Pope Francis’s Visit to Israel.” Israeli embassy deputy chief of mission Efrat Hochstetler, Švenčionys regional administration head Rimantas Klipčius, regional administration council members, other public figures and locals from the town and region of Švenčionys attended the opening.


Israeli embassy press attaché Liana Jagniatinskytė recalled how the embassy came up with the idea of this exhibit and “released it into the wild,” sending the exhibit to small towns and larger cities throughout Lithuania.

Klipčius said he was glad friendship between Israel and the Švenčionys region keeps growing, thanking Israeli ambassador and frequent guest to the region Amir Maimon. The director of the regional administration spoke about the Pope’s trip to Israel and recalled Pope John Paul II’s visit to Lithuania just as the country broke free from the Soviet Union. He finished his optimistic speech with a nice gesture, presenting flowers and souvenirs to Hochstetler, who was in the region for the first time.


Sara Kučkova, a member of the Vilnius Jewish Community, passed away February 6. She was born December 15, 1919. Our deepest condolences go to her relatives in this time of loss.