Makabi @en

Dramatic Outcome in Lithuanian Chess League

The third round of the Lithuanian Chess League was held in Vilnius over the weekend during which two tournaments were played and the strongest Lithuanian clubs emerged.

After two rounds (five parties) it seemed there would be no surprises this time. The MRU team dominated the championship winning all five matches for 10 points. Gigant Chess of Panevėžys was a close second with 8 points while Makabi and Margiris from Kaunas (a Lithuanian Chess League champion many times over) each lagged behind by a point at 7. In the sixth round MRU lost 1.5:3.5 to Makabi and Gigant Chess and Margiris each gained a point (2.5:2.5).

Before that fateful round MRU was still out in front with 10 points, but Makabi and Gigant Chess were already hard on their heels, both teams holding 9 points. In the last round the chess players weren’t entirely focused on their own games and kept track of the competition as the situation dramatically changed and made mental calculations about the points needed to end with a higher standing.

Jewish Brothers of Lithuanian Soccer

futbolas Makabi
After a match between Kaunas LFLS and Kaunas Makabi in 1926

The Jewish community influenced the development of the sport of soccer in interwar Lithuania. In 1916 the Jews of Vilna followed in the footsteps of their fellow Jews in Warsaw and founded the Jewish athletics and sports club Makabi. Vilna Makabi not only propagated gymnastic and other fields of athletics, but also soccer. The interwar provisional capital of Lithuania, Kaunas, was mad about soccer then and became the center of sporting activity. The Lithuanian Athletics Union was founded there in 1919, and a year later was replaced by the Lithuanian Physical Fitness Sports Union (the Lithuanian acronym is LFLS). The Jewish Makabi Union soon followed and was established in Kaunas.

Full story in Lithuanian here.

Makabi Soccer Team Fighting to Win

The mini soccer team of the Makabi Lithuanian Athletics Club is competing successfully in the Vilnius district tournament Select II in the Sunday League, which includes 10 teams. After foru matches Makabi are now in fourth place. The tournament continues and let’s hope after some injured players return our team makes it to the top. Good luck!


Plaque Commemorating Lithuanian Ping Pong Championship Unveiled in Kaunas

Kaune atidengta atminimo lenta pirmosioms Lietuvos stalo teniso pirmenybėms, organizuotoms “Makabi”

A plaque has been unveiled on the western façade of the A. Martinaitis Art School at Šv. Gertrūdos street no. 33 in Kaunas with the inscription: “In this building the first Lithuanian table tennis championships took place organized by the athletics club Makabi.”

Lithuanian Table Tennis Association director Rimgaudas Balaiša said at the unveiling ceremony Kaunas was the cradle of table tennis in Lithuania. Young people imported the game from abroad and by 1922 Kaunas began to see its first enthusiasts. In 1925 the first ping pong tournaments were held in Lithuania. A year later the Ping Pong Committee was established in the Lithuanian Athletics League. And here on March 12 to 13, 1927, the Makabi Club decided to hold the Lithuanian Ping Pong Championship. Makabi was the pioneer in this historic activity.

The Jewish Makabi Club was established on October 19, 1920 in Lithuania. It was the most affluent of any ethnic minority sports organization. The winners in the ping pong championship they held were Ona Gurvičaitė and Josifas Šimensas.

Full story here.

Makabi Fall Tennis Tournament 2016

LSK „Makabi“ rudens teniso turnyras 2016

The fall tennis tournament of the Makabi Lithuanian athletics club was held November 27 at SEB Arena in Vilnius, with 10 athletes (7 male, 3 female). The matches were held with a minus 2 handicap. Danielius Merkinas was the overall winner. In the women’s group promising young professional tennis player Alisa Gaivaronskytė took first place. Valentina Finkelšteinienė and Tatjana Podkolzina took second and third in the women’s.


In the men’s, the brothers Kęstas and Norbertas Faktorovičius took third. The best player among veterans was Grigorij Khiterer, followed closely by Faktorovičius and Eduardas Gurvičius. All contestants received participation prizes and the women got flowers as well. The awards ceremony and dinner followed the competition.

Attend Unveiling of Plaque Commemorating 1927 Lithuanian Table Tennis Champions in Kaunas


Photo of 1927 Lithuanian table tennis champions. Sitting: O.Gurvičaitė, champion in women’s group. Standing from right: I. Šimensas (first place), I. Keperis (second place), B. Podzelneris (director of the table tennis section of Makabi), I. Godas (third place), Ch. Šimensas (fifth place).

A plaque will be unveiled at 2:00 P.M. on Tuesday, November 29, on the western façade of the A. Martinaitis Art School in Kaunas located at Šv. Gertrūdos street no. 33 with the inscription:

“In this building on March 12 and 13, 1927, the first LITHUANIAN TABLE TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIP took place, organized by the Makabi athletics club.”

Makabi Athletics Club
Lithuanian Table Tennis Association
Kaunas Jewish Community

Chess Tournament Dedicated to Memory of Kaunas Chess Club Director Abraomas Šulmanas

Kviečiam į šachmatų turnyrą, skirtą, Kauno šachmatų klubo direktoriaus Abraomo Šulmano atminimui

The Lithuanian Jewish Community and the Rositsan and Maccabi Elite Chess and Checkers Club invite you to a chess tournament dedicated to the memory of Kaunas Chess Club director Abraomas Šulmanas at the Lithuanian Jewish Community in Vilnius at 11:00 A.M. on August 21.

Tournament director Boris Rositsan, FIDE master

For further information and to register, contact:
tel.: +3706 5543556

Lithuanian Debut at the Olympics: The Isaac Anolik Story

by D. Baranauskaitė

“All riders have reached the finish line and the injured have been brought by automobile, but we haven’t seen Mr. Anolik and he isn’t found among the injured. Everyone has left. The stadium is empty, but he’s still not here. Asked by telephone, all the checkpoints reported they didn’t know and that there was not a single cyclist left on the route. He only came back at 11 at night, cold and hungry.”

This is how the newspaper Sportas reported the debut of the Lithuanian state at the Olympic Games in 1924. The subject of the report, Isaac Anolik, was a Lithuanian athlete of Jewish origins and the country’s cycling champion many times over. His accomplishments didn’t matter during the Holocaust. The leading Lithuanian cyclist was shot at the Ninth Fort.


Full story in Lithuanian here.

Lithuanian Makabi’s Mini-Maccabee Games Held for Lithuanian Jews Going to Olympics

Lietuvos “Makabi” mažoji “Makabiada” skirta Lietuvos žydams (dviratininkams I. Anolikui ir T. Murnikui), dalyvavusiems olimpinėse žaidynėse

On June 19 Lithuania’s Makabi Athletics Club held a mini-Maccabee games in Kaunas dedicated to the bicyclists I. Anolik and T. Murnik. Over 72 athletes from all over Lithuania divided into six teams according to larger nearby city participated in field soccer, basketball, volleyball, table tennis and chess. The veteran team defeated the younger team in basketball in Kaunas with Erikas Griškevičius and Elvis Ušpicas taking home prizes for their efforts.

Eight athletes competed in chess. Sergey Alifanov won with 6.5 points, with tournament organizer Roza Joffė coming in second with 5.5 points. Aleksandr Korkhatov was a close third with 5 points. Unfortunately Makabi board member Roman Burštein with the highest rating in chess was scoring goals in soccer during the chess matches.

Team Klaipėda easily beat Kaunas in volleyball with a score of 3:1. The best players, Eugenijus Tarachovskis and Samuelis Ušpicas, were awarded prizes.

Makabi Athletics Club Tennis Tournament 2016

Iš kairės :varžybų organizatorius Michailas Duškesas, Anatolijus Faktorovičius, Alisa Gavronskytė, Grigorij Khiterer

The Makabi Lithuanian Athletics Club held a tennis tournament at the SEB Arena in Vilnius May 21 with seven contestants, 5 male and 2 female. All contestants received a participation medal and the women also received flowers.

A dinner party for the contestants followed. Young professional tennis player Alisa Gavronskytė took first place and Grigorij Khiterer and Kęstas Faktorovičius took second and third.

Results here.

Photo gallery here.

Sporting Event

The Lithuanian Jewish Community and the Lithuanian Jewish Makabi Athletics Club invite you to

a celebration of the grand opening of the summer season
for the entire family.


Soccer tournament for children and adults
Registration of teams: Pavel Guliakov, telephone: 370 685 42463, email:

Badminton tournament
Registration: Genadijus Plavinas, telephone: 370 699 40918, email:

Israeli dance marathon
with Karina Semionova, no registration required, 12:00 noon to 2:00 P.M.

Activities for younger holiday-makers
with Dubi and Dubi Mishpoha Club coordinators
Alina Azukaitis and Margarita Kožetova and the other guides

Event is free and open to the public!

Time: 11:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., Sunday, June 5, 2016
Location: The Vilnius Soccer Fan Stadium, Linkmenų street no. 8, Vilnius