Learning, History, Culture

EU Anti-Semitism Working Group Meets in Bucharest

EU Anti-Semitism Working Group Meets in Bucharest

Photo: European Commission coordinator for combating anti-Semitism and fostering Jewish life in Europe Katharina Schnurbein and LJC chairwoman Faina Kukliansky.

The European Union’s working group for implementing strategies for combating anti-Semitism is meeting in Bucharest, the capital of Romania. Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman Faina Kukliansky is there discussing the issues in Lithuania and other countries with high-ranking European Commission and international organization officials.

More than 80 guests, European Commission officials, representatives of different international organizations and local Jewish communities along with specialists from across the EU as well as guests from the Ukraine and Moldova are attending the three-day conference organized by the Government of Romania and the EC. The point is to discuss how to fight anti-Semitism, including implementing national strategies, discussing progress made in implementing the EU strategy for combating anti-Semitism and fostering Jewish life in Europe, lurking dangers, Holocaust distortion and denial and the value of preserving memory.

Vatican to Exhibit Jewish Artifacts

Vatican to Exhibit Jewish Artifacts

The Russian-language CursorInfo Israeli news site posted yesterday information from the Russian-language Telegram channel Israel Today the Vatican has agreed for the first time to put Jewish artifacts in its treasure-trove on exhibit. Some observers say this is a major move towards rapprochement between Rome and Jerusalem. The Vatican announced the Jewish regalia would be placed on display in the Vatican museum.

According to the report, the artifacts in question are mostly gifts from Byzantium in the 11th, 12th and 13th centuries.

Full story in Russian here.


Vilnius Jerusalem of Lithuania Jewish Community member, teacher and translator Aleksandras Federas has passed away. We extend our sincere condolences to his family and many friends.

LJC Seniors Club Celebrates 25th Birthday

LJC Seniors Club Celebrates 25th Birthday

The Seniors Club at the Lithuanian Jewish Community in Vilnius celebrated its 25th birthday on Wednesday, April 26.

“Back when the seniors club began operation and now as well the date coincides with the anniversary of Israeli independence. Back in 1988 Israel was turning 50, and now 75. So it’s a double celebration and twice the fun,” LJC programs director Žana Skudovičienė who has been director of the seniors club for its entire 25 years, said.

Happy Birthday to Gercas Žakas

Happy Birthday to Gercas Žakas

We wish Gercas Žakas a very happy birthday. He serves as the chairman of the Kaunas Jewish Community and on the executive board of the Goodwill Foundation. Happy birthday wishes from Faina Kukliansky and the entire Lithuanian Jewish Community. May your energy, work and enthusiasm continue for many years to come. Be in good health. Mazl tov. Bis 120!

Makabi Three-Day Sporting Camp in Mid-May

Makabi Three-Day Sporting Camp in Mid-May

The Lithuanian Makabi Athletics Club invites athletes and the athletically-inclined at any and all levels of proficiency to a three-day sporting festival at the Pailgo perlas recreational area on a scenic lake 30 kilometers outside Vilnius. The celebration will include more than just sports in a beautiful natural setting, with a Sabbath celebration, singing, dancing, concerts, bonfire parties, fishing and swimming, among other activities. Sports include badminton, kayaking, ping-pong, volleyball, soccer and perhaps others, depending on the weather. The camp will run from April 19 to 21, but attendees aren’t required to spend all three days there. For more information and to register, send an email to info.maccabilt@gmail.com.

Agreement to Restore Women’s Gallery at Žiežmariai Wooden Synagogue.

Agreement to Restore Women’s Gallery at Žiežmariai Wooden Synagogue.

Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman Faina Kukliansky and U.S. Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad chairwoman Star Jones have signed an agreement for the restoration of the women’s gallery at the recently restored Žiežmariai wooden synagogue. The Commission pledged $75,000 for carrying out the restoration, with the LJC responsible for implementing the project.

“This is an extraordinarily important project for the preservation of Litvak culture. The Žiežmariai synagogue is a unique example of wooden architecture. There are only a handful of wooden synagogues still standing in Europe as a whole. I am so happy Ms. Star Jones, representing an influential US organization, appreciates the importance of Litvak culture and has decided to contribute to its preservation. The solution of cultural heritage problems and the preservation of historical memory, after all, are the best avenue for separate peoples to engage in dialogue,” chairwoman Kukliansky said following the signing of the agreement.

Star Jones was recently appointed by the executive branch and is making her first tour of Lithuania and has visited a number of sites, including the Ponar Memorial Complex outside Vilnius. The agreement for restoring the women’s gallery is her first international agreement in her post as director of the Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad. She is a professional attorney and has wide name recognition as one of the panelists on the left-wing ABC television talk show “The View.”


Tatyana Arkhipova-Efros has died at the age of 100. A long-time member of the Lithuanian Jewish Community and a World War II veteran, she was born in 1922. We mourn her passing and extend our deepest condolences to her family and friends.

Interview with Markas Zingeris: Life is an Illusion, but a Complex and Colorful One

Interview with Markas Zingeris: Life is an Illusion, but a Complex and Colorful One

by Ignas Staškevičius, from recordings made on June 27, 2018, and June 26, 2019, in Vilnius

Q.: Mark, let’s begin with this question: how do you understand yourself?

A.: I believe I don’t understand myself fully.

I understood myself once in 1991. When I unexpectedly found myself [in a crowd] in Kaunas, defending the last… Defending… What sort of defense was that? Across the street from the so-called last free television station on Daukanto street I unexpectedly found myself in a crowd because I wanted to replace the announcer who was proclaiming in English: “S.O.S., nations of the world save us, this is the last free station in Lithuania!” But he was whining this over the air like some sort of famished kitten, so I decided the nations of the world wouldn’t understand a word of what he was saying, and I offered to replace him. I walked eleven kilometers from my house buried in snow, it was January, buried up to the door handle. No automobiles were driving. I walked eleven kilometers to the center of Kaunas because I decided to help, and there I found thousands of people and found myself facing tanks which were snoozing on the next street over. They weren’t moving, they were idling, and the barrels were so long that my entire classroom of students could’ve sat on one barrel. So then I went to the hotel across the street, back then there were these pay telephones which cost two kopeks, I inserted them and called the editorial office, saying: “You need to replace the announcer, what is he mumbling over there? Nobody understands him at all. You need a person who speaks English normally if you want to announce to the world you are perishing.” But they had already found someone, there was this woman from California in Kaunas at the time, and I finally heard abroad American pronunciation, a broad normal southern accent which reminded me of Voice of America a little bit, and everything was fine.

A Moving Journey

A Moving Journey

Several days ago the global Jewish community marked Yom haShoah, the day of remembrance of Holocaust victims and heroes. A large contingent of Litvaks from the Association of Lithuanian Jews in Israel travelled to Lithuania to mark this commemorative date. They commemorated Holocaust victims in Alytus and Zarasai, where most of them had family roots.

On Monday the group went to Alytus, commemorating victims at the memorial to mass murder victims in Vizgiris Forest just outside town, where Jews from Alytus and the surrounding areas were killed. Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman Faina Kukliansky, Israel’s ambassador to Lithuania Hadas Wittenberg Silverstein, German ambassador Matthias Sonn, Alytus mayor Nerijus Cesiulis and Association of Lithuanian Jews in Israel director Arie Ben-An Grozdensky whose father’s family came from the nearby shtetl Miroslav honored the victims of the Holocaust there.


With deep sadness we report the death of Markas Zingeris at the age of 76. He had struggled with heart problems for several years. The author of numerous novels, poet, long-time director of the Vilna Gaon Museum and a life-long promoter of Litvak culture, he is survived by his brother Emanuelis Zingeris. We extend our deepest condolences to his colleagues, many friends and family.

Polish President Mentions Ponar at Warsaw Uprising Ceremony

Polish President Mentions Ponar at Warsaw Uprising Ceremony

April 18 marked the 80th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising. Polish president Andrzej Duda invited the presidents of Israel and Germany, representatives of the major global Jewish organizations and others to a commemoration of the historic act of mass resistance during WWII which was held in Warsaw. Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman Faina Kukliansky also received an invitation and attended.

In his speech, Duda talked about the largest act of resistance by civilians to the Nazis. They knew they were outnumbered and faced defeat, but fought anyway, he noted. President Duda mentioned Ponar outside Vilnius as one of the main mass murder sites during the Holocaust. Some foreign media noted Duda failed to talk about Nazi collaborators, others said he wasn’t able to because of Poland’s new law forbidding discussion of Polish complicity in the Holocaust.

Yom haShoah at Ponar

Yom haShoah at Ponar

A ceremony was held to commemorate Yom haShoah, the Israeli Holocaust day of remembrance, on Tuesday at the Ponar Memorial Complex outside Vilnius. Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman Faina Kukliansky, Kaunas Jewish Community chairman Gercas Žakas and Palanga Jewish Community chairman Vilius Gutmanas were joined there by Israel’s ambassador to Lithuania Hadas Wittenberg Silverstein, US ambassador Robert Gilchrist, Japanese ambassador Tetsu Ozaki, French ambassador Alix Everard, Lithuania’s deputy minister of culture Albinas Vilčinskas and U.S. Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad chairwoman and attorney Starlet “Star” Jones Lugo. Jones spoke with students from the Sholem Aleichem ORT Gymnasium at the event, emphasizing the importance of remembering the victims and preserving the Litvak heritage. Jones is a panelist on the controversial all-female liberal American television talk show “The View” on the American Broadcasting Company or ABC network.

Passover at the Šiauliai Regional Jewish Community

Passover at the Šiauliai Regional Jewish Community

The Šiauliai Regional Jewish Community began celebrating Passover April 5, beginning with the seder in the evening, the first one on the evening of April 5 led by Rabbi Sholom Ber Krinsky’s sons. On April 6 members of the Šiauliai Regional Jewish Community gathered at the Žemaitis restaurant for the second evening’s seder. Community chairman Naum Gleizer greeted the celebrants who were served the traditional Passover dishes. Community member Vadimas Kamrazeris provided for the Jewish music at the restaurant, which led to sing-alongs and dancing.

Passover in Kaunas

Passover in Kaunas

The Kaunas Jewish Community sent in some snapshots from Passover celebrations in Lithuania’s second city. The holiday celebration there included the traditional dishes, a concert, dance music and even a quiz for people to test their knowledge of Passover.

Passover at the Lithuanian Jewish Community in Vilnius

Passover at the Lithuanian Jewish Community in Vilnius

Passover is usually a family holiday where everyone sits down at the seder table, reads the Hagadah, samples the traditional dishes and has fun. What about those who don’t have families?

LJC programs director Žana Skudovičienė said: “Many of our Community’s elderly are alone. Their families have left and their friends are busy. We are their family, so we celebrate together.”

Professionals prepared the meals for the seniors at the seder and LJC chairwoman Faina Kukliansky greeted everyone with Passover.

Our younger members certainly don’t lack for attention from their families, but even so, Žana Skudovičienė organized a special seder for young people.

Mini Klez-Fest at Tolerance Center, National Library

Mini Klez-Fest at Tolerance Center, National Library

The Judaica Research Center at the Martynas Mažvydas Lithuanian National Library, the Vilna Gaon Jewish History Museum and Roma Social Center present their “mini klez-fest” which includes live music and a lecture on klezmer music.

The event will take place at the Tolerance Center of the Vilna Gaon Museum at 6:00 P.M. on Sunday, April 30. The performers decided to call their hour-long concert “From Vizhnitz to Vilne: Klezmer Music from the Carpathians and Beyond.” The program is composed of songs selected by Jewish music researcher, ethnographer and artist-in-residence in the Jewish Studies Program at San Diego State University Yale Strom, recorded during ethnographic field work and which were once performed from the Carpathian Mountains to Jonava in Lithuania and locations inside Belarus. Yale Strom currently teaches music at San Diego State.

The lecture component by Strom will take part on at 6:00 P.M. on Wednesday, May 3, at the National Library in Vilnius. It is called “Relationship between Romani and Jewish Musicians before World War II: How and Why?”