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Šiauliai Regional and Klaipėda Jewish Communities Commemorate Holocaust Victims in Ylakiai

Šiauliai Regional and Klaipėda Jewish Communities Commemorate Holocaust Victims in Ylakiai

Members of the Šiauliai Regional and Klaipėda Jewish Communities attended an event to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Holocaust in Ylakiai, Lithuania, on July 6. The town center hosted an exhibit called “The Homes They Lived In” about Jewish families, businesses and activities. During the commemoration opera soloist Olga Šardt-Žarova sang “Our Father” and other works in Hebrew. After a minute of silence, a procession set off for the mass murder site and the old Jewish cemetery. Candles were lit and flowers placed at the site of the former synagogue, as were stones as well at the mass murder site, where kaddish was also performed.

According to the census at the end of the 19th century, 57% of the town’s population were Jews. Before World War I there were 150 Jewish families there. The town was heavily damaged during that war and many buildings include the synagogue burned to the ground. The town was rebuilt with large contributions made by Jews and in 1923 Jews constituted 41% of the population then. Many Jewish residents engaged in trade, light production and even agriculture before World War I. There were two mills with Jewish owners. Commerce took place at the weekly market and the large fair held once every five years. According to a government survey in 1931, there were 20 shops there, of which 17 belonged to Jews.

Šiauliai Regional Jewish Community Celebrates 100 Years of Makabi

Šiauliai Regional Jewish Community Celebrates 100 Years of Makabi

On June 23, 1921, the first Jewish athletics league Makabi began operating, giving rise to the Jewish athletics movement in Šiauliai. In 2021 the Šiauliai Jewish sports association Makabi is celebrating its 100th birthday. To mark the milestone year, the Šiauliai Regional Jewish Community, the Aušra Museum and the Gegužių pre-gymnasium in Šiauliai carried out a project in May and June of this year called “Sport: An Indivisible Part of Life of the Successful Person.”

On May 25 the young chess players from the area competed in a virtual chess championship, organized by the Community and local Makabi Club chairman Eduard Šer. Nine teams from eight local schools competed. Aušra Museum historian Antanas Jankūnas shared interesting facts about sports in Šiauliai before the matches began.

On June 9 a large gathering of local students attended a virtual event to celebrate Šiauliai Makabi’s 100th birthday. The students learned the story of athletics in Šiauliai from historian Antanas Jankūnas and took part in a quiz about sports.

Makabi Collective Consciousness

Makabi Collective Consciousness

The March issue of the magazine “Kaunas pilnas kultūros” [Kaunas Full of Culture] featured the history of the Lithuanian Makabi Athletics Club.

Gercas Žakas, chairman of the Kaunas Jewish Community, wrote on his facebook profile:

“I believe a number of Kaunas residents have discovered and come to love the publication ‘Kaunas pilnas kultūros’ which is published monthly in a small format but with rich content (incidentally, it’s free! While they say there’s no such thing as a free lunch, if you get this magazine with your lunch at a café, it’s worth the cost of your meal 😄).

“Sports was the theme for March, and I had the honor of being interviewed as well. We spoke about youth, soccer, the Jewish community, the history of the Makabi Athletics Club and about its resurrection in Lithuania. I am grateful to Kotryna Lingienė for the initiative, to Monika Balčiauskaitė for the sincere discussion and to Arvydas Čiukšys for his photographs and warm communication. I was echanted by these enthusiastic young people who are keen on their country’s history and seek to show the multiculturalism which enriches it.”

100-Meter Dash Champion Mykolas Preis Dead at 104

100-Meter Dash Champion Mykolas Preis Dead at 104

Mykolas Preis died at the age of 104 in Israel March 31. He was twice the Lithuanian champion of the 100-meter dash in the interwar period. He was buried at the Har haMenukhot cemetery in Jerusalem next to his wife Olia. Preis’s family emigrated to Israel in 1973. The Lithuanian Jewish Community remembers Mykolas Preis as an outstanding doctor and athlete. Our deepest condolences to his family.

Preis was the last interwar Lithuanian track champion. He took first place two years in a row, in 1939 and 1940, running the 100-meter dash in 11.5 seconds both times.

Preis was the senior medical doctor at the Sports Medicine Center located on Rožių alley in Vilnius in 1948. His contemporaries spoke of him as a great organizer as well as athlete. According to the Makabi records he came to prominence as a runner in 1938. Preis shared his memories of childhood and adolescence in the book “Lietuvos sporto klubo ,Makabi 1916–2016” [Lithuanian Makabi Athletics Club, 1916-2016] and spoke about his many friends and the influence of his caring and warm teacher Rozalija Sondeckienė when he attended the Šiauliai Boys’ Gymnasium.

With One Hand the State Comforts Jews, With the Other It Points Them to the Street

With One Hand the State Comforts Jews, With the Other It Points Them to the Street

by Vytautas Bruveris,

The country is marking the end of the ceremoniously declared Year of the Vilna Gaon and Litvak History, while the Lithuanian Jewish Community is looking at its front door and thinking it might have to leave its home. Because disagreements with state institutions are driving the Community from its longtime building in the center of the Lithuanian capital, located near the remains of Jewish Vilna and the city’s working synagogue.

Bailiffs and bricklayers in broad daylight have walled off one of the corridors in the building housing the LJC. This is the grotesque turn of events these days resulting from continuing disagreements between the LJC and the Vilna Gaon Jewish History Museum along with the Lithuanian Ministry of Culture. And even before this there were also episodes which seem rather odd, for example, letters from the museum to the members of the executive board of the LJC with accusations against the latter’s leadership, attempting to put political pressure directly upon the ethnic community/

With the new wall built, the LJC is now deciding on its future course: whether to dive headlong into legal battles, or simply pack its bags and hit the street. So why is all this happening? Because of disputes on how to share the courtyard which both the museum and the LJC, housed in the same building, claim. Instead of trying to act as moderator and as a moderating force, the Lithuanian Ministry of Culture has done the opposite. The neighbors are there next to each other, but separate.

Monument to Commemorate Makabi Stadium in Kaunas

Monument to Commemorate Makabi Stadium in Kaunas

Photo: A sculpture commemorating the Makabi Stadium in Kaunas. Photographs by Laimutis Brundza

A sculpture by Gediminas Pašvenskas will mark the spot where the Makabi Stadium was opened 100 years on Jonavos street in Kaunas. When you drive along the street today, you’d likely never think there was a soccer stadium here. Opened on October 19, 1920, by the Makabi Jewish athletics and gymnastics association, exactly one year later it was outfitted as a soccer stadium.

“The first stadium was in Ąžuolynas. The second was here, actually, a little bit away from this location where we’re standing now. There was a third in Panemunė, but back then Panemunė wasn’t part of the city of Kaunas, it belonged to the Kaunas district,” Kaunas Jewish Community chairman Gercas Žakas, who used to play soccer there, said at the ceremony to unveil the new sculpture.

The arena operated from 1920 to 1940 and held 2,500 people. It had a running track and other facilities as well. “Everything was fine if the ball didn’t go into the Neris River, at which point all the spectators would disperse. They didn’t wait the ten minutes it took to get the ball out of the water,” Žakas recalled.

Lithuanian Makabi president Semionas Finkelšteinas shared his own memories, not just balls going into the water, but water coming into the stadium. In 1931 the river overflowed and covered the entire field.

Makabi Fun Run

The Makabi Athletics Club and the Lithuanian Jewish Community are holding the annual Fun Run for charity again starting at 11:00 A.M. on Sunday, September 13, from the stage in Vingis park in Vilnius. Participants will chose one of two runs, 1.5 or 3 kilometers. Runners on the 1.5 km route will leave the starting line at 11:30 A.M. and those on the 3 km route will kick off at 12:15 P.M. This is for charity so runners will be required to pay a small fee to participate, 3 euros for students and retirees and 5 euros for others. The fee may be paid by bank transfer to the account

Lithuanian Makabi Athletics Club
LT69 7040 0600 0090 8716

at SEB Bank, or paid in cash on site before the run. The money will be used by the Makabi Athletics Club to develop more activities.

Register by internet at and/or call or email competition coordinator Daniel dubrovinas at +370 68783005 and


10:00-11:00 A.M. assignment of numbers
11:00 A.M. opening ceremony
11:30 A.M. start of 1.5 km route
12:15 P.M. start of 3 km ruote
1:00 P.M. awarding of prizes with special prizes for winners in specific age groups

Seimonas Finkelšteinas, president
Lithuanian Makabi Athletics Club

Lithuanian Makabi Athletics Club Invites Members to Mini-Maccabiah

Lithuanian Makabi Athletics Club Invites Members to Mini-Maccabiah

Dear members of the Lithuanian Makabi Athletics Club,

We will hold a mini-Maccabiah to commemorate the Year of the Vilna Gaon and the 30th anniversary of Lithuanian Makabi between 11:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. on Sunday, August 30, at the Tauras School of Athletics located at Žygio street no. 46 in Vilnius. Your local teams are invited to participate in the following competitions:

1. Indoor soccer (7 players plus trainer)
2. Basketball (5 players and a trainer)
3. Volleyball (8 players plus trainer)
4. Ping-pong (men’s, women’s)
5. Badminton (men’s, women’s)
6. Swimming (men’s, women’s)
7. Chess (men’s, women’s)

Our school has good soccer players and we encourage children who play soccer or who are interested in it to register as soon as possible. Our gymnasium’s soccer team might get new uniforms as well. Makabi is preparing a surprise here.

Rules and regulations will be determined when the exact number of teams and players becomes clear. Please contact or call 865746071 to register and for more information.

Also, the Makabi Club is holding our annual fun-run starting in Vingio park in Vilnius on Saturday, September 5, so stay tuned for the exact schedule for that.

Rositsan and Maccabi Elite Chess and Checkers Club Celebrates 30th Birthday

Rositsan and Maccabi Elite Chess and Checkers Club Celebrates 30th Birthday

The Rositsan and Maccabi Elite Chess and Checkers Club celebrated its 30th birthday Sunday with a gathering of well-known Lithuanian chess players, families and children.

Everyone congratulated Boris Rositsan on the milestone, including Israeli ambassador Yossi Levy, Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman Faina Kukliansky, Lithuanian politician Vytautas Landsbergis and others.

Two brothers, FIDE chess master Boris and Michail Rositsan, founded the chess club 30 years ago using their own money and enthusiasm.

Children’s Safety Questioned after Swastika Appears at LJC

Children’s Safety Questioned after Swastika Appears at LJC

Children’s events, workshops, clubs and so forth are held often at the Lithuanian Jewish Community, as are Hebrew lessons, chess matches and Jewish holiday events attended by children. The safety of children attending events at the LJC is being called into question by the appearance of a swastika just meters from the front door. Its appearance coincided with the Peoples Fair inside, where children were preparing to give a concert. The goal of the Peoples Fair is to bring together the ethnic minority communities who call Lithuania home.

While the children were getting ready for the concert upstairs, down at the Bagel Shop Café a group of 43 elderly religious Jews from Jerusalem were holding prayers and waiting for breakfast when the swastika appeared, even closer to the front door of the kosher food outlet.

Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman Faina Kukliaksy said there should actually be reverse discrimination for the Lithuanian Jewish Community considering how small it is now following the Holocaust.

No other state in Europe fails to provide protection and security for its Jewish community.

Makabi Fun Run Was … Fun!

The Lithuanian Makabi Athletics Club held its third annual Fun Run on September 8 with 80 runners including a whopping 36 from the Sholem Aleichem Gymnasium under the guidance of PE teachers Vilija Taralienė and Mantas Mikutavičius. Many students’ parents also ran. Runners were able to choose between two courses, one 1.5-kilometers long, the other 3 kilometers.

The run took place on a beautiful fall day and the competitors were in high spirits. Prize winners received unusual prizes this time, including gift certificates and sweets. Everyone received a prize for participating. After the prize ceremony custom-ordered cakes were presented, one for the students from Sholem, their teachers and their parents. The other was for members of the Makabi Club to celebrate their summer victory at the European Macabbiah Games held in Budapest. A third cake was for the large group of volunteers who helped organize the event.

We plan to make the 2020 Fun Run international with European Macabbiah athletes from a number of member-states.

Semionas Finkelšteinas, president
Lithuanian Makabi Athletics Club

Lithuanian Makabi Athletics Club Fun Run 2019

Lithuanian Makabi Athletics Club Fun Run 2019

The Lithuanian Makabi Athletics Club will hold a fun run starting from Vingis Park in Vilnius at 11:00 A.M., September 8, 2019. Runners who are members of the Lithuanian Jewish Community and friends of the Community are invited to compete. Runners may chose to run 1.5 or 3 kilometers. The 1.5=kilometer run starts at 11:30 and the 3-k at 12:15 P.M. The fee is 3 euros for students and retirees, 5 euros for everyone else. Payment may be made prior to SEB Bank or in cash at the starting line. Bank code: LT69 7040 0600 0090 8716. Registration by internet is open to midnight, September 5, here:

Registered runners will receive a unique number to wear.

Artiom Perepelica is the coordinator and can be reached by telephone at+370 60 448 036 or by sending an emila to

Lithuanian Olympic Committee Congratulates Lithuanian Makabi on Wins at European Maccabi Games

Lithuanian Olympic Committee Congratulates Lithuanian Makabi on Wins at European Maccabi Games

Lithuania’s National Olympic Committee have sent their congratulations to the Lithuanian Makabi Athletics Club on the latter’s outstanding showing at the 15th European Maccabi Games held in Budapest in early August. Makabi Club president and head of delegation Semionas Finkelšteinas said their win was unprecedented both in the last hundred years of Lithuanian Jewish sporting history and in Lithuanian athletics overall.

The Lithuanian Makabi Athletics Club teams contain many young people, which might explain their outstanding recent victories and should insure many more victories to come.

This year Lithuanian Makabi athletes took home around 62 medals, 25 of them gold. Although the athletes from Lithuania originally won 81 awards, but in the final count only medals won individually or in pairs or teams with athletes from a single country were registered, leaving Lithuanian Makabi an appreciable haul. During awards ceremonies the Lithuanian national anthem played a whopping 25 times and the Lithuanian flag was raised the same number of times.

Most Successful European Maccabi Games Ever for Lithuanian Makabi Club

Most Successful European Maccabi Games Ever for Lithuanian Makabi Club

Photo: Erika Filipviciutė, Kamile Ilijonskytė, Robert Nikitin, Kristijonas Sreiberis, Andrei and Aleksei Fadeev, trainer Oksana Sinkevič, team captain Artiom Perepelica and head of delegation Semionas Finkelšteinas

The 15th European Maccabi Games have concluded in Budapest. Thirty athletes from Lithuania won 81 medals. Six swimmers won the highest share of medals, 65. In the yoouth group Erika Filipavičiūtė won 13 medals, consisting of 11 gold and 2 silver. Kamilė Ilijonskytė won 7 gold medals and one bronze. Kristijonas Šreiberis won 7 gold medals, 2 silver medals and 2 bronze medals. Robertas Nikitinas won 5 gold, 2 silver and 4 bronze medals.

The Fadeev brothers made a good showing in the adult group. Andrei won 3 gold, 5 silver and 3 bronze. Aleksei won 5 gold, 2 silver and 3 bronze medals.

Fencer Alan Rinkevič won a gold medal in one-on-one and one gold and 2 silver medals in team fencing.

Lithuanian Makabi Club Holds Mini-Maccabiah Games

Lithuanian Makabi Club Holds Mini-Maccabiah Games

Lithuanian Makabi Athletics Club members from Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Panevėžys, Šiauliai and Šalčininkai and Israeli exchange students studying in Kaunas participated at the mini-Maccabiah Games competition held Sunday, June 18, at Vytautas Magnus University and the Alexander Pushkin School in Vilnius. All competitors received participation medals and the best athlete in each individual sport received a personalized trophy. Makabi Athletics Club president Semionas Finkelšteinas welcomed athletes to the competition who competed in 6 sports: indoor soccer, 3-on-3 basketball, volley ball, table tennis, chess and badminton (men’s and women’s categories for the latter).

The Panevėžys Makabi team led by A. Šteinas finished first in indoor soccer, followed by Vilnius Makabi led by D. Gunevič and the Vilnius youth team led by A. Perepelica.

In basketball the Kaunas-Israeli joint team with captain E. Ušpicas defeated both Vilnius youth teams for first place.

Vytautas Landsbergis Cup 2019 Chess Tournament at Lithuanian Parliament

Vytautas Landsbergis Cup 2019 Chess Tournament at Lithuanian Parliament

The Vytautas Landsbergis Cup 2019 Chess Tournament will be held beginning at 9:00 A.M. at the Lithuanian parliament on Saturday, June 8.

The tournament is being organized and sponsored by the Chancellery of the Lithuanian parliament and the Rositsan and Maccabi Elite Chess and Checkers Club. Head referee will be Raimondas Paliulionis. Expected to attend are professor Vytautas Landsbergis, Russian (Soviet) world champion Gary Kasparov, the best Lithuanian chess players and a host of diplomats, MPs and heads of government institutions, with at least 48 participants in total. The tournament will be held at the Gallery of Stained-Glass and Defenders of Freedom in building 1 of the Lithuanian parliament at Gedimino prospect no. 53 in Vilnius.

Registration of participants and guests begins at 9:00 A.M. and continues until 10:00 A.M, with the event beginning at 10:30 A.M. Time control is 10 minutes per move with no overtime. The winner is to receive the rotating Vytautas Landsbergis Cup. Those receiving trophies as well include winners in the women’s, children’s (under 16), seniors’ (60) and amateurs’ (with FIDE ratings up to 1600) divisions. All participants will receive medals of participation and souvenirs. To register contact Boris Rositsan at

Makabi Members Invited to Sporting Tournament

Makabi Members Invited to Sporting Tournament

Dear Makabi members,

The Lithuanian Makabi Athletics Club will host a mini-Maccabiah Games event from 12 noon to 4:00 P.M. on June 16 at the Lithuanian Educology University, Studentų street no. 39, Vilnius. Badminton competitions will be held at the A. Puškinas School at Gabijos street no. 8 in Vilnius. Your local teams are invited to compete in:

Indoor soccer (7 players plus coach)
Three-on-three basketball (5 players plus coach)
Volleyball (9 players plus coach)
Table tennis (men’s and women’s)
Chess (men’s, women’s)
Badminton (men’s, women’s)

Rules for the competition will be set following determination of exact numbers of teams and players in different sports.

Please send an application by e-mail to by June 14.
For more information, call 8 698 19999

Michailas Duškesas, executive director

Lithuanian Makabi Athletics Club Annual Reporting Conference

Lithuanian Makabi Athletics Club Annual Reporting Conference

Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman Faina Kukliansky greeted the participants at the annual Lithuanian Makabi Athletics Club reporting conference at the LJC on May 19.

The agenda included an annual report on governing bodies and presentation of the action plan for 2019. Lithuanian Makabi president Semionas Finkelšteinas in his speech recalled Lithuanian Makabi was the first Jewish organization in contemporary Lithuania, formed even before Lithuanian independence, on January 8, 1989. He delivered a report on Makabi activities for 2018, thanked those in attendance and said the organization was looking forward to the European Maccabiah Games to be held in Budapest this year, with 10 highly qualified competitors from Lithuania seeking medals there.

Lithuanian Makabi vice president Daumantas Levas Todesas, who has served in that post since the organization was formed in 1989, resigned, and president Finkelšteinas thanked him for many years of hard and successful work for the benefit of Lithuanian Makabi.

Makabi Swimmers Prepare for European Maccabi Games in Budapest

Makabi Swimmers Prepare for European Maccabi Games in Budapest

The Lithuanian Makabi Athletics Club held a swimming competition with participants from Vilnius, Kaunas, Panevėžys and Šiauliai at the best swimming pool in Kaunas–at the Girstutis Sports and Recreation Complex in Kaunas–March 31. Different age groups competed in 25-meter freestyle and 50-meter breaststroke competitions. Select members of the Makabi team also swam 100 meters freestyle.

Vilnius swimming teacher Valentina Timofejeva and her students Erika Filipavičiūtė, Lingailė Bugvilionytė and Anastasija Mamčenko won two matches in the women’s group. Kristupas Kvitko won twice in the men’s, followed by Timofej Devkš, Aleksej Fadeev, Adrian Milevskij, Kristijonas Šreiberis, Aaron Galpern, Leonidas Levinas, Albertas Savinčius and Gennady Kofman and others with single wins. Raja Verblinskaja also won one match.

In the women’s 100-meter freestyle in the 50-meter-long pool Erika Filipavičiūtė placed first, followed by Kamilė Ilijonskytė and Anastasija Mamčenko.

Among the winners in the men’s competitions, Andrej Fadeev came in first, followed by Robert Nikitin and Aleksej Fadeev. All were from Vilnius. The Vilnius team was commanded by Vilnius Makabi chairman Artiom Perepelica and trainer Valentina Timofejeva. Aušra Štreimikytė refereed the event.