
Lithuanian PM Offers Rosh Hashana Greetings

Lithuanian PM Offers Rosh Hashana Greetings

Lithuanian prime minister Ingrida Šimonytė presented the following greeting on the occasion of Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year:

“Today when the Jewish communities in Lithuania, Israel and the whole world celebrate the birth of the world, in the name of our entire Government I greet you with the New Year, on the occasion of Rosh Hashana. The New Year with the call of the Shofar horn and the sweetness of apples dipped in honey begins a sacred time of reflection, repentance and renewal. It is a time to stop and look inward. It is a time to ask what sort of people we want to be and how we achieved that over the foregoing year, what we can still do for tranquility and peace in our countries and the world. I wish everyone a happy and peaceful year. May Rosh Hashana bring happiness, health and success to your families and peace to your homes. Shanah tovah u’metuka! A good and sweet year!”

Invitation to Kabalat Shabat

Invitation to Kabalat Shabat

The Lithuanian Jewish Community and Bnei Maskilim followers of Progresive Judaism invite you to a Kabalat Shabat ceremony and celebration of the eve of the Jewish New Year, 5784.

This warm, comfortable and moving gathering is a great entree to Rosh Hashana.

We will meet at 8:00 P.M. on Friday, September 15, in the hall on third floor of the Lithuanian Jewish Community in Vilnius.

Let’s Celebrate Rosh Hashana Together

Let’s Celebrate Rosh Hashana Together

The Lithuanian Jewish Community greets you on the occasion of the upcoming Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashana, 5784, and invites you and your entire family to come celebrate with us starting at 4:00 P.M. on Saturday, September 16, at the newly renovated Hotel Conti located at Raugyklos no. 7 in Vilnius.

The program includes greetings, a performance by the Fayerlakh Jewish song and dance ensemble, holiday meal (you can choose a meat or fish dish during registration, another concert called Zingen Mir a Lidele in Yiddish with the sololists Rita Alterman, Mariya Dushkina, Michailas Jablonsky and Leonardas Zenkevičius, plus much more.

Tickets are 25 euros for adults and 10 euros for children aged 13 and under. To register or receive more information, send an email to or call (+370) 678 81514 between 10:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. on weekdays.

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

The entire Lithuanian Jewish Community wishes Fayerlakh director Laurisa Vyšniauskienė a very happy birthday. May your days be filled with health, appreciation of your important work, talented people and many happy moments. Mazl tov. Bis 120!

Happy Birthday to Samuel Bak

Happy Birthday to Samuel Bak

The Lithuanian Jewish Community wishes Samuel Bak a very happy milestone birthday. We think you are one of the most remarkable painters of the 20th century. You cut right to the heart of human nature in your work, infusing even the most tragic historical events with meaning and recalling for the world the lost world of Jewish Vilna. Mazl tov. Bis 120!

Happy Birthday to Polina Sukolskaja

Happy Birthday to Polina Sukolskaja

We wish a very happy milestone birthday to long-time member and Saul Kagan Social Center client Polina Sukolskaja. May you continue to enjoy good health and may many happy moments with loved ones fill your days. Mazl tov. Bis 120!

Panevėžys Esperanto Club Celebrates 100 Years

Panevėžys Esperanto Club Celebrates 100 Years

Photo: Panevėžys Esperanto club members with their club flag in 1930.

The Revo Esperanto Club in Panevėžys recently celebrated its 100th birthday and Panevėžys Jewish Community chairman Gennady Kofman delivered a greeting there from Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman Faina Kukliansky, wishing members success in their meeting. Kofman also delivered an address, quoting from a book that the first Esperanto enthusiasts in Panevėžys were Jewish and talking about Jewish contributions to the Esperanto movement.

Revo Esperanto Club director Vida Kulikauskienė presented a short history of the club and said Esperanto might have begun there with Lithuanian Esperanto pioneer Aleksandras Dambrauskas, also known as Adomas Jakštas. Of course the artificial language was invented by Lazer Zamenhoff writing under the pseudonym Dr. Esperanto. Zamenhoff lived at various times in Lithuania and Poland but published the initial book in Poland. It quickly became popular in Lithuania and especially among Lithuanian Jews. At a certain point Soviet authorities banned the Esperanto clubs in the Soviet Union as possible avenues for foreign espionage, but eventually lifted the ban.

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Chairwoman Faina Kukliansky and the whole Lithuanian Jewish Community wish Panevėžys Jewish Community chairman Gennady Kofman a very happy 71st birthday. We wish you continued good health, happy moments, interesting people and many years to come. Mazl tov. Bis 120!

Congratulations to Lara Lempertienė

Congratulations to Lara Lempertienė

Lithuanian president Gitanas Nausėda presented the Lithuanian medal “For Merit” to Lara Lempertienė, director of the Judaica Research Center of the Lithuanian National Library, on July 6, Lithuania’s State Day, Coronation of Mindaugas Day. She received the award in recognition of her work at the Center going beyond textual research and including exhibits, publications, presentations at international conferences and presenting the Litvak cultural legacy in Lithuania and abroad. The Lithuanian Jewish Community congratulates Lara on yet another Lithuanian state award and wish her continued success.

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

The Lithuanian Jewish Community and chairwoman Faina Kukliansky wish a very happy birthday to Algirdas Malcas, chairman of the Vilnius Jerusalem of Lithuania Jewish Community. May you always remain so energetic and full of ideas for fostering and commemorating our rich Jewish cultural legacy. May you remain in good health and be filled with the joy of life. Mazl tov. Bis 120!

Greetings on Coronation of Mindaugas Day

Greetings on Coronation of Mindaugas Day

Greetings on Lithuania’s Coronation of Mindaugas Day, or State Day, July 6.

For centuries Jews and Lithuanians with others have created and built Lithuania, and have worked hard for the country’s welfare and success.

The Lithuanian Jewish Community and chairwoman Faina Kukliansky send our greetings to everyone on this holiday and wish you peace, happiness and concord.

Congratulations to Joana Viga Čiplytė

Congratulations to Joana Viga Čiplytė

Joana Viga Čiplytė, an historian who has written extensively about the history of the Panevėžys Jewish community, has been awarded the Gabrielė Petkevičaitės-Bitė medal “Tarnaukite Lietuvai” [To Serve Lithuania] in recognition of her work. Her first book was called “Mažosios Jeruzalės – Panevėžio žydų istorija. Holokaustas” [The History of Little Jerusalem, the Panevėžys Jewish Community: The Holocaust].

At the award ceremony Čiplytė said she was grateful to her family and to Panevėžys Jewish Community chairman Gennady Kofman for their support.

Happy Birthday to Fruma Kučinekienė

Happy Birthday to Fruma Kučinekienė

A very happy birthday to Fruma Kučinekienė in Kaunas, beloved by the entire Lithuanian Jewish Community. She lost her entire family to the Holocaust and yet has endured and lived a meaningful and even happy life. We wish you the very best health, many happy moments with friends and many more milestone birthdays to come. Mazl tov. Bis 120!