
Twelfth Annual Liova Taicas Memorial Tournament in Šiauliai

Twelfth Annual Liova Taicas Memorial Tournament in Šiauliai

The Šiauliai Regional Jewish Community will hold their 12th annual Liova Taicas athletics tournament at the Uniqa Arena there starting at 11:00 A.M. on Sunday, May 8. The games are to include indoor soccer, 3-on-3 basketball, volleyball, squash, table tennis and chess. For more information call Rašella at 869910621 or Sania at 864025950.


Yitzhak Segal passed away April 21 at the age of 84 following a long battle with chronic illness. He as an inmate of the Kaunas ghetto. We mourn the loss of our friend and a sincere, just and principled man. Our condolences to his wife Tereza and son Markas as well as all the other friends and family who have been left behind.

Sabbath Times

Sabbath Times

The Sabbath begins at 8:17 P.M. on Friday, April 22, and concludes at 9:39 P.M. on Saturday in the Vilnius region. Friday is the 7th day of Passover and Saturday, April 22, is the 8th and final day.

Saturday Prayer Service

Saturday=morning prayer service or shakharit will be held at 11:00 A.M. on April 23 at the Choral Synagogue in Vilnius with the Torah portion read by Rabbi Nathan Alfred.

A Physicist of Whom Lithuania Can Be Proud

A Physicist of Whom Lithuania Can Be Proud

Original article:, 2022-03-22

Translated from Russian to Lithuanian by Irena Miškinienė, and from Lithuanian to English by Geoff Vasil

My Teacher Joshua Levinson Would Have Turned 90 Today

by professor Pinchos Fridberg,

Joshua Levinson

In the place of an introduction

When you have reached the 80-year mark and have become an old and tired horse who can barely lift his hooves, and they take you funem yarid (Yiddish, “from the fair,” a formulation by the Yiddish writer Sholem Aleichem), the faces of your dearest and most beloved people appear before you ever more often, those who have left this world before you. My parents who gave me life. My Teachers who were sent by destiny.

* * *

Making Kugel with the Community’s Children on Passover

Making Kugel with the Community’s Children on Passover

A #KinderTiš culinary workshop was held at the Lithuanian Jewish Community on Passover eve. The topic was Passover foods, of course, incorporating matzo bread. Many parents and children had the opportunity for the first time to try matzo kugel with raisins, curds and forest berry-jam, with butter on top, made by Riva Portnaja.

To make Passover breakfasts more interesting, Riva also showed participants how to make Mexican matzo brei with avocado, red beans, corn and fresh-squeezed lime juice.


In the name of the members of the Goodwill Foundation and the Lithuanian Jewish Community’s executive board we extend our deepest condolences to the widow, mother and entire family of the late Charles Temel. Temel was recently appointed to serve on the investment committee of the Goodwill Foundation.

Sabbath Times

Sabbath Times

The Sabbath begins at 8:04 P.M. on Friday, April 15, and concludes at 9:23 P.M. on Saturday in the Vilnius region.

Sounding North Jerusalem Children and Youth Orchestra Camp

Sounding North Jerusalem Children and Youth Orchestra Camp

The LJC is pleased to announce registration is open for the Sounding North Jerusalem children and youth orchestra camp to be held from August 15 to August 25 in the Lithuanian resort of Preila.

Registration consists of selecting a musical work you’ve learned over the last academic year, filming yourself performing it for at least five minutes, and sending the video or a link to the video to, which is also the address to write for more information. Submissions are encouraged from outside Lithuania as well.

Matzo On Sale Now

Matzo On Sale Now

Matzo is now available for Passover in the foyer on the first floor of the Lithuanian Jewish Community located at Pylimo street no. 4 in Vilnius. A half-kilogram box costs 5 euros, 1 kg costs 10. Purchases may be made between 10:00 A.M and 6:00 P.M. on weekdays until April 15.

Happy Birthday to Leonidas Melnikas

Happy Birthday to Leonidas Melnikas

Happy 65th birthday to our friend Leonidas Melnikas. Leonidas recently won the Ona Narbutienė prize for his two-volume biography “Maestro Saulius Sondeckis” (Vilnius 2020, 2021), among his many other achievements and recognitions.

Happy birthday, Leonidas. Mazl tov. Bis 120!

Rabbi Who Fled Moscow: Jewish Life in Russia Coming to End

Rabbi Who Fled Moscow: Jewish Life in Russia Coming to End

by David Stromberg

After war in Ukraine broke out, Motl Gordon moved to Israel where he’s working with Russian-speaking Jews to nurture a vision of an audaciously welcoming new diaspora

On the morning of February 24, 2022, Motl Gordon woke up to the news that Russia had invaded Ukraine.

“It dawned on me that it’s another epoch now,” Gordon told the Times of Israel in a recent interview in Jerusalem. Within two hours he, his wife and their two kids had airline tickets, and within 10 hours they were on a plane to Warsaw.

Gordon spent the last five years leading an independent Jewish community in Moscow, Sredi Svoih (Among Our Own). Just minutes after deciding to leave, Gordon went to the synagogue to lead a Torah lesson and morning prayers. He didn’t tell his congregants about his plans–it wasn’t clear to him yet that he would succeed in actually boarding the flight.

Sabbath Times

Sabbath Times

The Sabbath begins at 7:50 P.M. on Friday, April 8, and concludes at 9:09 P.M. on Saturday in the Vilnius region.

Yom haShoah

Yom haShoah

On April 28 the world will mark Yom haShoah, Holocaust Day. The Lithuanian Jewish Community invites everyone to attend a ceremony to commemorate Holocaust victims on that day. The commemoration will take place at the Ponar Memorial Complex outside Vilnius at 12 noon on Thursday, April 28. It is expected to last 30 minutes. This is an initiative by the Lithuanian Jewish Community.

Faina Kukliansky, chairwoman
Lithuanian Jewish Community

A bus will transport people from the LJC at Pylimo street no. 4 in Vilnius. Prior registration is required by calling 868506900 or sending an email to

Matzo Arrives for Passover

Matzo Arrives for Passover

The long-awaited shipment of matzo has reached the Lithuanian Jewish Community. We will begin distributing it to every Jewish household in Lithuania very soon in the run-up to Passover which begins April 15.

Sabbath Dinner with Guitar

Sabbath Dinner with Guitar

Community members are invited to a traditional Sabbath dinner accompanied by guitar music. There will be the traditional Sabbath prayer followed by dinner, and if you play guitar, or sing, feel free to join in the music afterwards. Bring your own guitar!

When: 6:30 P.M., April 8
Where: Bagel Shop Café
Cost: 15 euros

Registration:, telephone number +37067250699

LJC Calls on Government, Institutions to Stop Repeated Vandalism at Ponar Memorial

LJC Calls on Government, Institutions to Stop Repeated Vandalism at Ponar Memorial

The Lithuanian Jewish Community is upset by continuing attacks at the Ponar Memorial Complex mass murder site. We do not understand the apathy demonstrated by the institutions responsible and have written Lithuanian prime minister Ingrida Šimonytė and interior minister Agnė Bilotaitė demanding rapid action to stop these repeated attacks and to bring the perpetrators to justice.

Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman Faina Kukliansky said:

“The continuing attacks at the Ponar mass murder site transgress all bounds. This is a holy site for the entire Lithuanian Jewish community and the Lithuanian state. We all understand what is signified by the letter Z which was written on the memorial commemorating Holocaust victims.

“State institutions can no longer pretend this is not Lithuania’s responsibility because, despite the nice words, nothing is happening. The representatives of the state likely think it’s sufficient to attend a commemoration once per year at Ponar and the rest of the year the memorial complex can swim in garbage, and host drinking parties. Although the Lithuanian state took the memorial complex under its protection back in 1991, it apparently sees no need up to the present time to actually maintain it. The infrastructure there is lacking and security there is best illustrated by the events of recent days. Is it so difficult to set up even a minimal security system there, even just video cameras? Is the state saving money this way? What sort of signal does this send about the state’s attitude towards the Holocaust in Lithuania and the tragedy of the Jews of Lithuania? We will not stay silent and look on passively as swastikas and the letter Z are drawn at sites which are sacred to us. We will not stay silent because we know what kind of signal this is sending to us as a community. The entire Lithuanian Jewish Community is disgusted, insulted and hurt, and we will not allow this to go on.”

Passover with the Lithuanian Jewish Community

Passover with the Lithuanian Jewish Community

You and your family are invited to celebrate Passover together with the Lithuanian Jewish Community.

Location: Natali restaurant
Date: 7:00 P.M., April 15
Registration before April 13
Tickets for adults: 25 euros
Tickets for children aged 3 to 13: 10 euros

To register, contact Žana at or call Julija Segal at +37065952604