Makabi @en

Ping-Pong Continues

Ping-Pong Continues

The Lithuanian Jewish Community is pleased to announce the ping-pong or table tennis program for children and adults will continue. Adults are invited to attend and play between 2:00 and 4:00 P.M. on Sundays at the LJC, and weekdays from 5:00 to 8:00 P.M. at the Simonas Dauklantas pre-gymnasium in Vilnius. Children and adolescents are invited to meet Mondays and Tuesdays at the Sholem Aleichem ORT gymnasium with 1st to 4th grades from 3:00 to 4:00 P.M. and 5th to 12th-graders from 4:00 to 5:00 P.M. For more information contact the trainers, Neta Alon at 862957005 or Rafael Gimelštein at 866283856.

Twelfth Annual Liova Taicas Memorial Tournament in Šiauliai

Twelfth Annual Liova Taicas Memorial Tournament in Šiauliai

The Šiauliai Regional Jewish Community will hold their 12th annual Liova Taicas athletics tournament at the Uniqa Arena there starting at 11:00 A.M. on Sunday, May 8. The games are to include indoor soccer, 3-on-3 basketball, volleyball, squash, table tennis and chess. For more information call Rašella at 869910621 or Sania at 864025950.

Table Tennis Tournament

Table Tennis Tournament

All members of the Lithuanian Jewish Community, their family members and friends as well as students from the Sholem Aleichem ORT Gymnasium and their parents are invited to play ping-pong at a tournament to be held Sunday, March 27 at the Simonas Daukantas pre-gymnasium located at Naugarduko street no. 7 in Vilnius.

Starting at 10:00 A.M., the first group of young players born in 2010 and later will begin, with registration by 9:30. The second group of those born in 2008 or later takes to the tables at 10:00 A.M as well, with registration by 9:30. At 12:30 P.M. those born in 2004 or later play, with registration by 12 noon. Adults play at 12:30 as well with registration before 12 noon.

Players will be grouped in subgroups of four people each. The winners and runners-up enter the final while the other groups compete for a consolation prize. All competitions are comprised of three sets. If 8 or more girls arrive, there will be a separate girls subgroup. The rules for the competition are subject to change depending on attendance numbers.

Outstanding Showing by Youngest Athletes from Šiauliai

Outstanding Showing by Youngest Athletes from Šiauliai

The Lithuanian classical chess championship for 8-year-olds and younger took place in Vilnius March 4 to 6 and included 30 boys and 8 girls. Six-year-old Šiauliai Regional Jewish Community member Karina Šer won 7 matches out seven and became the Lithuanian girls champion. Two weeks ago Karina competed in the ten-year-old girls championship and took third place, while her brother Daniel Šer won the same number of points as the other two top-placers and took third place in the 14-year-old boys group. Congratulations!

Indoor Rock Climbing March 13

The Lithuanian Makabi Athletics Club invites everyone interested to an indoor rock-climbing exercise at noon on March 13. The event will take place at Kalvarijų street no. 143 in Vilnius. You need to dress in clothing which won’t restrict your movement, and we’ll provide the rest of the equipment. More information is available at and to register write an email to or call 8 687 83 005. Students will be admitted free of charge, adults pay 4 euros.

Daniel Dubrovin, director,
Lithuanian Makabi Athletics Club

Table Tennis

Table Tennis

The Lithuanian Jewish Community is sponsoring ping-pong classes for beginners and skilled players. Classes/matches for adults will take place Sundays from 2:00 to 4:00 P.M. at the Community, and from Monday to Friday from 5:00 to 8:00 P.M. at the Simonas Daukantas pre-gymnasium in Vilnius. Classes for primary school students will take place on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:00 to 4:00 P.M. at the Sholem Aleichem ORT Gymnasium, as will classes for students from higher classes, on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:00 to 5:00 P.M. For more information contact Rafael Gimelštein by telephone at 866283856 or Neta Alon at 862957005.

Makabi Tennis Tournament

Makabi Tennis Tournament

The Lithuanian Makabi Athletics Club held their annual tennis tournament November 27 with both amateurs and tennis veterans taking to the courts. In the open group the winners were Danielius Merkinas in first place and Norbertas Faktarovičius taking second, and in the veterans group the winner was Eduardas Gurvičius. Ilja Bereznickas also made a good showing in the veterans group. The matches were followed by impassioned discussions of the play and plans for the future.

Lithuanian Makabi Athletics Club Annual Report and Conference

Lithuanian Makabi Athletics Club Annual Report and Conference

The Lithuanian Makabi Athletics Club, an associate member of the Lithuanian Jewish Community, held their annual conference and presentation of the past several years’ activities at the Bagel Shop Café in Vilnius on November 21. Kaunas Jewish Community chairman Žakas Gercas moderated the meeting of members of the board, athletes and special guests. Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman delivered a welcome speech and noted the significance of the Makabi club for the Lithuanian Jewish Community as an athletic and cultural movement. She invited Makabi members to participate more in Jewish cultural life and holiday celebrations and to celebrate their Jewish roots.

Makabi president Semionas Finkelšteinas presented a report on the club’s activities over the last three years, noting good results from the Maccabee Games in Budapest, the annual Fun Run and continual operation during the global virus panic.

Lithuanian Makabi Conference

Lithuanian Makabi Conference

The Lithuanian Makabi Athletics Club will convene their annual conference at the Lithuanian Jewish Community in Vilnius on November 21. Agenda items include the annual report by the president, a report by the revision commission, new election of president and current issues.

Chaim Frenkl Memorial Soccer Tournament

Chaim Frenkl Memorial Soccer Tournament

A soccer tournament was held by the Šiauliai district soccer federation and the Šiauliai Jewish Community on September 23. Four teams competed in three matches each. The Šiauliai Soccer Chain team came in first, followed by the Šiauliai “Police” team, then Šiauliai Makabi, and in fourth the ShAFF team. Thanks to everyone for participating. We hope it becomes a regular thing.

Lithuanian Parliament Awards Prize to Daniel Šer, 12, Youngest Chess Champion Ever

Lithuanian Parliament Awards Prize to Daniel Šer, 12, Youngest Chess Champion Ever

The Lithuanian parliament holds an annual chess tournament in March before March 11, Lithuania’s Restoration of Independence Day, but the date was moved to the fall due to health fears for two years in a row now. The 27th annual Lithuanian Seimas Cup took place on October 8 this year and Daniel Šer, 12, a Makabi Athletics Club member from the Šiauliai Regional Jewish Community, caused a sensation. He became youngest ever champion in the annual competition. His name will adorn a trophy which will be housed in the parliament’s museum. Well done, Daniel!

Lithuanian Makabi Continues Active Sporting Events and Competitions

Lithuanian Makabi Continues Active Sporting Events and Competitions

The Lithuanian Makabiada was held October 3 with athletes in five fields of athletics competing at the Taurus sports complex in Vilnius. As usual the majority of athletes came from the Sholem Aleichem ORT Gymnasium in Vilnius. It was very encouraging to see such active participation by the younger generation in the athletics movement. A great new crop is coming up in the Makabi movement.

The Sholem Aleichem team and the united Kaunas and Vilnius teams faced off in three sports: three-on-three basketball, mini soccer and volleyball. There was fierce competition in basketball and volleyball, but the united Vilnius-Kaunas team pulled off a victory in the end.

The united team clearly had the advantage in soccer.

Danielius Tarachovskis became the badminton champion with Vitalija Movšovič taking second place and Igor Movšovič third.

In ping-pong Viktoras Maginas took first, Aronas Galpernas second and Ričardas Matonis third place.

All the athletes displayed great sportsmanship and enthusiasm. Preparations continue for the World Maccabiada in Israel next year.

Semionas Finkelšteinas, president
Lithuanian Makabi Athletics Club

Chess Tournament to Commemorate Late President Boris Rositsan

Chess Tournament to Commemorate Late President Boris Rositsan

A chess tournament was held at the Lithuanian Jewish Community on Sunday to commemorate Boris Rositsan, FIDE master and long-time president of the Rositsan and Maccabi chess club. His widow and friends shared their memories and remembered his extraordinary sense of humor, love of food, love for his family, for chess and for life.

Lithuanian Makabi Invites Students, Parents, Friends to Fun Run

Lithuanian Makabi Invites Students, Parents, Friends to Fun Run

The Lithuanian Makabi Athletics Club has been holding so-called fun runs for several years now and the non-competitive jogging events have caught on around the world as well. This year Makabi is holding a charity fun run with entrance fees going to support Makabi activities. The real point, however, is to get together, play together, listen to some music and exert our bodies. This is more important than it might sound in keeping the small Lithuanian Jewish Community together.

Time and place: the run will start at 11:00 A.M. on September 19 at Vingio park in Vilnius, with the starting place next to the stage there.


All runners from the Lithuanian Jewish Community and people who support the Makabi organization are invited to participate. Each runner may choose whether to run the 1.5 or 3 km course. To participate, you only need to fill out the registration form. Every person participates of their own free will, without any compulsion, and accepts full responsibility for any risk associated with the run (including different health problems). You may register for the fun run in your name only.


Lithuanian Makabi Competes at Makkabi Deutschland 2021

Lithuanian Makabi Competes at Makkabi Deutschland 2021

The German Makkabi Games 2021 took place in Dusseldorf from September 2 to 5 and athletes from the Lithuanian Makabi Athletics Club took part. Over 600 athletes were there to compete from Germany, Lithuania, Austria, the Netherlands, Poland and other countries.

All six of our Lithuanian makabites earned medals. Danielius Dubrovinas took first prize in rapid chess matches. Our youngest athlete, 12-year-old Danielius Šeras, took first place in matches in the under-14 category and came in at fifth place in the entire fast chess category. Danielius Šeras earned third place in the overall category in the “lightning round.”

Swimmer Virginija Valadkaitė takes home three gold medals in three distance competitions.


Boris Rositsan, FIDE chess master and president of the Rositsan and Maccabi Elite Checkers and Chess Club, has passed away at the age of 75. He suffered a heart attack during a chess tournament. His fellow players rendered aid and emergency medical personnel arrived quickly and got his heart beating again, but several hours later we learned he had died at hospital.

Those wishing to bid farewell to this active and beloved member of the Lithuanian Jewish Community may do so from 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. on August 18 at the Nutrūkusi styga funeral home.

Our deepest condolences to his family and many friends.

Table of Truth Web Event

Table of Truth Web Event

 About the event

Learn about the extraordinary connection to one chess table with Faina Kukliansky, chairwoman, Lithuanian Jewish Community; Shulamit Rabinovich, San Francisco engineer; Dudu Fisher, Israeli-based world-renowned entertainer; Grant Gochin, South African wealth Manager and Silvia Foti, Chicago journalist.

We will reveal recently discovered facts about the Holocaust in Lithuania, Holocaust denial by the Lithuanian Government, and present new paths to education about the horrors of the past.

The table WILL talk.

We will conclude the program with Dudu Fisher chanting Kaddish.

 When: 10:00 A.M. PST, 1:00 P.M. EST, 7:00 P.M. South Africa, 8:00 P.M. Israel, September 12, 2021

Representatives of the Lithuanian Government have also been invited to attend and speak.

For more information and to register, see