Social center

Family Needs Help

Family Needs Help

Dear reader,

A single mother raising four children needs help. The washing machine recently broke down and now the mother is doing the washing by hand for four children. Due to illness the mother cannot work right now, and one of the children is disabled. She is not able to buy a washing machine on her own right now. If you or someone you know can help, the family needs a used or new washing machine, or money to buy one. Please contact the director of Family Support in the Social Programs Department of the Lithuanian Jewish Community by telephone at 8 652 13 146 or email at

Thank you.

Results of First Parenting Course

Results of First Parenting Course

The first series of parenting skills classes put on by the Social Programs Department of the Lithuanian Jewish Community has ended. The classes were held for three months and included practical tasks as well as theory with activities led by a specialist. Activities initiator and organizer Rashele Šeraitė said the parents were enthusiastic students, rarely missed a class, always had their homework done, openly shared their problems with the group and applied what they learned in real life, in their own families.

This time parents of teenagers were selected as the target group. These parents face perhaps the greatest challenges, from maintaining good relationships to teenage rebellion and the search for independence. Although it wasn’t easy for the parents, during group meetings they cheerfully shared how they had applied their new knowledge and how relationships in the family changed for the better, with new rituals, new rules and openness at home. There was more sincere discussion, confidence and respect within the family, they reported. Parents said their children had started finally to listen to them, and parents had also learned how to relate to their children as equals.

Maushe Segal, the Last Jew of Lithuanian Kalvarija

Maushe Segal, the Last Jew of Lithuanian Kalvarija

Since 2005 we have marked International Holocaust Remembrance Day (officially “International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust” as designated by the United Nations) and have remembered the once-large Lithuanian Jewish community 78 years ago. There have been no Jews left in the shtetlakh for a long time now, although the Jewish legacy endures in the form of the old towns and synagogues they built, and the cemeteries and mass grave sites. We spoke with Maushe Segal (Maušius Segalis), the last Jew of the town of Kalvarija in western Lithuania, about his life and what Holocaust Remembrance Day means to him.

Maushe with grandson at the Kalvarija synagogue. Photo: Milda Rūkaitė

Segal: It’s important to me to remember, because this is a day commemorating the once-large community now dead. For many years we Jews gathered at the cemetery on September 1, since that’s the day all of the Jews of Marijampolė [Staropol] were murdered. That was before, now there are no Jews left in Kalvarija or Marijampolė.

What do you remember seeing as a child, or did your mother tell you?

They took my father and me to be shot on September 1, 1941. They shot him, but my mother grabbed me, I was small, from the pit in Marijampolė after the shooting.

Golden Age Camp for Seniors

Golden Age Camp for Seniors

Senior clients of the Social Programs Department of the Lithuanian Jewish Community spent December 13 to 17 at the Gold Age Camp by the sea in Pärnu, Estonia. The seniors spent several wonderful days at the Tervis Medical Spa where they underwent health procedures, did morning exercises, walked in the fresh air, were consulted by experienced doctors, took part in educational activities, attended lecture/discussions with interesting lecturers, did art therapy and discussed their experiences with members of the delegation. They also played a game aimed at improving memory. Evening programs included Israeli dance, watching films, a talent show, and a play performed by actors from the Youth Theater in Tallinn. They also celebrated Sabbath.

The Golden Age Camp is held annually with seniors from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia attending.


With great sadness we report the death of Šlioma Šperling on December 19. He was born in 1940. Our deepest condolences to the Community’s long-time volunteer doctor Liusia Šperling on the death of her husband, and to their daughter.

Paper Puppet Theater Workshop

Paper Puppet Theater Workshop

The Ilan Club of the Lithuanian Jewish Community invites children to attend a paper-puppet theater workshop at 1:00 P.M. on December 16 on the second floor of the Lithuanian Jewish Community in Vilnius. For more information contact Sofja at or call +370 672 57540.

Thank You!

Dear readers,

Thank you to everyone who donated to make sure a family in need was able to buy a washing machine much needed for their three young children! You’ve stepped up once again and made a real difference! The Family Services Department of the Social Programs Department of the Lithuanian Jewish Community received a hand-written thank-you note from the mother expressing her deep gratitude to all who came to their aid in time of need.

First Meeting of Parenting Skills Program at LJC Social Programs Department

First Meeting of Parenting Skills Program at LJC Social Programs Department

We are happy to announce that on the eve of the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah the first meeting of parents took place in the Parenting Skills Program being conducted by the Social Programs Department of the Lithuanian Jewish Community under the program to support Jewish families. Many of the parents of teenagers following the meeting expressed relief that there is advice available for solving their problems in child-rearing.

The group for practicing parenting skills is based on the ideas of the authors of individual psychology. The founder of individual psychology was Alfred Adler (1870-1937). Parents in the LJC program meet and work in a group, share their experience, check that against theoretical advice for raising children and look for common answers to their problems.

Due to the large interest expressed by parents in the program, next year the LJC Social Programs Department is planning to offer a parenting skills program for parents raising children of different ages.

Happy Hanukkah from the Social Programs Department!

Hanukkah Celebration for Children

The Dubi Mishpokha, Dubi and Ilan Clubs of the Lithuanian Jewish Community invite children and parents to a Hanukkah celebration at 12 noon on December 2, 2018, at the Future Live room located at Upės street no. 2 in Vilnius.

Please register by 11:30 A.M. on November 30 by sending an email to or by calling Sofja at 867257450, Alina at 869522959 or Margarita at 861800577.

See you there!

This Hanukkah is Our 30th Birthday

This Hanukkah is Our 30th Birthday

This Hanukkah marks the 30th birthday of the restoration of the Lithuanian Jewish Community. The LJC will celebrate Hanukkah on December 9 at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Vilnius with a concert by Gefilte Drive from Israel. Tickets cost 15 euros. For more information and to register, call 467881514 or stop by the LJC at Pylimo street no. 4 in Vilnius. Students can get a discount by calling Amit at 869227326 and senior citizens who are clients of the LJC’s Social Programs Department can as well by calling Žana at 867881514.

We hope to see you there!

Wordless Shadow Theater

Wordless Shadow Theater

The Ilan Club invites members and interested parties to attend a workshop on shadow theater at 1:00 P.M. on November 25. Those interested should send an email to or call 867257540.

The goal of the workshop is to create a short play based on traditional Jewish tales. The play will be expressed in light and shadow and without words. The director believes the lack of verbal content will enhance perception of the environment and people around us, thus increasing empathy and fostering new kinds of creativity. Participants at the workshop will discuss the play and will make scenography and shadow puppets with help from artists. Together with the director and actors, participants will explore different ways for characters to express themselves without using words.

Thank You to Rašelė

The Lithuanian Jewish Community has received a thank-you letter from Liudmila Uvanova personally thanking Social Department Family Support coordinator Rašelė Šeraitė. Liudmila Uvanova said Rašelė puts her soul into her work and is sweet. polite, attentive and open-hearted. She said all the clients are lucky to have such a person on their side, and also thanked the Lithuanian Jewish Community for real help to people in need.

Call for Help: Update

Dear readers,

A family with 3 children, clients of the LJC Social Department, recently had their washing machine break down, which they need very much, especially since one of the children is only three-years-old.

An anonymous donor has stepped forward for the family to buy a new washing machine. Thank you so much for the rapid response! The family still has a number of needs and if you can help, please contact family support coordinator Rashele by telephone at 8 652 13 146 or by email at

Thank you!


Feiga Koganskienė passed away October 23, 2018. She was born in 1926. For many years she served as deputy chairwoman for the Kaunas Jewish Community and was responsible for social needs of the community. She was also the director of the Community’s Yiddish Club and spoke the language fluently. Our deepest condolences to her many friends and relatives.

Call for Help

Dear readers,

A family with 3 children, clients of the LJC Social Department, recently had their washing machine break down, which they need very much, especially since one of the children is only three-years-old.

If you are able to donate a used or new washing machine, please contact family support coordinator Rashele at 8 652 13 146 or by email at

We thank you for your consideration.

LJC Children’s Clubs Re-Open

The children’s clubs of the Lithuanian Jewish Community will hold a ceremony September 16 to open the new fall season.

Children and parents are invited to attend the Dubi -Mishpakha Club for children aged one-and-a-half to four at 10:30 A.M. on September 16 in the Dubi Club on the first floor.

The ceremony for the Dubi Club, for children aged 4 to 6, and the Ilan CLub, for children aged 7 to 12, will be held at 2:00 P.M. on the third floor.

The program includes games, a lottery, Rosh Hashanah treats and more and will be directed by our great team of counselors.

For more information contact Sofja at +370 672 57540 or

Please Help

Dear Community members,

Today we ask for your help for a single mother raising four children, a client of the LJC Social Programs Department.

The family needs a computer for the children to do schoolwork. They also have no television and go to the neighbors’ to watch news. They have a washing machine which they have taken good care of, but it is already 13 years old. The mother is worried it will break down any moment and she doesn’t know where to wash her children’s clothes and bedding if it does.

The family lives in an old house which lacks utilities and infrastructure.

If you or someone you know can help this family by donating a used or new computer, television or washing machine, please contact Rashele, program coordinator for the Family Support Program of the LJC’s Social Programs Department, by telephone at 8 652 13 146 or by email at

We are extraordinarily grateful for your active support. No good work goes unnoticed!

Amehaye Summer Camp 2018

In July the Lithuanian Jewish Community sponsored a day camp for members’ children aged 5 to 12. As every year, this year’s camp was held at a beautiful natural location, the Karvys manor in Paežeriai village in the Vilnius region.

Parents and children alike look forward to the camp and the experience of nature, relaxing by a lake and playing with friends. The day camp includes educational activities, walks and breakfast, lunch and dinner. Buses take the children to the camp in the morning and return them home in the evening. The day camps were held from July 16 to 27 this year. This year 49 children attended, from Lithuania, Israel, Russia, Norway, the USA and Great Britain. Children learned songs and Israeli dance, performed skits and learned to bake challa bread for Sabbath. The educational program included discussions about Jewish traditions, art, swimming, athletics and other activities.

Camp counselors took the campers to visit dog trainers and to meet with scouts in Labanoras Forest. The scouts talked about what it means to be a scout and everyone had a nice picnic by the lake.

Lithuania’s Russian Drama Theater actress Yuliana Volodko created a play with the children called Noah’s Ship which the children performed for parents at the closing ceremony. The play was followed by a Sabbath celebration with children and parents, attended by about 90 people in total. The closing ceremony featured cake and fireworks, and children made wishes and then released helium balloons.

Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman Faina Kukliansky thanks all the organizers, volunteers and guests who made this year’s Amehaye such a success, and also thanks the company Nikadita, the Bagel Shop Café and the Sluoksniai Café for their support and help.

LJC Invites Children to Summer Camp Amehaye 2018

Lietuvos žydų (litvakų) bendruomenė kviečia vaikus į dieninę vasaros stovyklą „Amehaye 2018“

The Lithuanian Jewish Community invites children aged 5-10 to the Amehaye 2018 summer camp at the Karvys manor estate in Paežeriai village in the Maišiagala aldermanship in the Vilnius region from July 16 to 27. The program includes educational activities and walks. Facilities will be provided for naps for the younger children and breakfast, lunch and dinner will be served daily.

Cost for one child is 160 euros, or to register two children at once 150 euros apiece. The cost for one week is 80 euros. Children in the LJC social program receive a subsidy. Registration is open till July 10.

Electronic registration form here.

For more information and to register, contact Sofja Sirutienė by email at or call +37067257540, or contact Žana Skudovičienė at or call +37067881514.