
Marc Chagall Lithographs Exhibited at Raudondvaris Castle


Fifty of the famous modernist’s works are on display at the Kaunas regional museum until New Year’s. The artist became interested in lithography in Berlin in 1920, learning the art under the tutelage of the German artist Hermann Struck. Chagall, who worked under a whole series of names, was born into a Jewish family in Vitebsk, now in Belarus. In 1922 the family fled Bolshevik rule, first resettling in Lithuania, and then Germany and France. During World War II Marc Chagall escaped the Holocaust in America, but returned to France after the war. He died on March 28, 2005 as he was ascending to his studio in an elevator. The motif of flight is integral to Chagall’s work. Members of the Kaunas Jewish Community attended the exhibition.

New Bagel Shop Magazine On-Line

The Bagel Shop newsletter is now a magazine and is available on-line in three languages, Lithuanian, English and Russian.

In this issue we present an interview with Laurina Todesaitė about Jewish cuisine, an excursion through the world of Jewish botanists in the inter-war period, a tour of Jewish Vilna, a new questions section and a new Mystery Photograph contest as well as all the usual columns.

Lecture Series

Litvak Resettlement in the Novorossiysk Area of Krasnodarsk Region in the First Half of the 19th Century, by G. Baranova

12 noon, Sunday, November 29

Hanukkah Celebration at Vilnius Grand Resort Hotel

You’re invited to a special Hanukkah celebration at the Vilnius Grand Resort Hotel
at 6:00 P.M. on December 12, 2015.

A warm Hanukkah candle lighting ceremony and a wonderful evening of celebration await you! Musical guests from Israel Uri Zer and Gala and Sergei Libenstein will perform a special program.

Tickets: 15 euros for adults, 10 euros for children 15 and under.

Tickets can be bought workdays from 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. in the White Hall of the Lithuanian Jewish Community from November 26 till December 7.

For further information call 8 678 81514

Lithuanian Jewish Community Student Activities

Last Sunday the weekly lecture in the lecture series was dedicated to European Jewish youth life. Amit Belaitė, elected this year to the board of the European Union of Jewish Students, shared her impressions of this organization. Attendees had the opportunity to speak directly with three guests who attended via telephone and shared information about the life of youth in their countries. These were Viktoriya Grodnik from Ukraine, European Union of Jewish Students president Benjamin Fisher and Natan Pollak, a Litvak born in South Africa and former head of the Jewish student union whose great-grandparents came from Lithuania.

The students of the Lithuanian Jewish Community began a photographic project which will tell the stories of Lithuanian Jews. The first interview should be forthcoming immediately. If you’d like to take part in the project and tell your story, please write or call Amit Belaitė at or 869227326


YIVO Exhibit at Lithuanian Cultural Heritage Department

YIVO header

As part of celebrations of the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the YIVO institute for Jewish research in Vilnius, the Lithuanian Jewish Community and YIVO organized a moveable museum exhibit called “YIVO 1925-2015” which is currently being hosted by the Lithuanian Cultural Heritage Department on the first floor of their building at Šnipiškių street No. 3 in Vilnius.

The bi-lingual exhibit presents the story of the YIVO institute from its inception, presenting the founders, operations in pre-war Vilnius, the war years and operations in New York, where founder Max Weinreich relocated YIVO in 1939.

All of the texts, archival documents and photographs in the exhibit come from YIVO’s collections in New York. Currently YIVO conserves over 385,000 books and periodicals and about 24 million more documents, photographs and audio and video recordings. The curator of the exhibit is Eddy Portnoy and the designer was JUDVI. The Lithuanian Martynas Mažvydas National Lbirary and the Lithuanian Central State Archives also contributed to the exhibit.

The exhibit will be on public display until January 5, 2016 at the Cultural Heritage Department.

A Message from the Author Ellen Cassedy

This is our history, our memory

“This is our history, our memory. When one whispers the names and professions of the people who lived here, one can no longer forget.”

A project called “Vardai” (“Names”) is giving Lithuanians an opportunity to touch the nearly-vanished Jewish world, to remember, to mourn, and to connect.

Facing History in Lithuania, my article in Na’amat magazine, tells the story of how Lithuanians are engaging with Jewish heritage through educational curricula, museum exhibitions, plaques, and cultural events. These initiatives help people reflect on questions like these:

Lecture Series

European and Lithuanian Jewish Youth (Work, Projects, Vision)
Amit Belaitė

Participation in a photo project about Jews living in Lithuania now. If you have an interesting historical photograph or an item important to you, bring it along (but not more than three items, please).

12 noon, Sunday, November 22 in the Jascha Heifetz Hall on the 3rd floor of the Lithuanian Jewish Community, Pylimo No. 4, Vilnius

An Evening of Getting to Know One Another

with Rabbi Efraim Priyampolski and his family

Sunday, November 22, 2015

The weekly Vaishlakh

4:00 P.M. Lesson: “Three Sources, Three Ingredients…” (with Rabbi Efraim)
5:00 P.M. Children’s Hour. Let’s learn about Kiddush haShem (Yitzhok and Tsofochka)
6:00 P.M. Lesson “Hanukkah in the Talmud”/free discussion (Rabbi Efraim)
7:00 P.M. Lesson for women: “What is a Lie?” (Devora)
8:00 P.M. We say goodbye, but we remain together

To be held at the Choral Synagogue in Vilnius.

Everyone Invited to the Gesher Club

Šabas gesher

Everyone is invited to begin the Sabbath with the Gesher Club this Friday, November 20, at 7:00 P.M.

Come and meet friends, and bring your board games!

For more information, call Alla Segal at 861061812 or Irina Frišman at 868687580.

We look forward to seeing you there!

The Lithuanian Jewish Student Union Invites You

to a free screening of the film “Dėdė Chackelis” [“Uncle Chatskel”]

Registration required. Send your full name and telephone number and the full names of any companion you intend to bring by email to

The screening is to take place at 6:00 P.M. on Wednesday, November 18 at the Jewish Culture and Information Center located at Mėsinių street No. 3A/5 in Vilnius.

Dėdė Chackelis (1999) is a documentary film by Litvak Rod Freedman about Chackelis Lemchenas, one of Lithuania’s most famous linguists whom Jonas Jablonskis called his best student. This fact helped save him from Lithuanian Holocaust perpetrators.

to donate clothes, books and items

The Lithuanian Jewish Student Union and the Social Center of the Lithuanian Jewish Community invite you to join the campaign and share the clean and neat clothes you no longer wear, books and items to the Social Center for distribution to the needy. You may leave clothes in the bins next to the guard inside the entrance of the Community building or contact

to participate in a photography project

Very soon we will begin a photography project to document the stories of Jews living in Lithuania today. If you’d like to be part of it and have the time at your convenience to have and receive a professional photographic portrait and tell your story, write an email to with PHOTO PROJECT in the subject line, and please include alternate ways to contact you.

A Mehaye Winter Camp 2015

The annual winter camp for kids and adolescents aged 7 to 17 is scheduled for December 24-30. Make sure to register early at the Lithuanian Jewish Community from 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.

For more information call +37068542463 or +37069920212 during working hours.

Lecture Series

Screening of the film “Sudie, Lietuvos Jeruzale” [“Farewell, Jerusalem of Lithuania”] and meeting with the director, Saulius Beržinis.

12 noon, November 15

Celebrating 150th Birthday of Panevėžys Doctor Shakhnel Avrahom Meir

This year marks 150 years since the birth and 85 years since the death of Dr. Meir.

A ceremony to honor the memory of Dr. Shakhnel Avrahom Meir will be held in Panevėžys, Lithuania on November 13, the famous Lithuania doctor’s hometown.

He studied medicine at Moscow University and began his medical practice in Chernigov guberniya in the Ukraine before returning to Lithuania in 1891, where he first set up practice in Pasvalys and then moved back to Panevėžys in 1914. He had a reputation for selflessness and devoted all his time and energy to healing everyone who needed help. He improved his skills by working in clinics abroad and kept up with the latest advances in medicine, applying them at home. The Jewish Hospital was built and opened in Panevėžys in 1919 on his initiative. It served people of all ethnicities.

Celebrate International Tolerance Day with a Film at Tolerance Center


The Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum, the Germany Embassy and the Goethe Institut in Lithuania warmly invite you to celebrate International Tolerance Day this November 16 by attending a screening of Hanna’s Journey (2013), a film by Julia von Heinz, at 5:30 P.M., Monday, November 16 at the Tolerance Center at Naugarduko street no. 10/2 in Vilnius.

The film runs for 100 minutes. The film is in English, German and Hebrew, to be shown with Lithuanian subtitles. Entry is free to the general public.

from IMDB: “A German girl travels to Israel to help people with disabilities, where she learns about the role of her grandparents in WWII and meets a man who wants to move to Berlin.”