Commemorative Plaque to Mark Site of Former YIVO HQ in Vilnius

Commemorative Plaque to Mark Site of Former YIVO HQ in Vilnius

The Lithuanian Foreign Ministry and the Lithuanian Jewish Community invite the public to attend an unveiling ceremony of a plaque to commemorate the site of the former headquarters of YIVO in Vilnius at 3:00 P.M. on June 20 at the building now located at Vivulskio street no. 18 in Vilnius. YIVO, the most significant center for the study of Jewish culture, history and languages in Eastern Europe, was located near this site from 1925 to 1941. Its founder moved its activities to New York which became world headquarters following the German invasion in 1941.

Participants at the ceremony are to include YIVO director Jonathan Brent and YIVO board of directors deputy chairwoman Irene Pletka.

Vilna Gaon Texts Placed on Lithuanian Memory of the World Registry

Vilna Gaon Texts Placed on Lithuanian Memory of the World Registry

Lithuania’s Memory of the World registry now contains the manuscripts of the Vilna Gaon and a manuscript fragment by Simonas Daukantas, the Lithuanian National Martynas Mažvydas Library reported.

The 18th century manuscripts of Elijah ben Solomon Zalman, the Vilna Gaon, are a collection of works published in different cities and countries of Europe between 1799 and 1940. They include several very rare publications and almost all of them exist as a single copy in Lithuania.

The library said the Vilna Gaon never published any of his texts, but his teaching was scrupulously written down and compiled by his students, sons and sons-in-law and were edited and published after his death.

Polish Culture Fair in Panevėžys

Polish Culture Fair in Panevėžys

The sixth Polish Culture Festival kicked off in Panevėžys early Sunday. This year Panevėžys hosted many art collectives from cities around the Baltic Sea. The Panevėžys Jewish Community also took part. The Panevėžys Jewish Community has been working together for more than ten years with the organizers of the festival, the School for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired, and principal Danutė Kriščiūnienė. This year Panevėžys Jewish Community chairman Gennady Kofman welcomed attendees and praised the organization of the event demonstrating high respect for the various ethnic communities.

Many city residents turned out to listen to the Polish groups. The colorful ethnic costumes and performances by our neighbors charmed the crowds. Danutė Kriščiūnienė invited members of the Panevėžys Jewish Community to attend and they did attend numerous events enthusiastically.

Sabbath with Designer Agnė Kuzmickatė

Sabbath with Designer Agnė Kuzmickatė

For a number of years now the Lithuanian Jewish Community has been inviting artists and special guests to celebrate Sabbath with the community. Last Friday LJC executive director Renaldas Vaisbrodas presented Lithuanian designer Agnė Kuzmickatė to members. She holds a doctorate and is sometimes called butterfly queen because of her use of her butterflies in her designs.

Renaldas led the discussion and tendered questions to the famous young designer, starting with questions about her family. Her father is the philosopher Bronislovas Kuzmickas, PhD, who was a founding member of Sąjūdis, the Lithuanian independence movement, who went on to become a member of parliament, a signatory to the Lithuanian declaration of the restoration of independence and served as deputy to parliamentary speaker Vytautas Landsbergis.

Agnė Kuzmickatė’s grandmother Gita Jekentienė was at a children’s summer camp in Palanga, Lithuania, when World War II arrived. She and some of the other children were evacuated to safer locations in the Soviet Union. When she spoke of her family, Agnė Kuzmickatė repeatedly returned to her grandmother Gita’s experience and said she only know understood how her grandmother’s environment shaped her. She said she and her grandmother often spoke about Jewish identity, about the Yiddish language and the tragic loss of family, all of whom, except for her grandmother’s brother, were murdered at the Ninth Fort in Kaunas. Returning to Lithuania after the war, her grandmother experienced all sorts of bullying and name-calling because she was Jewish. Agnė Kuzmickatė said she had never experienced this and everyone at school respected her because of her father’s activities on behalf of independent Lithuania.

The Vytautas Landsbergis Cup 2019 Friendly Chess Tournament

The Vytautas Landsbergis Cup 2019 Friendly Chess Tournament

The Vytautas Landsbergis Cup 2019 lightning-round chess tournament was held at the Lithuanian parliament June 8, a tournament intended to propagate the sport of chess and to commemorate the sporting career of professor Landsbergis. The competition was organized jointly by the Chancellery of the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania, the Vilnius Chess Club and the Rositsan and Maccabi Elite Chess and Checkers Club. Raimondas Paliulionis was chief referee. Participants included professor Landsbergis, world champion Gary Kasparov, top chess players from Lithuania and invited guests, including diplomats, MPs and the heads of government institutions–48 participants in all.

Invited Guests Celebrate 93rd Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II

Invited guests celebrated the Queen’s 93rd birthday at the British embassy in Vilnius Friday, donning fedoras, an important fashion accessory at official British functions.

Although Queen Elizabeth II was born April 21, the Official Birthday is set in many Commonwealth nations to correspond with good weather in June. The weather in Vilnius proved beautiful Friday.

Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman Faina Kukliansky attended the birthday party.

Full story in Lithuanian here.

New Litvak History Exhibit in Cape Town

New Litvak History Exhibit in Cape Town

The Lithuanian Embassy to South Africa presented a mobile exhibit at the South African Jewish Museum in Cape Town June 6 called “One Century Out of Seven. Lithuania, Lite, Lita.” The installation informs viewers of different aspects of Jewish history in Lithuania from the time of the Grand Duchy to the present. The exhibit travelled to South Africa’s second-largest city from the Holocaust and Genocide Center in Johannesburg.

Lithuanian ambassador Sigutė Jakštonytė welcomed the large audience including members of the Cape Town Jewish community and members of the parliament of the Republic of South Africa. She told them the Lithuanian parliament had named 2020 the Year of the Vilna Gaon and Litvak History in appreciation of the Litvak contribution to the Lithuanian state and to preserve the memory of Holocaust victims. The ambassador also thanked the museum in Cape Town for four years of close cooperation.

The exhibit at the South African Jewish Museum in Cape Town runs till the end of June.

Unusual Holocaust Memorial to Be Unveiled in Biržai

Unusual Holocaust Memorial to Be Unveiled in Biržai

An event to commemorate the Jews of Biržai and Holocaust victims is to be held on Sunday, June 16, including honoring rescuers of Jews, a memorial procession and the unveiling of a 30-meter-long Holocaust memorial.

The Biržai Jewish Cultural and History Association, the Biržai regional administration and the Sėla Museum in Biržai are organizing the event. Partners include the Israeli embassy to Lithuania, the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry and the secretariat of the International Commission to Assess the Crimes of the Nazi and Soviet Occupational Regimes in Lithuania.

Milk and Cheese Treats on Shavuot

Milk and Cheese Treats on Shavuot

We celebrate the holiday of Shavuot on June 9 and 10. June 8 is the eve before the holiday, and the entire night is dedicated to studying the Oral and Written Torah. The Torah is read out on this night.

Shavuot is an old holiday of pilgrimage and its rituals add cohesion to the community. During the holiday, a series of milk and cheese dishes are prepared and sampled. The king among them is the classic cheese pie. In Lithuania as in other European Jewish communities pancakes with cheese are popular. During the holiday in Israel, smaller cheese makers open their doors to visitors. Shavuot tourists are also invited to attend the Northern Cheese Pie Festival held now for its third year and children are taught how to milk cows and how to make butter from fresh milk.

This Sunday the Choral Synagogue in Vilnius will celebrate with treats made by Shoshana, a mashgiach who came especially from Israel to cook for the Bagel Shop Café this year.

The Bagel Shop Café recommends making Shavuot breakfast from the best challa with cream cheese and berries.

Vytautas Landsbergis Cup 2019 Chess Tournament at Lithuanian Parliament

Vytautas Landsbergis Cup 2019 Chess Tournament at Lithuanian Parliament

The Vytautas Landsbergis Cup 2019 Chess Tournament will be held beginning at 9:00 A.M. at the Lithuanian parliament on Saturday, June 8.

The tournament is being organized and sponsored by the Chancellery of the Lithuanian parliament and the Rositsan and Maccabi Elite Chess and Checkers Club. Head referee will be Raimondas Paliulionis. Expected to attend are professor Vytautas Landsbergis, Russian (Soviet) world champion Gary Kasparov, the best Lithuanian chess players and a host of diplomats, MPs and heads of government institutions, with at least 48 participants in total. The tournament will be held at the Gallery of Stained-Glass and Defenders of Freedom in building 1 of the Lithuanian parliament at Gedimino prospect no. 53 in Vilnius.

Registration of participants and guests begins at 9:00 A.M. and continues until 10:00 A.M, with the event beginning at 10:30 A.M. Time control is 10 minutes per move with no overtime. The winner is to receive the rotating Vytautas Landsbergis Cup. Those receiving trophies as well include winners in the women’s, children’s (under 16), seniors’ (60) and amateurs’ (with FIDE ratings up to 1600) divisions. All participants will receive medals of participation and souvenirs. To register contact Boris Rositsan at

Happy 80th Birthday to Michael Schneider

The Lithuanian Jewish Community sends warm birthday wishes to Michael Schneider, who just turned 80.

Michael Schneider served as Executive Vice-President and Chief Executive Officer of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) from December 1987 until May 2002. In this capacity he directed one of JDC’s largest operations in the field of Rescue, Relief and Reconstruction. Schneider, who was born in South Africa, began his career with JDC in 1978 after ten years of service as Chief Welfare Officer of the London Jewish Welfare Board. His first posting was as resident Country Director for Iran where he was based during and after the Khomeini revolution. After leaving Iran he continued to work on behalf of Iranian Jewry from JDC’s offices in Rome. In December 1979 and 1980 respectively, he became Country Director for the Iron Curtain countries of Hungary and Czechoslovakia and for Yugoslavia. In 1982 he was sent to Ethiopia following the expulsion of ORT by the Mengistu regime and obtained permission for JDC to work among the Jewish villages in Gonder Province.

Read more here.

LJC Chairwoman Speaks at NCSEJ Meeting in Washington, DC

LJC Chairwoman Speaks at NCSEJ Meeting in Washington, DC

Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman Faina Kukliansky addressed a meeting of the National Coalition Supporting Eurasian Jewry (NCSEJ) in Washington, D. C., June 4, at the organization’s spring board of governors meeting. She gave a presentation entitled “The State of Lithuanian Jewry in the 21st Century.” She shared the stage with speakers including U.S. congressman Ted Deutch, congressman Brian Fitzpatrick, the two chairmen of the Congressional Bipartisan Task for Combating Anti-Semitism who took part in a panel discussion moderated by NSCEJ CEO Mark Levin called “Confronting Anti-Semitism: A View from Capitol Hill,” and U. S. envoy to monitor and combat anti-Semitism Elan Carr who delivered a presentation called “A View from the State Department,” as well as officials and Jewish representatives from Bulgaria and Ukraine.

Conference to Mark the 130th Birthday of Anna Akhmatova at the LJC

Conference to Mark the 130th Birthday of Anna Akhmatova at the LJC

Osip Mandelshtam and Anna Akhmatova

The Lithuanian Jewish Community held a conference on Jewish influences in the life and work of Russian poetess Anna Akhmatova on June 5. The conference was initiated by poetess Elena Suodienė, a doctor of the liberal arts and recipient of the Golden Quill award from the European Academy of Art and Literature.

Dr. Suodienė presented at the conference her new and newly-published poem in Russian about Akhmatova. She wrote a special article exclusively for about the Akhmatova the great poetess and the extraordinary person.

Shavuot on Sunday

Shavuot on Sunday

Shavuot or Shavuos is the holiday marking the giving of the Torah. The Vilnius Jewish Religious Community and Chabad Lithuania invite you to come celebrate together at 11:30 A.M. on Sunday, June 9, at the Choral Synagogue in Vilnius. We will read the Ten Commandments and everyone will have the opportunity to sample delicious traditional Shavuot milk-product dishes. Children will receive small gifts. Because Shavuot is a time when studying the Torah is especially apt, traditional and successful, you are invited to an extended Sabbath dinner at Bokšto street no. 9 in Vilnius at 8:30 on June 8 where we will learn more about the Shavuot holiday.

Amehaye Children’s Summer Day Camp

Amehaye Children’s Summer Day Camp

Children aged 6 to 12 are invited to attend the 2019 Amehaye children’s summer day camp. Parents with younger children aged at least 4 can also contact the organizers for their children to attend. This year the camp will be held at the scenic Karvys mansion estate next to Lake Karvys in the Vilnius region from July 1 to 12. Please contact Sofja at or by telephone at +370 601 46656 for more information on how to register before June 14. An electronic registration form is available in Lithuanian here.

Makabi Members Invited to Sporting Tournament

Makabi Members Invited to Sporting Tournament

Dear Makabi members,

The Lithuanian Makabi Athletics Club will host a mini-Maccabiah Games event from 12 noon to 4:00 P.M. on June 16 at the Lithuanian Educology University, Studentų street no. 39, Vilnius. Badminton competitions will be held at the A. Puškinas School at Gabijos street no. 8 in Vilnius. Your local teams are invited to compete in:

Indoor soccer (7 players plus coach)
Three-on-three basketball (5 players plus coach)
Volleyball (9 players plus coach)
Table tennis (men’s and women’s)
Chess (men’s, women’s)
Badminton (men’s, women’s)

Rules for the competition will be set following determination of exact numbers of teams and players in different sports.

Please send an application by e-mail to by June 14.
For more information, call 8 698 19999

Michailas Duškesas, executive director

Jewish Influences in the Life of Russian Poetess Anna Akhmatova

Jewish Influences in the Life of Russian Poetess Anna Akhmatova

The Lithuanian Jewish Community will host an event dedicated to celebrating the 130th birthday of the Russian poetess Anna Akhmatova and discussing Jewish influences in her life. The event will take place at the LJC beginning at 1:00 P.M. on June 5. At least five speakers will present various topics. A screening of a film about Isaiah Berlin will punctuate the program of speakers, with a discussion with the audience following the last speaker. The event is expected to be held mainly in Russian.