

Aleksandras Feigelsonas has died following a long battle with illness. He was born in 1948. Our sincere condolences to his wife Marina and his daughter on their loss.


With sadness we report the death of Elijas Šapsajus Cholemas. He was born in Kaunas in 1926 and was 15 when war came. Imprisoned with his parents, aunt and uncle in the Kaunas ghetto, he was later sent to the Stutthof and then the Kaufering, Landsberg and Dachau concentration camps. He and his father returned to Lithuania in June of 1945. They lost 31 family members and relatives to the Holocaust. Despite his bitter experience, the late Elijas Šapsajus Cholemas remained an extraordinarily sensitive, warm and sincere person filled with empathy and always ready to help his fellow man. He was an active member of the Jewish community and the Union of Former Ghetto Prisoners. He fought illness for some time before his death. We wish him eternal peace and rest. Thank you for sharing the road of life with us.


Igor Gorodishcher passed away February 7, 2021. He was born in 1955. We send our condolences to his brother Gennady at this painful time.


We have learned the sad news of the death of Jakovas Gurinas’s mother in the United States. Our deepest condolences to her family and friends.


Fayerlakh ensemble musician Igoris Dolgopolovas has died. The Lithuanian Jewish Community and members of the Fayerlakh Jewish song and dance ensemble extend our deepest condolences to his family and friends.


Aida Galvanauskienė passed away January 18, 2021. She was born in 1966. Our deepest condolences to her son Erlandas and daughter Estela on the loss of their beloved mother, and to brother Artūras on the loss of his sister.


Our deepest condolences on the death of Malka Levin at the age of 99 to her son Simas Levinas, chairman of the Lithuanian Jewish Religious Community, and to her entire family and many friends.


The Lithuanian Jewish Community and the Šiauliai Regional Jewish Community extend our deepest condolences to husband Sania, sons Dovydas and Simonas and her many friends and relatives on the death of Audra Kerbelienė.


With deep sadness we report the death of long-time Community member Dora Abromsonienė on January 9, 2021. Our deepest condolences to her family and friends.

ORT Sends Condolences on the Death of Emil Kalo

ORT Sends Condolences on the Death of Emil Kalo

Tribute: Emil Kalo z”l

We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Emil Kalo, former member of the World ORT Board of Trustees.

Dr. Kalo was the leading light of ORT Bulgaria and had chaired the organization since 2007.

An economist and doctor of philosophy, he was also a key figure in Sofia’s Jewish community and a former chairman of Shalom, the organization of Jews in Bulgaria.

Robert Singer, World ORT Board of Trustees chair, said: “Our dearest Emil was a wonderful person and a true friend. He was highly educated, an extraordinary professional, and was devoted to making the world a better place for the Jewish people. He wholeheartedly believed in education as the ultimate tool to achieving this.

“Emil was a true ORT-ist in his spirit: he immensely contributed to the success of ORT, including by building the ORT Sofia school together with the Lauder Foundation, achieving milestones that will touch upon current and future generations of Jewish students.

“We will deeply miss him, and he will remain forever with us in our hearts.”


Michail Špiz passed away December 30. He was born in 1955. We extend our deepest condolences to LJC board member Ela Gurina on the loss of her brother, to his mother and to his son as well as his many friends and relatives.



Grigorijus Gordonas passed away December 15 at the age of 72. We will remember him as the soloist at the State Philharmonic who began his career under the tutelage of Hermanas Perelšteinas in the Ąžuoliukas choir. We extend our deepest condolences to son Simonas Gordonas and his many friends and relatives.


We are sad to report long-time community member Anatolijus Šeštokas passed away December 19. He was born in 1939. Together with the entire Šiauliai Regional Jewish Community we extend our deepest condolences to his widow Lidija.


With deep sadness we report the death on December 16 of Anatolij Iljin, a member of the Šiauliai Regional Jewish Community. He was born in 1952. We extend our sincere condolences to his wife Nina, his sons and his many loved ones.


Ilja Cenz passed away December 13. He was born in 1929. We will always remember Ilja’s friendliness, energy and wonderful sense of humor. Our deepest condolences to his wife, children, grandchildren and many friends and relatives.

Faina Kukliansky on the Death of Irena Veisaitė: Holy People Go During the Holy Days

Faina Kukliansky on the Death of Irena Veisaitė: Holy People Go During the Holy Days

December 11, BNS–Intellectual, theater expert, literary expert and human rights activist Irena Veisaitė who passed away December 11 was an exceptionally good person and didn’t feel anger despite many tragic life events, Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman Faina Kukliansky told BNS.

“This is a great loss for us. What can you do, people die and let them rest in peace. They say holy people die during the holy days. She died during Hanukkah,” Kukliansky said.

She remembered Veisaitė as an active community member who taught goodness, forgiveness and understanding through the life she lived and in her daily activities.

“This was a unique person who spent half her life in a Jewish family, lived some portion of her life with a family of non-Jewish rescuers and acquired a very varied experience of life, her mother’s death, the goodness of rescuers, she spent some of her life in occupied Kaunas and was sent to Siberia with her rescuers. And despite all these hardships in life, all these problems and losses, she remained very much a person of goodwill. Not just that she was moral and wished everyone well, you’ll almost never hear an ill word about her. Life did not make her angry,” Kukliansky recalled.


Irena Veisaitė passed away December 11 in hospital following a struggle with respiratory infection. She was born in 1928 in Kaunas. Our deepest condolences to her friends and loved ones.


Aleksandr Naftalovič passed away December 6. He was born in 1956. Our deepest condolences to his widow Laima on our shared loss.


Zoja Šliachovskaja passed away November 25. She was born in 1930. Our deepest condolences to her son Sergejus, her granddaughter and her many family members and friends.


In sadness we report the death of Izrailius Tiktinas November 16. He was born in 1943. Our deepest condolences to his daughter Valentina.