
Kaunas Jewish Community Unveils Plaque to Righteous Gentile

Kaunas Jewish Community Unveils Plaque to Righteous Gentile

The Kaunas Jewish Community invites you to a ceremony to unveil a plaque commemorating Righteous Gentile Ona Jablonskytė-Landsbergienė on the 130th anniversary of her birth. Yad Vashem recognized her as a Righteous Gentile in 1995.

The plaque was commissioned by the Kaunas Jewish Community and an association of Lithuanians deported by the Soviet Union to the Laptev Sea in the Arctic, and was made by sculptor Gediminas Pašvenskas. It is to be unveiled on the clinic at A. Mickevičiaus street no. 4 in Kaunas where Jablonskytė-Landsbergienė worked as an ophthalmologist. The ceremony will take place there at 3:00 P.M. on Friday, November 29.

For more information, click here: https://fb.me/e/9E4lBBdWK

Lithuanian Makabiada

Lithuanian Makabiada

The Lithuanian Makabi Athletics Club held their annual Makabiada November 10 where former president and current executive board member Semionas Finkelšteinas delivered a welcome speech and current president Olga Bliumenzon thanked all the athletes for their participation.

In 3-on-3 basketball the joint Vilnius-Kaunas team placed first. In volleyball the Makabi team also took first place. In the ping-pong youth group Naomi Tarakhovskaya won. In the adult ping-pong group Viktor Petrovsky came in first. In women’s badminton Marija Jurkevičiutė and in men’s Igor Movšovič triumphed.

This Makabiada included some new prize categories and Naomi Tarakhovskaya was recognized as the youngest athlete, Aleksandr Bliumenzon the eldest, best volleyball player was Danielius Racinas and best player in basketball was Elvinas Ušpicas. The Burštein family was recognized as the most athletic family with new athletes Aaron, Anelė and Ana. Everyone shared dinner together after the tournament.

Statement by Gercas Žakas, Chairman of the Kaunas Jewish Community

Statement by Gercas Žakas, Chairman of the Kaunas Jewish Community

I, Gercas Žakas, have been the chairman of the Kaunas Jewish Community for almost three decades now. I know, not from second-hand sources, what irreparable damage anti-Semitism causes, because I grew up in the family of a former ghetto and concentration camp prisoner. My parents survived the Holocaust but lost their families and almost all of their relatives.

Sadly, we hear many anti-Semitic statements being made in Lithuania at this time, and I have never heard in my lifetime the avalanche of cynicism and lies being poured out by Remigijus Žemaitaitis. Among other things, he has told multiple media outlets he has met with the chairman of the Kaunas Jewish Community.

I say with full responsibility that I have never met with this figure who was recognized as an anti-Semite by the Constitutional Court. This claim alone is in opposition to my values and does harm to my reputation in the eyes of the Jewish communities and society. I therefore demand Remigijus Žemaitaitis retract his words to the effect has met with the chairman of the Kaunas Jewish Community. Otherwise I reserve the right to defend my honor and dignity through legal remedy.

Gercas Žakas, chairman
Kaunas Jewish Community

Photo: Erikas Ovčarenko/15min.lt

Animated Shorts about Jewish Life

Animated Shorts about Jewish Life

The EJC using financial aid from the European Union is creating a series of short animated films to teach young people about the diversity of Jewish life, culture and traditions and to educate the public about the danger of anti-Semitism, andon  other topics.

EJC executive vice-president Raya Kalenova said it’s important to reach people whose main source of information is not traditional news media.

The ten-part series is called Glad You Asked. Themes explored include Jewish identity, the Sabbath, Jewish holidays, anti-Semitism, the Holocaust and Jewish history.

The first part discusses the diversity of the Jewish people, cultures and traditions in Europe and the world. Each episode is 90 seconds long.

Part 1:

Ceremony Thursday to Unveil Bas-Relief of Alexander Livont

Ceremony Thursday to Unveil Bas-Relief of Alexander Livont

The Vilnius Jerusalem of Lithuania Jewish Community will unveil a bas-relief they commissioned honoring violinist Alexander Livont at the Lithuanian National Philharmonic in Vilnius Thursday.

This will be the fifth bas-relief by Mindaugas Šnipas honoring Litvaks and Jews with Lithuanian connections famous in the world of music. The ceremony will include musical performances by violinist Julija Andersson and the Duettissimo ensemble. The event is free and open to the public.

Time: 6:00 P.M., Thursday, November 21
Place: Lithuanian National Philharmonic, Aušros vartų street no. 5, Vilnius

German Chancellor Hails LJC’s Efforts to Insure Safety and Security

German Chancellor Hails LJC’s Efforts to Insure Safety and Security

German chancellor Olaf Scholz has sent a letter to Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman Faina Kukliansky in which he expresses sorrow over recent events in Lithuania and the growing tide of anti-Semitism and reiterating the German government’s condemnation of all forms of hatred and intolerance towards ethnic minority communities.

He said Germany has a special responsibility because of the past. Germany has learned from the past to insure those crimes are never repeated, he said. He went on to state combating anti-Semitism is an on-going process requiring taking responsibility and cooperation to minimalize prejudicial views and encourage diversity.

He added the chancellor’s team supports the LJC’s efforts to create a safe and secure environment for everyone regardless of ethnic origin or religious beliefs.


Markas Petuchauskas passed away Sunday. He was born in 1931. He was a prisoner in the Vilnius ghetto. After the Holocaust he went on to study the theater and to produce works for the stage. He achieved academic heights and was the author of many articles and books on the theater in Lithuanian and English. He was a founding member and a chairman of the Jewish cultural club which became the Lithuanian Jewish Community as Lithuania regained national independence.

His loss is the loss of all of us and of the nation.

Our deepest condolences to his wife Sofija and his entire family and many friends.

Sabbath Project/World Challa-Making Day is Here

Sabbath Project/World Challa-Making Day is Here

Today Jews around the world will celebrate the Sabbath together under the auspices of the Global Sabbath Project, which includes World Challa-Making Day. The Lithuanian Jewish Community invites everyone to come and make challa bread together beginning at 3:00 P.M. today, Friday, November 15. Besides making bread, we will also learn about the Sabbath, enjoy some live music and share Jewish cooking traditions. The best loaf will be chosen as the winner.

Time: 3:00 P.M., Friday, November 15
Place: Bagel Shop Café, Lithuanian Jewish Community, Vilnius

Rabbi Warren Goldstein sends special Sabbath Project greetings to LJC:

Four Thousand Protest Anti-Semitic MP outside Lithuanian Parliament

Four Thousand Protest Anti-Semitic MP outside Lithuanian Parliament

An estimated 4,000 people gathered on the evening of November 14 during the Lithuanian capital’s first snowfall to protest against Remigijus Žemaitaitis, who was inaugurated as MP inside the parliament earlier that evening.

Conservative Party and Liberal Union MPs left the chamber when Žemaitaitis took an oath to uphold the Lithuanian constitution.

Žemaitaitis catapulted to infamy in the early spring of 2023 by making anti-Israel and anti-Semitic statements on his facebook page. His party’s parliamentary faction and then the party as a whole expelled him. Lithuania’s Constitutional Court found he had violated oath of office by calling for the murder of Jews.

He used the notoriety to form his own political party called Nemuno Aušra, or Dawn of the Nieman River, which placed third in recent elections to parliament, placing close to the Conservative Party in second place.

Initially pledging not to include Nemuno Aušra in any future coalition, the Social Democratic Party who took first place in elections reneged on that promise. Lithuanian president Gitanas Nausėda said he wouldn’t approve any Nemuno Aušra MPs as ministers in a coalition government. Žemaitaitis said he would fill three ministerial posts promised him by the social democrats with non-party members.

A sister protest was held in Kaunas across the street from the municipality’s Christmas tree display currently being set up. An estimated 500 people attended that protest. There was also a small protest in Tauragė.

More information available here.

Darna Festival to Celebrate Tolerance Day: Food, Fun and Friends

Darna Festival to Celebrate Tolerance Day: Food, Fun and Friends

The annual Darna festival to celebrate the International Day of Tolerance will be held at two adjacent locations this year: the Lithuanian Jewish Community and the Cvi Park Israeli street-food kiosk and performance space across the street. The festival will include live music, poetry and photography exhibits.

Besides the usual food, drink and friends, this year’s festival will also include musical performances by students from the Sholem Aleichem ORT Gymnasium, National Opera and Ballet Theater soloist Julija Stupnianek-Kalėdiene and then that soloist’s own program performed together with Giedrė Muralytė and Lina Žutautaitė. Poetry by Indrė Valantinaitė and Tina del Mar on cello will also feature, and Toma Čepaitė will perform on the traditional Lithuanian stringed instrument the kanklės. Violinist Dalia Dėdinskaitė, cellist Gleb Pyšniak and accordionist Tadas Motiečius will perform together as Arts Lituanica. Walter Delahunt and his band of friends from Canada will also perform. Accomplished DJs will round out the night.

You’re Invited to an End of Sabbath Ceremony Saturday

You’re Invited to an End of Sabbath Ceremony Saturday

Dear members and friends,

You’re invited to a Havdalah ceremony to usher out the Sabbath Saturday evening.

This is a multisensory experience involving scents, the lighting of candles, wine and prayers sung together with cantor Shmuel Yaatom to make the coming week blessed.

Time: 5:30 P.M., Saturday, November 16
Place: Lithuanian Jewish Community, Pylimo street no. 4, Vilnius

Shavua tov!

Faina Kukliansky on Remigijus Žemaitaitis: I Have to Tell What I’ve Seen and Heard

Faina Kukliansky on Remigijus Žemaitaitis: I Have to Tell What I’ve Seen and Heard

by Ingrida Steniulienė, November 13, ELTA

Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman Faina Kukliansky said statements by Nemuno Aušra party leader Remigijus Žemaitaitis are insulting and offensive to her as a person.

“He called for killing Jews, that’s how it seemed to me,” Kukliansky said Wednesday during questioning at a hearing of the Vilnius District Court.

She was testifying in a case against Žemaitaitis for sowing hatred against Jews and for supporting, denying or belittling international crimes.

“He is inciting [hatred] against certain groups of people without knowing history. I can’t understand this in any other way,” she told the court. Kukliansky is an attorney by profession.

Prosecutor Asks Court to Remove Žemaitaitis’s Parliamentary Immunity

Prosecutor Asks Court to Remove Žemaitaitis’s Parliamentary Immunity

Photo: Josvydas Elinskas/ELTA

by Ingrida Steniulienė, November 13, 2024, ELTA

Prosecutor Justas Laucius has asked a Lithuanian court to empower prosecutor general Nida Grunskienė to make a request to the Lithuanian parliament for removing parliamentary legal immunity for Remigijus Žemaitaitis, the leader of the party Nemuno Aušra who faces trial for sowing ethnic discord with anti-Semitic statements he made on social media and to the press.

The prosecutor asked the Vilnius District Court Wednesday to take into account Žemaitaitis is to give his oath of office as a member of parliament Thursday and will gain legal immunity granted to all MPs in Lithuania.

Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman Faina Kukliansky attended the hearing and gave testimony. She spoke with reporters after the hearing and noted Jews do not now feel safe in Lithuania. She refuted claims Žemaitaitis made earlier about his own statements, including his posting without preamble of an anti-Semitic Lithuanian song calling on children to beat Jews to death with sticks which he later claimed was a citation of Lithuanian folklore.

An Old Song but a New Singer

An Old Song but a New Singer

by Liova Kaplan

Being a musician, a pianist and a piano teacher, I also like singing and songs. Different songs–happy and sad, French and German, Yiddish and Russian, classic and folk songs, etc.

But one children’s song, a Lithuanian folk song which unfortunately I have heard many times growing up in Lithuania makes me very angry and sad. Many generations of Lithuanians have been raised hearing and often singing this folk song.

A Jew is climbing a ladder
Suddenly he is falling
Children! Take a wooden stick
And kill the Jew!

Happy Birthday, Emanuelchik

Happy Birthday, Emanuelchik

A belated happy birthday to Emanuelis Zingeris who marked another year back on October 27. Lithuania’s only Jewish member of parliament, Emanuelis is also a qualified philologist, a signatory to the Restoration of Independence Act back in 1990 and a founder of the Jewish cultural club which became the Lithuanian Jewish Community, as well as serving as chairman in the early years of the latter. We wish you all the very best. Mazl tov. Bis 120!

A Very Happy Birthday to Arkadijus Gotesmanas

A Very Happy Birthday to Arkadijus Gotesmanas

Artist, musician and composer Arkadijus Gotesmanas celebrated his birthday Monday. The entire LJC and chairwoman Faina Kukliansky wish him endless creativity and many more years of productivity in life as well as on the stage. Mazl tov. Bis 120!

AJC’s Andrew Baker Sends Open Letter to Presumptive Lithuanian PM

AJC’s Andrew Baker Sends Open Letter to Presumptive Lithuanian PM

Rabbi Andrew Baker, director of the International Jewish Affairs Department of the AJC and representative of the OSCE for fighting anti-Semitism, has sent a letter to Lithuanian Social Democrat MP Gintautas Paluckas, favored to serve as Lithuania’s next prime minster, warning of irreparable harm which would ensue from forming a governing coalition with Remigius Žemaitaitis and his party Nemuno Aušta. The letter was also sent to Lithuanian president Gitanas Nausėda.


Dear Mr. Gintautas Paluckas,

The American Jewish Committee and I personally have been strong supporters of a democratic and independent Lithuania since the formation of the Sajudas independence party and the dissolution of the Soviet Union. We were among the first and strongest advocates in Washington for a NATO enlargement that would welcome Lithuania into the defense alliance at the very time when many others cautioned against crossing Russia’s “red lines.” For all these years since we have been stalwart promoters of a strong and close bilateral relationship between the United States and Lithuania.

Lithuanian Jewish Community on the Participation of Nemuno Aušra Party under Remigijus Žemaitaitis in Next Government

Lithuanian Jewish Community on the Participation of Nemuno Aušra Party under Remigijus Žemaitaitis in Next Government

The Lithuanian Jewish Community, uniting 32 domestic and international organizations, urges president of the Republic of Lithuania, Gitanas Nausėda, to defend the principles embedded in the Lithuanian constitution and to prevent the anti-Semitic forces represented by the political party Nemuno Aušra from becoming part of the new ruling coalition and government.

Nemuno Aušra was founded and is led by Remigijus Žemaitaitis, who was deemed by the Constitutional Court to have breached his parliamentary oath and grossly violated the constitution through anti-Semitic statements and incitement of ethnic hatred. Due to a loophole in the law, he evaded accountability and continues to cynically deny the decision of the highest judicial authority, defaming the judges who made this ruling, and thereby undermining Lithuania’s status as a state under the rule of law on the international stage.

Is Yiddish Experiencing a Renaissance?

Is Yiddish Experiencing a Renaissance?

by Daiva Gabrilavičiūtė, LRT.lt, October 26, 2024

“The Yiddish language has become a symbol of Jewish cultural resistance and survival. In spite of waves of historical oppression, the Holocaust and assimilation, Yiddish reflects the resolution, resilience and continuity of the Jewish people,” Sholem Aleichem ORT Gymnasium principal Ruth Reches told Lithuanian state radio and teleivision.

Yiddish appeared about a millennium ago in what is now Germany. Large Jewish communities settled in Eastern Europe. Over time Yiddish became more than the everyday language of communication and was used in Jewish intellectual and cultural life. Books and newspapers were published, songs were written and plays performed in Yiddish.

Before World War II more than 10 million people spoke Yiddish. Most were murdered during the Holocaust. The handful who survived faced Soviet oppression. Others found safe haven on the other side of the Atlantic.

Full article in Lithuanian here.