
Book about Lithuanian Public Figure Irena Veisaitė Launched in Paris

Paryžiuje pristatyta knyga apie Lietuvos visuomenės veikėją I. Veisaitę

The Lithuanian embassy in Paris hosted the launch of Yves Plasseraud’s new biography in English, “Irena Veisaitė: Tolerance and Involvement,” October 3. Lithuanian ambassador to France Dalius Čekuolis spoke and said he was happy to have the opportunity to present a French author’s book in English about a noble Lithuanian person who has inspired and set an example of tolerance, and who is an active champion of European values.

The presentation was followed by a discussion with the author, academic and attorney Yves Plasseraud, and the guest of the evening, Irena Veisaitė herself, professor of literature, drama critic and human rights activist. The discussion was moderated by professor Šarūnas Liekis, dean of the Political Science and Diplomacy Faculty at Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas. Veisaitė’s daughter Alina also attended with her son and friends.

Veisaitė, born in Kaunas in 1928, is a well-known public figure in Lithuania, a celebrated scholar of the theater, a professor of literature, one of the founders of the Lithuanian Open Society Fund and a member of the Lithuanian national UNESCO commission from 1999 to 2007. She is a member of numerous international and national NGOs and has received many awards and distinctions in Lithuania and other countries. Veisaitė has consistently emphasized the need for dialogue and tolerance even in the most difficult situations life has to offer in all her work.

Happy 85th Birthday to Markas Petuchauskas

The Lithuanian Jewish Community wishes professor habil. Markas Petuchauskas a happy 85th birthday! The doctor of art history has written many books on theater and drama over many years.

We wish him continuing health, continuing creativity and hope for another of his wonderful books. Let’s all wish him inspiration, success and love.

Today Markas Petuchauskas is the only person who can speak with real authority about the Vilnius ghetto theater which operated in 1942 and 1943. He was a ghetto prisoner and miraculously survived, as did his mother, after being rescued by good people. For many years he has sought to renew the interrupted dialogue between Lithuanians and Jews, which, he says, is best understood through art.

Happy Birthday! Mazl tov! May you live to 120!

Happy Birthdays for October!

Nuoširdūs sveikinimai su gimtadieniu! Geros sveikatos linkime!
Happy birthday and mazl tov to all members born in October!

Vilnius Jewish Community and Social Programs Department members:

Larisa Magid (October 1)
Jevgenija Pesina (October 1)
Aleksandr Levin (October 4)
Jacob Pilansky (October 5)
Markas Petuchauskas (October 6)

Kaunas Jewish Community Celebrates Rosh Hashana

Kauno žydų bendruomenė švenčia Roš ha Šana

A large contingent of Kaunas Jewish Community members came out to ring out the old and usher in the new year, 5777, wishing one another harmony, health, positive changes and good ideas. The evening of celebration was unusually warm, cozy and family-like. The Levita group of young musicians from France contributed with some great music performed extraordinarily well. The vocalist Vita Levina is the daughter of long-time Kaunas Jewish Community member Leonidas Levinas and began her musical career in Kaunas.

Greetings from LJC Chairwoman Faina Kukliansky for New Jewish Year 5777


Happy New Year to all members of the Community, young and old! We are ushering out what was a successful year, and we have reason to be happy and proud of it, and now we look forward to an even better year. I wish everyone strong health and a sweet and successful year ahead for you and your families. I invite everyone to do at least on good deed for the community over the coming year, and I especially invite those to do this who believe there are things that aren’t right within the community. Do what you think is right, don’t be afraid to do good deeds and let’s not fear the consequences. I wish you love of the country in which you live, to love Israel, and to raise your children as Jews, the future members of our community.

שנה טובה ומתוקה

How Much Can Happen in Seven Seconds: Rosh Hashana 5777

by Andrés Spokoiny

In 2007, at Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience in Berlin, scientists conducted a troubling experiment. They put people into an MRI machine and asked them to press one of two buttons in front of them. The subjects were told to do this several times, and to choose freely which button to press.

One part of the results was nothing new: around a second before the button was pressed, the parts of the brain associated with conscious decision-making lit up. But looking more carefully, the scientists noted that there was a pattern of neural activities around six or seven seconds before the decision was actually taken. That pattern predicted with great accuracy the decision that the person ended up taking.

The researchers were shocked, because these findings suggest that decisions are not really conscious. Rather, they are subconscious neural processes that are complete before our “command and control” functions ever activate. We may think that we’re about to consciously decide something, but in fact, our subconscious has already (and irrevocably) decided.

Fifteen Ways Being Jewish Is Meaningful

by David Harris

Surveys reveal a disturbingly large number of American Jews who feel disconnected from their Jewish identity. How painfully sad! In response, and with the High Holy Days just around the corner, let me share, as I have on occasion in the past, what being Jewish means to me.

1. It means championing what is arguably the single most revolutionary concept in the annals of human civilization—monotheism—introduced to the world by the Jews, and its corollary, the inherent belief that we are all created in the image of God (in Hebrew, B’tzelem Elohim).

2. It means embracing the deep symbolic meaning the rabbis gave to the story of Adam and Eve. Since all of humanity descend from the “original” couple, each of us, whatever our race, religion, or ethnicity, shares the same family tree. No one can claim superiority over anyone else.

3. It means entering into a partnership with the Divine for the repair of our broken world (in Hebrew, Tikkun Olam), and recognizing that this work is not to be outsourced to a higher authority, or to “fate,” or to other people, but that it’s my responsibility during my lifetime.

4. It means affirming life – “I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse, therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live” (Hebrew Bible) – and the moral choice that lies in the hands of each of us to bring a little closer the Jewish prophetic vision of a world at peace and in harmony.

5. It means celebrating the fact that Jews were early dissidents, among the very first to challenge the status quo and insist on the right to worship differently than the majority. Today, we call this pluralism, and it is a bedrock principle of democratic societies. It also ought to be an essential component of Jewish communities everywhere.

6. It means welcoming the pioneering Jewish effort to establish a universal moral code of conduct and seeking to act as if that code of conduct were my daily GPS—to pursue justice, to treat my neighbor as I would wish to be treated, to welcome the stranger in our midst (and, I might add, the newcomer to the Jewish people), to be sensitive to the environment, and to seek peace. It’s not by accident that America’s Founding Fathers chose words from the Hebrew Bible for our nation’s Liberty Bell: “Proclaim liberty throughout all the land and unto all the inhabitants thereof.” Or that the Ten Commandments continue to be an ethical guidepost for so many around the world.

Happy Birthday to Ella Gurina

Sveikiname Ellą Guriną su jubiliejumi!

The Lithuanian Jewish Community wishes Ella Gurina a happy 70th birthday. She has been a constantly active member of the Community, a doctor, a member of the board of executives who participates in everything and is extremely demanding of herself.

Dear Ella, please accept our birthday wishes for continued health and great happiness and may all your days be beautiful ones brightened by your joy and hope. Happy birthday on this important milestone. May every day bring you greater success and happiness!

Mazl tov!

Happy Birthdays!

Nuoširdūs sveikinimai su gimtadieniu! Geros sveikatos linkime!
Happy birthday and mazl tov to all members born in September!

Vilnius Jewish Community and Social Programs Department members:

Sofija Ivšina (September 10)
Jefim Levin (September 16)
Mark Burbaickij (September 22)
Ala Tiktina (September 26)
Borechas Judelis Kacas (September 26)
Sonia Aron (September 26)

Klaipėda Jewish Community:

Meri Sluckaja (September 25)

Kaunas Jewish Community:

Inda Feldman (September 28)
Judita Mackevičienė (September 13)

Happy 70th Birthday, Jeni!


Happy birthday, Jeni Vilen!

We all wish you endless health, a playful spirit and smiles from all your friends and family on the happy occasion of your birthday!

Mazl tov! May you live to 120!

Club Birthday Chess Tournament!


The Lithuanian Jewish Community and the Rositsan and Maccabi Elite Chess and Checkers Club invite you to a chess tournament to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the club at 11:00 A.M. on September 18, 2016 at the Lithuanian Jewish Community, Pylimo street no. 4, Vilnius.

Tournament director: FIDE master Boris Rositsan

For further information and to register, please contact:

telephone: +3706 5543556



Lieutenant Artūras Jasinskas, commander of the Lithuanian military’s volunteer defense forces, awarded Nicholas Benjamin Israel, head of Baltic regional military information operations support team of US special operations in Europe, for his exceptional personal contribution to expanding and strengthening cooperation between the US military and Lithuania’s volunteer defense forces Friday, September 9.

The name of the Lithuanian military medal is “For Distinguished Service.”

Israel’s cousin, Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman Faina Kukliansky, attended the ceremony.

Happy 75th!


The Lithuanian Jewish Community wishes member Dr. Eva Ščupak a happy 75th birthday! Eva is a neuropathologist who has devoted so much of her time to doing volunteer work at the Community. We wish you great health and long and peaceful life! Joy and success to you, your children and your grandchildren! Mazl tov! May you live to 120!

Vilnius Sholem Aleichem ORT Gymnasium Principal on New School Year

Vilniaus Šolomo Aleichemo ORT gimnazijos direktorius Miša Jakobas sveikina su naujaisiais mokslo metais

The first day of school, September 1, is a real holiday event for children, their parents and their teachers at the Sholem Aleichem school in Vilnius. This is the school’s second year in new premises renovated and built to the latest construction standards, located in the Žvėrynas neighborhood of Vilnius. This year there are 390 students. Principal Miša Jakobas says the large student body shows the school is an attractive one for city residents, and that people are talking about the school.

“In ratings of Lithuanian gymnasia, we take 17th place, and 5th in Vilnius. That’s a good indicator. We will work and strive, and competition is growing. The last school year was successful. Our graduates entered higher education and chose different subjects, including microbiology, chemistry, philology, engineering and technological fields,” he said.

LJC Greetings on First Day of School

LŽB sveikina su Rugsėjo 1-ąja
A classroom at Sholem Aleichem Gymnasium

Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman Faina Kukliansky sends greetings to all the children of our members in school, from first grade to university students, and to all their parents on September 1, the official start of the school year throughout Lithuania. Whatever your age, we all get nervous on this day, we remember our childhoods, we smile and we grimace and we wish one another success in our studies.

I especially congratulate all the students of the Vilnius Sholem Aleichem ORT Gymnasium and their parents, because you have selected to study at one of the best schools in Vilnius, the Jewish gymnasium run by principal Miša Jakobas, who has brought most highly-qualified teachers who love their profession and children together to staff the school. The school is doing well in its new building with modern classrooms and an atmosphere conducive to learning.

Another piece of good news for the school is that negotiations are under way with the Vilnius municipality for improvements there. Mayor Remigijus Šimašius responded quickly to a request by the school principal and me to improve athletics for students by covering the square used for sports there, since the school doesn’t have an indoors gym.

Today I am also happy about a new law which allows students to get credit for public service. High school students will receive extra points for volunteer activity on their university entrance exams. I am hoping this will encourage you, dear students, to do volunteer work at the Lithuanian Jewish Community. Those entering institutions of higher education in 2018 will receive additional credit for graduation work and volunteering.

I wish all of you to experience the joy of learning which imparts an appetite for knowledge, and not to be discouraged by failures along the way.

I wish you an interesting school year!

Happy 95th to Chasia Španerflig!

Sveikiname Chasią Španerflig 95-erių metų jubiliejaus proga

The Lithuanian Jewish Community wishes Chasia Španerflig a happy 95th birthday. Chasia was a ghetto prisoner and partisan fighter in World War II. Currently she is ill, so we wish her a full recovery and a very happy birthday!

Happy 70th!

Sveikiname mūsų bendruomenės narę Michlią Lorman su 70-uoju jubiliejumi!

We sincerely congratulate long-standing and very active Vilnius Jewish Community member Michlia Lorman on her 70th birthday.

We wish you eternal beauty and happiness, health and continued energy! And may all your birthday wishes come true.

Mazl tov!

Happy 80th!

Liusia Sperling

On August 3, 2016, Liusia Šperling, the volunteer Community doctor of many years, turns 80!

For 15 years Dr. Šperling has volunteered in the Community’s Social Center.

We all wish her and her family perfect health!

Happy 90th!

<img width=”670″ height=”300″ src=”×300.jpg” class=”attachment-featured size-featured wp-post-image” alt=”Sveikiname su 90-uoju jubiliejumi!” title=”Sveikiname su 90-uoju jubiliejumi!” />

The Lithuanian Jewish Community and the Social Center congratulate Feiga Koganskienė, a Holocaust survivor and active member of the Kaunas Jewish Community, on the occasion of her 90th birthday.

We all wish her perfect health. Mazl tov!

Yusuf Hamied Receives First Chemistry Alumni Medal

Dr. Yusuf Hamied was awarded the first ever Department of Chemistry alumni medal in a ceremony on March 17, 2016. The vice-chancellor of the University of Cambdridge, professor Leszek Borysiewiecz, presented the medal “for services to the community that have brought honour to the Department of Chemistry.”