
On the Article “Did Kazys Škirpa Rescue a Jewish Rabbi?”

On the Article “Did Kazys Škirpa Rescue a Jewish Rabbi?”

by professor Pinchos Fridberg


Information for my webpage readers

For your consideration, the article “On the Article ‘Did Kazys Škirpa Rescue a Jewish Rabbi?'”

This article of mine was created simultaneously with the Russian version “По поводу публикации «Kazys Škirpa išgelbėjo žydų rabiną?» Казис Шкирпа спас раввина?” of June 1, 2020, at

You might well ask, “Why did you post a Lithuanian text on a Russian instead of a Lithuanian newspaper internet site?” I will tell you frankly:
Lithuanian sites won’t publish me.

It is a strange thing that the New York Times and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty quote me, and yet I am an undesirable author on Lithuanian sites.

Would you believe that in 2013 Artūras Račas, who was then the director of the Baltic News Service news agency, wrote an article about me called “Dear Jewish ‘professor,’ your anti-Semitism is wearisome: dedicated to Pinchos Fridberg” in which he passed on to me some great advice:

“Dear Pinchos, you who call yourself ‘professor,’ …

“stick a gag in your mouth, crawl under the table and be quiet.”

Letter from LJC Chairwoman Faina Kukliansky to Lithuanian MP Audrys Šimas

Letter from LJC Chairwoman Faina Kukliansky to Lithuanian MP Audrys Šimas

Dear parliamentarian,

The Lithuanian Jewish Community received your apology regarding the use of a Nazi salute during a vote in a parliamentary committee. We most likely don’t have to repeat that raising an arm in this way (with two fingers raised higher) is associated without a doubt with the glorification and worship of Hitler and at the same time with the brutal degradation and murder of Jews.

We would very much like to believe your apology is sincere. At the same time, we are surprised by statements made in your letter to the effect the situation has been escalated artificially, and that there was the attempt to draw the Lithuanian Jewish Community into “unfair political games which do harm to the reputation and ethical stature of politicians.”

I can say firmly the LJC is an independent organization and no one is manipulating it. For many years now we have been following reports of possible expressions of anti-Semitism and providing this sort of information about expressions of anti-Semitism and the response by state institutions to international institutions battling anti-Semitism.

About 95% of Jews living in Lithuania were murdered here during World War II and in total 6 million of my people died in the Holocaust. These numbers have not been and will not become tools for political games. It is the Community’s duty to preserve their memory and to attempt to insure the times of the Nazis and the Shoah are never repeated.

In pursuing these goals, one of the most important roles is played by public education, something to which you, too, can contribute. You could, for example, hold lessons by historians on the Holocaust for the public in your Biržai-Kupiškis voting district, set up meetings with ghetto survivors, and so on. The LJC supports these kinds of public initiatives and would gladly become a partner in organizing these activities. We believe these kinds of events and similar initiatives with the involvement of Lithuanian members of parliament would contribute to encouraging tolerance, better mutual understanding and a better understanding of history.

Therefore we call upon you not to limit your apologies to letters and words, but to show true leadership through real action.

World Jewish Congress President Ronald S. Lauder Condemns George Floyd Killing as Horrific Racist Act, Calls on Protesters to Refrain from Violence

World Jewish Congress President Ronald S. Lauder Condemns George Floyd Killing as Horrific Racist Act, Calls on Protesters to Refrain from Violence

NEW YORK–World Jewish Congress president Ronald S. Lauder condemns the killing of George Floyd as a “horrific racist act” and calls on protesters to remain nonviolent in expressing their legitimate anger.

“Like most Americans, I was sickened by the sight of a Minneapolis police officer murdering a young African-American man in a horrific racist act reminiscent of the worst moments in our nation’s history. But the answer to racism and bigotry must never be rampant violence. I join leaders on all sides of the political spectrum in calling for calm as we must all work to heal our nation and bring all Americans, black and white, Jewish, Christian and Muslim, together.

“At the same time, while I of course understand and share the anger at the brutal killing of George Floyd, I am appalled by the unrestrained violence that threatens to tear our nation apart. In the spirit of the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., and Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, we must all bear in mind that nonviolent protest, not looting and destruction, is the only legitimate way for all those who wish to affect our national agenda to take part in a sober, bipartisan eradication of racism, anti-Semitism, and other hatreds in American society.”

Pinchos Fridberg to MP Laurynas Kasčiūnas: As a True Lithuanian Patriot, Don’t Let Russia Respond First, Nip It in the Bud

Pinchos Fridberg to MP Laurynas Kasčiūnas: As a True Lithuanian Patriot, Don’t Let Russia Respond First, Nip It in the Bud

I would like to inform you your colleague Arūnas Gumuliauskas’s dissertation “The Activities of the Lithuanian Communist Party in the Development of the Art of Theater in the Republic (1966-1980)” has been recognized worthy of the degree of doctor of philosophy in independent Lithuania.

I would like to learn your opinion about this.

Pinchos Fridberg
May 30, 2020

P.S. You may find further details in Lithuanian, English and Russian here:

Nuogas faktas: Nepriklausomoje Lietuvoje tekstas „Aleliuja TSKP“ buvo pripažintas vertu daktaro laipsnio

The Naked Truth: The Text “Hallelujah to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union” Judged Worthy of Doctorate in Independent Lithuania

Голый факт: в Независимой Литве текст «Аллилуйя КПСС» признали достойным степени доктора наук

Lithuanian Prosecutor Drops Anti-Semitism Case against Nazi Bikers on Victory Day

Lithuanian Prosecutor Drops Anti-Semitism Case against Nazi Bikers on Victory Day

The First Vilnius City Police Department has sent an e-mail to the Lithuanian Jewish Community declining to investigate further an incident on Victory Day, May 9, when motorcyclists dressed up in Nazi German military uniforms and helmets, played German march music and harassed Vilnius residents marking Victory Day against Nazi Germany as well as the embassy of the Russian Federation in Vilnius. The Nazi bikers rode circles around the embassy several times and did the same in central Vilnius. The event was recorded on our webpage here.

After explaining why the Prosecutor General’s Office passed the case to Vilnius police to investigate, the document maintains police checked the motorcyclists during the event and found no Nazi symbols on their uniforms. Investigator Vitalija Auglytė noted in the document police determined there was no law against playing German military airs in public, and said police on the scene had warned the bikers to disperse because their actions could be considered offensive by a portion of society.

The PDF document in Lithuanian the LJC received is presented below.

Statement on Anti-Semitic Activities

Statement on Anti-Semitic Activities

Lithuanian Jewish Community, Pylimo street no. 4, LT-01117 Vilnius, telephone (8) (5) 261 3003, fax (8) (5) 2127915, email


Office of Prosecutor General,
Rinktinės street no. 5A, LT-01515 Vilnius


President of the Republic of Lithuania Gitanas Nausėda

Speaker of the parliament of the Republic of Lithuania Viktoras Pranckietis

On Anti-Semitic Activities

May 27, 2020

The Lithuanian Jewish Community constantly monitors information about expressions of anti-Semitism and provides the corresponding information on these expressions and the reaction by state institutions to it to international institutions fighting anti-Semitism.

Recently the LJC learned two members of the Lithuanian parliament’s National Security and Defense Committee at the committee’s sitting of May 20, 2020, raised their arms in salute to one another in the fashion which prevailed in Nazi Germany (an excerpt of the meeting was posted on youtube at Raising the arm in this manner (with two fingers raised higher) unavoidably leads to Jewish people associating the salute with the worship and lionization of Hitler and the intentional and brutal degradation and extermination of Jews.

Following thorough examination of this video material one has to come to the conclusion it contains public derision, degradation and incitement to hatred of Jews based on their ethnicity (and perhaps other ethnic groups as well who were persecuted by the Nazis). It is clear from the recording that members of the parliament of the Republic of Lithuania, to whom high moral standards are applied, are performing this action.

For some reason their colleagues at the sitting (other members of the National Security and Defense Committee and members of cabinet) tolerated this in silence, neither disciplining nor condemning their two “fellow thinkers.”

We do not gainsay the possibility the recording was fabricated. In that case it incurs no lesser liability, because this sort of recording also seeks the same aims, to divide the ethnic communities living in Lithuania.

It should be noted the excerpt from the meeting which carried the date and the appellation “Nazis in the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania” was neither composed nor posted by the LJC.

Article 25 of the constitution of the Republic of Lithuania enshrines the right to express one’s convictions and the right to provide information which cannot be restricted except by law when it is necessary to protect public health, personal honor and dignity, privacy, public morality or for the defense of the constitutional order, while part 4 of this same article provides freedom of expression does not include criminal actions such as sowing ethnic, racial, religious or social discord, calls to violence and discrimination, slander and libel and disinformation.

One instance of restriction on the freedom of self expression is contained in article 170 of the criminal code of the Republic of Lithuania. Incitement against any ethnic, racial, religious or other group of people doesn’t necessarily include the call to commit a specific violent or criminal act; public derision and degradation are sufficient grounds, something which we observe in the aforementioned video material.

Attempts against people committed with offense, derision or slander against specific groups and groups of people is sufficient grounds for state institutions to assign priority to fighting racist statements in terms of irresponsible use of the right to self expression which does harm to the dignity or even safety of a portion of society or groups of people (European Court of Human Rights in the case Tor Fredrik Vejdeland and others vs. Sweden, February 9, 2012).

The composition of the crimes defined in both parts 2 and 3 of article 170 of the criminal code are formal: they are help to have been committed by the public performance of the acts enumerated, without regard to the consequences of these acts.

Therefore, based on the arguments and information above, we request you initiate a pre-trial investigation for the anti-Semitic crimes alleged in this statement (the act defined in article 170 of the criminal code or other crimes defined in the criminal code).

Appended: photographs (2) from the May 20, 2020, meeting of the National Security and Defense Committee of the parliament of the Republic of Lithuania.


Faina Kukliansky, chairwoman

Request to Investigate Video

Request to Investigate Video

May 26, 2020


Viktoras Pranckietis, speaker of parliament,

Dainis Gaižauskas, chairman, National Security and Defense Committee,

Request to Investigate Video

For at least several days now there has been a video posted to youtube in which two members vote by raising their hands in the manner done in the Third Reich during a meeting of the Lithuanian parliament’s National Security and Defense Committee. The video is accompanied by an audio track in which a member of parliament seems to warn these two the meeting is being filmed.

The video appears under the title “Naciai LR Seime” [Nazis in the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania] with the note it comes from the May 20, 2020, meeting of this committee.

This video recording has caused great concern in the international arena and raises suspicions anti-Semitic sentiment is growing rapidly in Lithuania. It is becoming dangerous for Jews to live here because these sorts of salutes were used by the Nazis and their collaborators (who were also Nazis) when the Jews were exterminated in Lithuania and Europe.

The Lithuanian Jewish Community requests an inquiry into whether the two MPs did vote with a “sieg heil” salute and whether the other MP really did warn them as heard in the audio, and to report the results of this investigation to the LJC.

Comments under the youtube posting name one of the MPs who apparently gave the Nazi salute as Audrys Šimas, a member of the Peasants and Green Union faction in parliament.

The video seems to show another MP, identified as Arūnas Gumuliauskas, returning the salute. The MP warning the two not to do that because the meeting was being filmed, according to the audio track, was conservative Laurynas Kasčiūnas.

Please check this information and make a determination on the identity of the MPs involved.

Whether the recording is real or fake, it does harm to the reputation of the Lithuanian parliament and moreover the entire country. It has caused concern and anger among Jews in Lithuania and around the world.

We do not find it credible that in Lithuania only Jews have seen this video nor that members of parliament and law enforcement institutions whose job it is to respond have not seen it. We very much hope an investigation is already underway.

The video is posted here:

Faina Kukliansky, chairwoman
Lithuanian Jewish Community

Beverly Hills Speaks Out Same Day Lithuanian Prosecutor Drops Case

Beverly Hills Speaks Out Same Day Lithuanian Prosecutor Drops Case

In response to this claim to the Lithuanian Public Prosecutor:

the following denial has been received:


There is no purpose in seeking truth or Justice inside Lithuania. The State has formed a unified position to protect historical revisionists and to lie about their Holocaust perpetrators. This is consistent with their Courts, Ethics watchdogs, and government departments. They will not allow any review of facts within Lithuania. Further cases inside Lithuania serve only as stepping stones to reach the European Court of Human Rights.

Therefore, truth is only able to come from outside of Lithuania. In that regard, the City of Beverly Hills reviewed the following data:

City-Resolution and unanimously voted for the following resolution:

Full text here.

Note: the district prosecutor’s rejection to initiate a pre-trial investigation linked to above cites Lithuanian court precedent claiming criminal prosecution is not always the best way to stop socially harmful acts. The LJC notes Lithuanian prosecutors have never attempted to apply existing law to domestic promoters of anti-Semitism and Holocaust deniers. For more recent examples of this, see here and here.