The Sabbath begins at 6:48 P.M. on Friday, March 28, and concludes at 7:44 P.M. on Saturday in the Vilnius region. Sabbath candles should be lit and prayers begun at 6:30 P.M., and completed before sunset at 6:48 P.M.

The Sabbath begins at 6:48 P.M. on Friday, March 28, and concludes at 7:44 P.M. on Saturday in the Vilnius region. Sabbath candles should be lit and prayers begun at 6:30 P.M., and completed before sunset at 6:48 P.M.
by Borukh Gorin,
It was the early 1980s. On the coffee table stood a VEF-202–heavy, solid, with the smell of plastic and Soviet electronics. Its long antenna, like a taut nerve, caught the voices of a distant world. On the dial–London, Paris, Monte Carlo, and between them the frequencies that carried what was absent from Soviet news: the BBC, Voice of America, Radio Liberty.
There was a whole world on shortwave. On Kol Israel, I listened to Jewish music–old songs that seemed somehow familiar and distant at the same time. On the BBC, Seva Novgorodtsev talked about Western music, which we only knew about from rare records copied onto reels. And Svoboda talked about things that our newspapers were silent about. About Jews in the USSR, who “don’t exist.” About refuseniks, who are not allowed to leave. About synagogues that are still standing, but people are afraid to come to them.
And there was also a religious program.
I listened to Rabbi Haskelevich. I always listened alone.
The Lithuanian Jewish Community is pleased to announce a concert by Igor Itzik Epstein from Köln and his lecture on klezmer music called “Klezmer Music from Its Origins to Today.”
Epstein’s Klezmer Tov was founded by Igor (Itzik) Epstein in Cologne about 15 years ago. Igor’s musical journey did not begin, however, in Germany. Born in Vilnius, Igor grew up in Rostov-on-Don in a Jewish musical family. It was there that he received his music education, first as a classical violinist and later as a jazz bass performer, graduating from the Rostov State Conservatory.
The development of Igor’s unique style is the result of a lifetime of musical influence. Playing music and growing up in a talented musical family meant that he was always surrounded by different forms of music. Therefore, upon moving to Europe, he became known as a performer who seems to appeal to his listeners on multiple levels simultaneously by fusing together elements of folk, jazz and classical music with sparkling Jewish humor.
Epstein’s Klezmer Tov is a traditional acoustic band which communicates with the audience through their own native musical language called Klezmer. Although the number of musicians in the group can vary from duo to sextet (violin, clarinet, guitar, bass, accordion/piano and percussion) the genuine colorful emotions and the authenticity of its expressive melodies remain unchanged.
Epstein will speak and perfrom April 1 at the Lithuanian Jewish Community in Vilnius. Registration is required by sending an email to For more information, call (+370) 678 81514.
Time: 6:30 P.M., April 1
Place: LJC, Pylimo street no. 4, Vilnius
The Rytas Gymnasium in Pabradė together with the Pabradė City Culture Center and the Pabradė Art School held a commemoration of Lithuania’s Righteous Gentile Day on March 14. Švenčionys Jewish Community chairman Moshe Shapiro, Švenčionys Region administrative council member Bronislovas Vilimas, Pabradė alderwoman Ana Zingerienė and 7th and 8th grade students participated. History teacher Danguolė Grincevičienė organized the event and provided the main feature about Righteous Gentiles and those who rescued Jews in the Švenčionys district. Local music teachers and students provided musical accompaniment, and art teacher Žana Semaško and her students presented an exhibit they made about the Holocaust and rescuers.
Students from a regional history club read out the names of Righteous Gentiles and of those whom they rescued, followed by more music by local students and the Pabradė Culture Center orchestra. Chairman Shapiro and Rytas Gymnasium principal Laima Markauskienė thanked everyone for organizing and attending the event.
The Sabbath begins at 6:34 P.M. on Friday, March 21, and concludes at 7:30 P.M. on Saturday in the Vilnius region. Sabbath candles should be lit at 6:16 P.M. and completed before sunset at 6:34 P.M. Nowruz, Persian New Year, falls on the vernal equinox in 2025, Thursday, March 20, and is celebrated on multiple dates in multiple countries for several days following.
Dear Moshe,
We wish you a very happy 75th.
Your dedication and many years of work conserving and celebrating the culture and history of the Švenčionys Jewish Community is a priceless contribution to our shared heritage, and your work bringing people together and spreading mutual understanding inspires us to take on new challenges.
We wish you good health, endless energy and everyday joy. May respect, human warmth and beautiful life moments always follow you.
Mazl tov. Bis 120!
Faina Kukliansky, chairwoman
Lithuanian Jewish Community
Polina Sokolskaya has passed away. She was born in 1923. A Lithuanian Jewish Community of long standing, she was also a client of the Saul Kagan Welfare Center. Our deepest condolences to her granddaughter Renata and all her friends and loved ones.
Conservative member of parliament Paulė Kuzmickienė initiated legislation back in 2022 to make Righteous Gentile Day an official Lithuanian holiday. This year the Kaunas Jewish Community marked Righteous Gentile Day for the third time with a group of Community members, interested citizens and Kaunas tourist guide Mariya Onishchimk.
It’s sad to report that our Righteous Gentiles, those brave and courageous souls who rescued Litvaks from the Holocaust, Lithuania’s true heroes, remain largely unsung and are barely commemorated in Kaunas, and remain largely unknown throughout the country.
Kaunas Jewish Community chairman Gercas Žakas commented: “There have been and are, of course, many initiatives, many things done, many researchers studying this topic, but then there is truly so much more to be done. This is our duty, not just to pay honor and respect to the rescuers of Jews, but also for the mission which can be performed though knowledge of them and their activities, even those actions which the rescuers themselves don’t consider heroic, though conserving and forming humanitarian, altruistic values, teaching empathy and reconciliation.”
Panevėžys Jewish Community chairman Gennady Kofman was master of ceremonies at the Panevėžys Jewish Community’s Purim celebration last week.
“The Purim holiday is filled with fun, a sense of community and faith that the Jewish people are strong and able to withstand all misfortunes,” he said.
He also delivered greetings to celebrants from Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman Faina Kukliansky.
Kofman also retold the Purim story to participants at the fully-laden holiday table.
Students, teachers, descendants of Righteous Gentiles, MP Paulė Kuzmickienė, architect Tauras Budzys and members of the Šiauliai District Jewish Community gathered Sunday to mark RIghteous Gentile Day at Righteous Gentile Square in Šiauliai. The commemoration continued at the Šiauliai District Jewish Community with music by violinist Dalia Dėdinskaitė and Glebas Pyšniakas playing cello. Tauras Budzys created a special marker for the graves of Righteous Gentiles and affixed the symbol to the headstone of Righteous Gentiles Eleonora and Antanas Margaitis.
The Panevėžys Regional History Museum hosted an event to mark Righteous Gentile Day last week.
The Lithuanian parliament declared the day back in 2023 to coincide with Yad Vashem’s award of the title of Righteous Gentile to Ona Šimaitė back on March 15, 1966. She was the first Lithuanian given the distinction for her rescue of and aid to Vilnius ghetto inmates.
The commemoration in Panevėžys included speakers and a screening of the documentary film “Ponivez, Lithuania, 1932” about the Jewish community in Panevėžys or Ponevezh before the Holocaust.
Panevėžys Jewish Community chairman Gennady Kofman spoke at the event and delivered a message from Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman Faina Kukliansky who was unable to attend in person.
Natalja Cheifec’s continuing internet lecture and discussion club will address Thursday at 5:30 P.M. the topic of the Vilna Gaon. Who was he, where did he live, what were his teachings and why does he remain a central figure today?
To receive zoom credentials, click here.
Last week Lithuania marked the third annual commemoration of Righteous Gentiles Day and the Lithuanian Jewish Community remembered their courage, risking their lives to save Jews during the Holocaust, at the Choral Synagogue in Vilnius.
Sulamita Fromanaitė-Lev, rescued by nuns, shared her family story. Descendants of Righteous Gentiles Kazys and Sofija Binkis, Iga Mautėnienė and Romualdas Juknelevičius, talked about their family. Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman Faina Kukliansky spoke about the rescue of her family and Evangelical Lutheran reverend Mindaugas Sabutis and father Aligrdas Toliatas also addressed the commemoration.
Violinist Simas Tankevičius and bayan accordion player Yevgeni Musiyets provided music at the event. Students from Sholem Aleichem ORT Gymnasium read excerpts from Yitzhak Mer’s Holocaust memoirs. Thank you to Sholem students Dina Perelman iand Markas Šulmanas, and to Sholem graduate Jokūbas Davidavičius who was master of ceremonies.
Dear reader,
A happy Purim holiday to everyone. Let the jokes and songs ring out, let the fun begin and the happy holiday mood reach all.
Hag Purim saameach,
Faina Kukliansky, chairwoman
Lithuanian Jewish Community
The Sabbath begins at 6:21 P.M. on Friday, March 14, and concludes at 7:06 P.M. on Saturday in the Vilnius region. Sabbath candles should be lit at 6:03 P.M. and completed before sunset at 6:21 P.M. Purim starts at sunset on Thursday, March 13. Friday is also the International Day of Mathematics and Monday is St. Patrick’s Day.
The Ilan Club for children aged 7 to 12 is meeting this Saturday at 1:00 P.M. at the Lithuanian Jewish Community in Vilnius. This session includes a shadow theater, Purim gifts and lots of fun.
The Lithuanian Jewish Community and the Sholem Aleichem ORT Gymnasium invite you to a celebration of the happiest holiday of the year, Purim, on Thursday, March 13, at the Loftas performance space in Vilnius.
The program includes the customary costume ball, purimshpil skits and performances by Sholem students, the traditional games and many prizes, as well as a DJ and other entertainment. Michael Frishman will be master of ceremonies.
Tickets available here:
Time: 6:30 P.M., Thursday, March 13
Place: Loftas, Švitrigailos street no. 29, Vilnius
March 9, 2025
A prominent Palestinian activist who helped lead Columbia University’s student encampment movement was arrested Saturday night by federal immigration authorities, who claimed they were acting on a State Department order to revoke his green card, according to his attorney.
Mahmoud Khalil was at his university-owned apartment blocks from Columbia’s Manhattan campus when several Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents entered the building and took him into custody, his attorney Amy Greer told the Associated Press.
Khalil has been one of the negotiators with school administrators on behalf of the anti-Israel pro-Palestinian student protesters, who set up a tent encampment on a Columbia lawn last year. He became one of the most visible faces of the pro-Palestinian movement at Columbia.
One of the agents told Greer by phone that they were executing a State Department order to revoke Khalil’s student visa. Informed by the attorney that Khalil, who graduated in December, was in the United States as a permanent resident with a green card, the agent said they were revoking that, too, according to the lawyer.
Full story here.
To celebrate World Theater Day on March 27, the Russian Drama Theater in Vilnius, now rechristened Old Drama Theater, will host two klezmer bands. Called “Klezmer on Pogulanka” (the older name of Basanavičiaus street in Vilnius where the theater is located), the Franco-Lithuanian ensemble Rakija Klezmer Orkestar“ and the Yiddish Atmospheric Touch trio from France will perform classics and improv. Stay tuned for more information.
Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman Faina Kukliansky extends here greetings on the occasion of March 11:
Dear reader,
Thirty-five. That’s how old our restored independent country is today where we enjoy the freedom to live, speak and discuss. That many years we have been able to take pride in our ethnicity and identity openly, to share our culture, knowledge and individuality. This is the greatest gift which we hold so dear and appreciate so much.
Faina Kukliansky, chairwoman
Lithuanian Jewish Community