
Call for Recipes

Dear members,

This year the Lithuanian Jewish Community will be actively involved in the European Jewish Culture Day program and is organizing different events to present the Jewish languages and Jewish cultural heritage to the public. European Jewish Culture Day will happen September 4, 2016.

The Bagel Shop Café will have on offer Jewish culinary heritage and is asking you to recall dishes made by your parents and grandparents, to find handwritten recipes (including in Yiddish) and to share them. We will prepare the best examples and offer them to the public during the event, and publish the recipes and descriptions.

Jacques Lipchitz Exhibit at the Tolerance Center

Skulptūros iš nacionalinio Žoržo Pompidu meno ir kultūros centro jau Lietuvoje

The Tolerance Center of the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum is proud to present an exhibit of sculpture by Jacques Lipchitz (1891-1973). The sculptures are on loan from the Metropolitan Museum in New York, the Chicago Art Institute and museums located around the world. The exhibit opens June 1.

Museum director Markas Zingeris said organizing the exhibit was fraught with difficulties. “This exhibit, dedicated to the 125th birthday of the sculptor, was carefully planned over several years. To put it playfully, it would have been easier to get the president of France here than to borrow sculptures from Paris museums. First we had to convince representatives of the Pompidou Center and the Musée d’art et d’histoire du Judaïsme to consent to the transport of 5 sculptures and 2 paintings by Lipchitz. Once we had agreement, we had to ensure proper conditions for transporting the art works, since some of the sculptures are made of very fragile materials,” Zingeris recalled.

Let’s Remember Together: Steps for Life in Riga

The Shamir Association and the Riga Ghetto and Latvian Holocaust Museum are holding an event called Steps for Life on Holocaust Memorial Day in Riga. The event starts at 11:00 A.M. on July 3 at the corner of of Lomonosov and Ebreju streets in Riga. Participants will walk through the Riga ghetto area to the Great Choral Synagogue on Gogola Street. Shamir is inviting those able to come participate and remember, together.

Facebook event:

The Significance of Holocaust Memorial Day in Latvia

Summer Camp

The Dubi Club invites kids to the summer day camp!

A day camp for children aged 3-and-a-half to 7 will be held at the naturally scenic recreation complex Viva Green Resort.

Camp program:

Educational activities with experienced teachers, excursions, nap-time for the younger kids, and three meals a day.

The day camp will be held from July 18 to 29, 2016.

Cost is 130 euros per child, or 110 per child for two children.

Registration is open until July 8.

Romanian Klezmer Concert

The Romanian embassy in Vilnius and the Lithuanian Jewish Community invite you to a concert by the klezmer group Mazel Tov from Cluj, Romania, called

Rumania, Rumania,

lekhaim briderlakh!


at 7:00 P.M. on Wednesday, June 29, at the Lithuanian Jewish Community, Pylimo street no. 4, Vilnius

Remember Lietukis Garage

The Kaunas Jewish Community invite you to come and remember the 75th anniversary of the Lietūkis garage massacre in Kaunas in the early days of the Holocaust. We will gather at the monument to the memory of the victims at Miško street no. 3 in Kaunas at 3:00 P.M. on June 24, 2016.

A concert to honor the victims will be held at the Kaunas State Philharmonic at 6:00 P.M., June 26, 2016 with the male quartet Quorum. The event is free and open to the public.

Presentation of Archaeological Finds from Ponar and Great Synagogue in Vilnius

Participating: professor Richard Freund (Hartford University) and Dr. Jon Seligman (Israel Antiquities Authority, Jerusalem)

This team of renowned investigators began work on the Ponar mass murder site near Vilnius in early June. Using non-invasive archaeological methods, they examined a large portion of the site of the largest mass murder in Lithuania.

The archaeologists focused on the tunnel excavated by burners’ brigade and other items of high interest according the museum specialists. A film crew travelled with professor Freund to Lithuania and plan to release a documentary called Lost Vilnius.

The Israeli-American duo also looked at the site of the former Great Synagogue in Vilnius.

The Tolerance Center of the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum will host their presentation of their findings June 22. The public is invited to attend. The event will be held in Lithuanian and English. The Tolerance Center is located at Naugarduko street no. 10, Vilnius.

LJC Seeks Driver

The Lithuanian Jewish Community is looking to hire an automobile driver. Candidates should hold a B category license, have at least 2 years experience as a chaffeur, have a basic command of English and Russian and have a sense of duty, professionalism and responsibility. Light maintenance will also be required as well as some heavy lifting. Priority given members of organizations under the LJC umbrella. For more information, contact or call 865209915.

Gruber’s Journey


Dear friends of the Tolerance Center,

As Romania takes over the presidency of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, the Romanian embassy in Vilnius and the Tolerance Center of the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum will present the film Gruber’s Journey (Calatoria lui Gruber, Romania, 2008) to the public at a free screening at 6:00 P.M., June 15, 2016, at the Tolerance Center, Naugarduko street no. 10/2, Vilnius.

The film centers around the pogrom in the city of Iasi in Bessarabia (Moldova) from June 27 to 29, 1941. Film in Romanian with Lithuanian and English subtitles.

Invitation here.

Jewish Cut-Outs: An Exhibit


Klaidas Navickas, a recognized master who works in the medium of cut paper, is holding an exhibit of his works called Jewish Cut-Outs at Gallery A at the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University library, Saulėtekio alley no. 14, Vilnius, running from June 7 to August 26.

A Night of African Music


The Šnekutis bar popular with tourists and locals alike is hosting a night of African dance music at their Užupis location Saturday evening, June 11. The address is Polocko street no. 7a, Vilnius, and the first selections of recorded music from around Africa are scheduled to go out around 6:00 P.M. Entrance is free to the public. According to a statement by Šnekutis representatives, the evening is intended to celebrate cultural diversity and the music will include Coupé-Decalé, Ethiopian jazz, Afrobeat, Afrofunk and Highlife, among others. The DJs for the AFRICANISM@Šnekutis event are Dovilė Abro from Lithuania and Rees Archibald from Australia.

Come Take Part in Pride Voices


When we talk about the situation regarding the human rights of LGBT people in the country, we often forget that are lives are not exclusively the challenges we face daily. Our lives are also stories which need to be heard.

The national LGBT rights organization LGL invites you to take part in a Baltic Pride 2016 event, scheduled to run from 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. on June 16 at the Russian Drama Theater in Vilnius. Well known LGBT advocates from around the world and human rights activists will share their personal experiences, stories and encounters in the struggle for LGBT equal rights.

The theatrical Pride Voices event will feature personal stories shared by Johanna Sigurdardottir (former Icelandic PM) and her wife, journalist and playwright Jónína Leósdóttir, as well as Ulrike Lunacek (deputy speaker of the European Parliament) Matthew Shepard’s parents Judy Shepard and Dennis Shepard and Ugandan LGBT activist Dennis Wamala.

The Floodgates Within: Video Art from Israel


Where: NGA Auditorium, Konstitucijos prospect no. 22, Vilnius
When: 6:00 P.M., Tuesday, June 7, 2016

On June 7-8 National Gallery of Arts presents the program of contemporary Isreali video art ‘The Floodgates Within: Video Art from Israel’ curated by Chen Tamir, curator at the Center for Contemporary Art in Tel Aviv. Chen Tamir will present two evenings of video from Israel. Designed to complement one another, these two events will situate Israeli contemporary art within historic, social, and political contexts, and offer a wide overview of experimental video-based art from this unique country.

Come Celebrate Shavuot at the Lithuanian Jewish Community Social Club

The Abi Men Zet Zikh and the Social Club of the LJC invite members to meet on the eve of Shavuot at 1:00 P.M. on Thursday, June 9, on the third floor of the LJC. Rabbi Shimshon Izakson will talk about the rise of King David and there will be traditional Shavuot dishes.

Registration is required. Please contact Žana Skudovičienė by telephone at 867881514 between 10:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. during the work week.

First Auction of Children’s Art in Vilnius!

The Vilnius Art School for Children and Youth, the first independent private art educational institution in Lithuania, was created by Jūratė Stauskaitė in 1991.

Over its 25 years of history, the school has turned become a versatile and innovative artistic education resource where everyone gets a chance to express their individuality through freedom of expression and creativity, which are important in all professions.

Since 1991 several thousand pupils have attended and completed school programs. School staff have published various teaching aids and textbooks for other schools. The school has taken part in numerous artistic educational initiatives and charity events held by the Vilnius municipality and state authorities, and remains true to its main objective: to raise creative members of society.

You’re Invited to a Chess Tournament

The Lithuanian Jewish Community and the elite chess and checkers club Rositsan and Maccabi invite you to a chess tournament at the Lithuanian Jewish Community at Pylimo street no. 4 in Vilnius at 11:00 A.M. on Sunday, June 19.

The event is dedicated to the memory of interwar Lithuania’s third president and Righteous Gentile Kazys Grinius.

Tournament director: FIDE master Boris Rositsan
For more information and to register, contact:, telephone +3706 5543556

Kosher Sabbath and a Lesson about Shavuot

The Gesher Club of the Lithuanian Jewish Community invites you to come celebrate the Sabbath with Rabbi Kalev Krelin, who will deliver a talk called “Shavuot: A Holiday without an Exact Date or Meaning” at the kosher restaurant Rishon, Tilto street no. 3, Vilnius, on Friday, June 10. To buy tickets or for more information, contact Žana Skudovičienė by telephone at 867881514.

Paid Internships

The Lithuanian Jewish Students Union reports of two new paid internship available at the European Union of Jewish Students and at the Transatlantic Institute of the American Jewish Committee.

1. The EUJS is looking for a new communications officer. The communication officer manages EUJS’s internal and external communication strategies and creates online content for social media with the aim of broadening media coverage and outreach.

2. The American Jewish Committee’s Transatlantic Institute in Brussels offers an exciting opportunity to experience what advocacy with the European Union is like. You can work as a fully contributing member of their experienced international multidisciplinary team, discover firsthand how the EU’s common foreign policy is made and get to know some of the main players.