
Mi Amor

Eulogy by Yarden Bibas, husband of Shiri and father of Ariel and Kfir.

I remember the first time I said “mi amor” to you. It was at the very beginning of our relationship. You told me to only call you that if I was certain I loved you, not to say it carelessly. I didn’t say it then because I didn’t want you to think I was rushing to say “I love you.” Shiri, I’ll confess to you now that I already loved you back then when I said “mi amor.”

Shiri, I love you and will always love you!

Shiri, you are everything to me!

Samuel Bak Presents Catalog

Samuel Bak Presents Catalog

Samuel Bak himself and a panel of experts will launch a Bak catalog in Lithuanian on the first day of the Vilnius Book Fair. The catalog of his artwork is called “Gydantys simboliai.”

Joining via video link from the USA, Litvak painter from Vilnius Samuel Bak will speak with Bak Museum senior curator Ieva Šadzevičienė, illustrator Jokūbas Jacovskis and others with synchronous translations in Lithuanian and English.

Time: 2:00 P.M., February 27
Place: conference hall 5.5, Litexpo building, Laisvės prospect no. 5, Vilnius

Criminal, Trash and Enemy of the State

Criminal, Trash and Enemy of the State

by Grant Gochin

All I sought was information about the murder of my Lithuanian family during the Holocaust. This was my entanglement with the government of Lithuania.

Most barbarians shout about their hideous torture and murder of innocents as a matter of pride. Palestinian terrorists murder Jews and boast about it. They have parades with slain bodies. They hand out candy, and dance with joy, thinking they have done something wonderful. They haven’t.

During the Holocaust, Lithuanians murdered Jews with an even greater level of ferocity and depravity than Hamas currently displays. Their conduct was reprehensible and not even close to human. The Lithuanian slaughter was almost complete. They murdered 96.4% of all Jews they could reach. The current dream of Gaza is the replication of the Lithuanian Holocaust.


Marian Turski died February 14. He was born in Druskininkai in 1926. A survivor of the Łódź ghetto, Theresienstadt, Auschwitz-Birkenau and Buchenwald and was liberated by the Soviet Red Army in 1945. He resettled in Poland where he advocated for the Communist regime and served as editor of the newspaper Sztandar Młodych and then as chief of the history department of the weekly Polytika, and authored at least seven books about the Holocaust and Communist politics in Poland. Our deepest condolences to his surviving daughter Joanna.

Islamist Nurses in Australia Say They Have and Will Continue to Kill Jewish Patients

Islamist Nurses in Australia Say They Have and Will Continue to Kill Jewish Patients

Australia’s Daily Telegraph newspaper reported Wednesday two nurses at the Bankstown Hospital in Sydney promised to kill Israeli patients and claimed they already had in a half-Arabic video rant filled with anti-Semitism and expletive language.

The two nurses, a male and a female, have since been fired and their nursing licenses have been revoked. New South Wales Police have started an investigation to determine whether the pair had killed Jewish patients.

Ahmad “Rashad” Nadir and Sarah Abu Lebdeh were on shift at Bankstown Hospital when they recorded video conversation with Jewish influencer Max Veifer via the social website Chatruletka.

Children of the Holocaust Project Takes Flight in Palanga

Children of the Holocaust Project Takes Flight in Palanga

A project to study the history of pre-Holocaust Lithuanian Jewish and Roma urban and rural communities has begun in Palanga. The aim is to recreate city, town, village and community history to understand how the former way of life connects with the present and future. Called “Children of the Holocaust: Illuminating the Shadows of Lithuanian History,” the Palanga Jewish Community said in a press release public understanding of the Holocaust is changing, with the history of the Jews now being told by creating a personal connection with the past.

This Lithuanian Jewish Community for implementation between 2024 and 2026 is supported by the EVZ Fund in Germany. The Palanga Jewish Community, the Jonas Šliūpas Museum in Palanga, the Old Gymnasium in Palanga, the Palanga Youth and Volunteer Center, the Sholem Aleichem ORT Gymnasium in Vilnius and the Roma Community Day Center are all partners in the project.

The goal is to encourage specific, novel, lively retellings of history to engage young people from Vilnius and Palanga. The focus is on children who were victims of the Holocaust from the Litvak and Roma ethnic communities and their experience, stories and recollections among survivors.

Full story in Lithuanian here.

New US Attorney General Unveils Anti-Semitism Task Force

New US Attorney General Unveils Anti-Semitism Task Force

Newly-appointed United States attorney general Pam Bondi announced last Monday (February 3) the creation of an inter-agency task force to fight anti-Semitism using “the full force of the federal government,” according to Leo Terrell, senior counsel to the assistant attorney general for civil rights of the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division, specifically aimed at protecting the rights of American Jews on college campuses.

Measures are to include arrests and the withholding of federal funds to universities which fail to protect Jewish faculty and students from harassment.

The Civil Rights Division was created in 1957 and came to prominence in protecting the rights of black students in America’s South during the Kennedy and Johnson era.

Trump Announces Expulsion of Palestinians, US Annexation of Gaza

Trump Announces Expulsion of Palestinians, US Annexation of Gaza

Speaking at a press conference with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House Tuesday after meetings there US president Donald Trump said the only option now is to send Gazans out of the territory, and that the US would take over the territory, remove the rubble and undertake development projects employing “many people of the area.” Trump also announced the cancelation of funding to UNRWA and withdrawal from the UNHCR, and measures to combat rampant anti-Semitism.

Netanyahu called Trump “the best friend Israel has ever had in the White House” and praised his efforts during his first term and in the first weeks of his second on Israel’s behalf.

Asked whether the US would send to troops to Gaza, Trump said that was an option and the US would “take over the Gaza Strip” and “we’ll own it.”

Panevėžys Marks Auschwitz Anniversary: No Statute of Limitations on Holocaust, nor Memory

Panevėžys Marks Auschwitz Anniversary: No Statute of Limitations on Holocaust, nor Memory

The Panevėžys Jewish Community marked the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz on January 27, the date UNESCO proclaimed the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust back in 2005, with ceremonies and educational outreach.

Students from local schools attended a quiz on the Holocaust at the Panevėžys Jewish Community. Community members and chairman Gennady Kofman also met with reporter Jogintė Četkauskienė to talk about Jewish life in the city and country during WWII.

“Today it is our duty to do all we can to ensure this tragedy never happens again. That means encouraging tolerance, there is enough air for everyone on our beautiful planet. It also means courageously fighting against anti-Semitism, which is the most urgent problem in the world today,” Panevėžys Jewish Community chairman Gennady Kofman told the reporter.

He also touched upon statements made by Lithuanian MP Remigijus Žemaitaitis during the interview.

“This politician’s apathy towards the tragedy of the Jewish people and his anti-tolerance are incomprehensible. How is it possible not to think about normal, friendly relations between the different ethnic communities in Lithuania?” Kofman asked the reporter.

Synagogue Bombing Averted in Sydney

Synagogue Bombing Averted in Sydney

Mark Morri, crime editor for Ausralia’s Daily Telegraph newspaper, reported January 29 a plot uncovered by New South Wales Police over a week ago involving a large amount of explosives placed inside a caravan, or van, to be used to bomb a synagogue, presumably in Sydney where the discovery was made.

According to Sky News Australia, the NSW Police, the Australian Federal Police and the Australian ASIO intelligence agency are investigating and several arrests have been made. Morri told Sky News Australia police believe they have arrested low-level operatives in the plot but not the ring leaders. Police also found a list of addresses of Jewish targets including at least one synagogue in the same van with the explosives, according to Sky News Australia and the Daily Telegraph.

Conservative MP Openly Wonders What Israeli Ambassador Must Think of Coalition Government

Conservative MP Openly Wonders What Israeli Ambassador Must Think of Coalition Government

Lithuanian Conservative/Union of Christian Democrats MP Žygimantas Pavilionis attended a special concert to mark the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust held in Vilnius Monday night also attended by Lithuanian president Gitanas Nausėda and the ambassadors from the Netherlands and Israel. The president and the two ambassadors delivered speeches about the meaning of “Never again!” and the Israeli ambassador told the story of her family which included two survivors of Auschwitz, the date of the liberation of which back in 1945 was chosen for commemoration by UNESCO back in 2005. The concert was called Music for Future Generations: Concert for the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust and featured performances by Rafailas Karpis and others.

After the concert, MP Žygimantas Pavilionis posted to his facebook page:

WJC President Lauder Warns Anti-Semitism that Led to Holocaust Still Threatens Global Stability

WJC President Lauder Warns Anti-Semitism that Led to Holocaust Still Threatens Global Stability

OSWIECIM, Poland–The virulent anti-Semitism that led to the Holocaust is still rampant around the globe today, World Jewish Congress president Ronald Lauder said against the backdrop of Monday’s solemn commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi concentration and death camp Auschwitz-Birkenau.

In a fundamental way, he added, a common thread links what happened at Auschwitz to the recent manifestations of Jew-hatred, including the October 7, 2023, terror attacks on Israel: the age-old hatred of Jews. Anti-Semitism “had its willing supporters then, and it has them now,” Lauder, who also serves as chair of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial Foundation and who has dedicated decades to preserving the site, said. “It was fed by the indifference of people who thought they were not affected because they were not Jewish.”

Lauder also stressed that anti-Semitic acts undermine the central tenets of civil society. “These attacks are not just targeting Jews,” he said. “They are an attack on Judeo-Christian values, which are the bedrock of Western civilization.”

He delivered his remarks alongside four Auschwitz survivors and Piotr Cywiński, director of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial Museum.

Full text and video here.

Kaunas News

Kaunas News

The United Kingdom’s newly-appointed ambassador to Lithuania Elizabeth Boyles and embassy staff visited Kaunas Jewish Community chairman Gercas Žakas last week and asked him about current events in the Community and Community members’ views on political events in Lithuania and the world. Marija Oniščik guided a tour for the British delegation and Žakas of the history of Jewish Kaunas, and they were joined by the ambassadors of Japan and the Netherlands for a presentation of the new exhibits at the Sugihara House Museum in Kaunas.

Letter to My Grandfather

Letter to My Grandfather

Photo: Samuel Gochin, in Lithuanian military uniform of 5th Grand Duke Kestutis Doughboys Infantry. Source: Gochin Family Archive

by Grant Gochin

Dear Zayde,

Growing up in South Africa, you implored me to remember. Zachor. I was to remember who we Jews are, and where we came from. You showed me the photos and told me stories. You taught me only love. You asked me to visit our family cemetery in the “old country” and to recite Kaddish for our family. Zayde, I have.

So then, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, I travelled to the “old country,” specifically, Lithuania. Once there, my first destination was your shtetl. There was nothing Jewish remaining. They destroyed everything. Deliberately. I erected a new gravestone where I could say Kaddish.

The cemeteries were in utter disarray and in shambles. It was glaringly apparent to me that the overgrowth was intentional. No one wanted to remember that Jews had lived in Lithuania.

Screening of Izaokas at Vilna Gaon Museum’s Litvak Museum

Screening of Izaokas at Vilna Gaon Museum’s Litvak Museum

The Litvak Culture and Identity Museum will show the film Izaokas for free at 4:00 P.M. on Sunday, January 26. The event includes an introduction by film critic Izolda Keidošiūtė and a discussion between her and actress Severija Janušauskaitė who plays a role in the film.

The film begins with a Lithuanian murdering the Jewish man Izaokas at the garage massacre in Kaunas in 1941. The perpetrator is haunted by visions of the crime and an increasing sense of guilt for years afterwards.

The screening is in honor of the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust proclaimed by UNESCO in 2005 on the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz by the Red Army in 1945. That anniversary is Monday.

The film is in Lithuanian.

Time: 4:00 P.M., Sunday, January 26
Place: Litvak Museum, Pylimo street no. 4A, Vilnius

Two More Attacks in Sydney

Two More Attacks in Sydney

Last Friday Australian Hamas supporters attempted to vandalize the home of Alex Ryvchin, co-CEO of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, in Dover Heights, a suburb of Syndey, Australia. The perpetrators in fact arrived at the Jewish leader’s former home. They pelted the home and garage with neon-pink paint and set two cars parked nearby on fire after being spray=painted with anti=Semitic slurs.

In the early hours of Tuesday, January 21, Hamas activists set a Jewish daycare on fire in the Maruobra neighborhood in southeast Sydney. The daycare center suffered extensive damage. Adjacent walls were spray-painted with the same anti-Semitic slurs as the cars in Dover Heights. The daycare is located next to Maroubra Synagogue on Anzac Parade. Sky News Australia reports there have been 13 major anti-Semitic attacks in the Australian state of New South Wales in the last 16 days alone, including the latest two attacks.

Two More Synagogues Attacked in Australia

Two More Synagogues Attacked in Australia

Australian media outlets reported two more attacks on synagogues in the last two days. The Allawah Synagogue in Sydney was spay-painted with anti-Semitic phrases and swastikas early Friday morning local time. The Newtown Synagogue was graffitied and fire officials detected accelerant intended to set the house of prayer ablaze. Times of Israel reports Australian police and government officials are undertaking counter-terrorism measures to prevent the continuing anti-Semitic attacks.

Full story here.

Truth at Last

Truth at Last

by Grant Gochin

The government of Lithuania’s threats of criminal charges against me remain open. These threats were instigated as an intimidation tactic to silence me. My supposed crime was investigating the truth about who perpetrated the Holocaust in Lithuania.

I began my efforts towards exposing the truth about the Holocaust in Lithuania in the early 2000s. I was perplexed by the apparent acquiescence of some major Jewish organizations to the rampant Holocaust frauds committed by the government of Lithuania. My repeated outreach made me realize that if I did not address the issues myself, they would be ignored. Over the course of the past 15 years, this revelation has repeatedly proven itself to be accurate.

Approximately thirty legal actions I launched against Lithuania displayed how resolutely the Lithuanian government coalesced to invert Holocaust truth, while continuing their intimidation tactics against history researchers and activists. The Lithuanian courts took instruction from members of the government to deny legal review of governmental Holocaust fraud. Historical researchers such as Evaldas Balčiūnas and Andrius Kulikauskas were insulted, intimidated and threatened by the Lithuanian government simply for conducting research on inconvenient subjects and exposing the truth.

There was an attempt to bribe documentarian Michael Kretzmer to create a falsified narrative. Their conduct revealed to Kretzmer the country’s Holocaust inversions. His response was to make the documentary J’Accuse! which revealed to the world the full ghastly truth about Lithuania’s Holocaust frauds.


Eduard Kuznetsov has died. He was born in 1939. He was a prominent Soviet-era dissident and former Prisoner of Zion who endured imprisonment for anti-Soviet activities. He died Sunday at the age of 85.

Born to a Jewish father and a Russian mother, Kuznetsov established himself as a journalist, writer and editor before his activism led to his first arrest by Soviet authorities in 1961. He served seven years in prison for publicly reading protest poetry and anti-regime literature in Moscow’s central square.

In June of 1970 after being denied permission to leave the country, Kuznetsov joined fellow activist Mark Dymshits in a bold attempt to hijack an empty aircraft bound for Israel. The escape plan failed and both men were sentenced to death. Their sentences were later commuted to 15-year prison terms following intense international pressure, while Kuznetsov’s wife received a 10-year sentence.

Kuznetsov finally gained his freedom in 1979 through a US-negotiated prisoner exchange that released him and four other dissidents. He subsequently immigrated to Israel.

His daughter Anat Zalmanson-Kuznetsov shared an emotional tribute on Facebook: “At 1:00 A.M., Eduard Kuznetsov, the man, the legend and my father, passed away. I can’t write these words without breaking into tears.”

She recounted a meaningful moment from 2018 when they shared the stage, where he received recognition for his contributions to Russian-language journalism in Israel. “I knew this was a defining moment in my relationship with my father, one I would return to again and again throughout my life,” she wrote. Despite his reluctance to accept the honor, claiming, “I don’t deserve it. I haven’t been involved in journalism for many years,” she insisted on his worthiness.