
Lithuanian Jewish Community Position on the Reconstruction of the Great Synagogue in Vilnius

The following is an official letter sent by the Lithuanian Jewish Community to concerned government agencies.

September 27, 2016

Remigijus Šimašius
mayor, city of Vilnius

Alminas Mačiulis
Government chancellor

Šarūnas Birutis
minister of culture

Linas Linkevičius
minister of foreign affairs

Diana Varnaitė
director, Cultural Heritage Department under the Ministry of Culture

On the Reconstruction of the Great Synagogue

As public interest has grown recently in the history and cultural legacy of Lithuanian Jews (Litvaks) and specifically regarding artifacts uncovered at the site of the Great Synagogue in Vilnius, we feel it our duty to again present our view, that of the Lithuanian Jewish Community, regarding the issue of the conservation of surviving parts and the possible reconstruction of the Great Synagogue, a building with extraordinary significance to the Lithuanian and the global Jewish community.

As we have said before many times, we support all meaningful initiatives to preserve, protect and commemorate the legacy and heritage of the Jews of Lithuania, but we do not support unreasonable projects to rebuild non-existing buildings which are carried out in the name of Jews. It seems that is what we are facing again in the idea developing over many years by certain government institutions and possibly including hidden business structures to rebuild the Great Synagogue complex in Vilnius.

In 2015 the municipal government enterprise Vilniaus Planas was commissioned by the municipality’s Urban Development Department to prepare draft construction proposals for a memorial to the Great Synagogue under pre-project proposals submitted by the architect Tzila Zak. The terms of reference of the planning task itself revealed the client’s attitude towards the rebuilding of the Great Synagogue as an attractve real estate development project: the primary task presented to planners was to submit a list of the buildings proposed for rebuilding, to name the rooms and premises slated for reconstruction and to calculate floor space.

Israeli Dance Lessons

Israeli dance lessons with Karina and Valerija, beginners’ group from 11:00 A.M. to 12 on Sundays, advanced group Sunday from 12:15 P.M. to 1:15 and Wednesdays 6:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. at the Lithuanian Jewish Community, Pylimo street no. 4, Vilnius.

For more information write

The Shekel Route around Klaipėda

Po Klaipėdą Šekelio keliu

In celebration of World Tourism Day, a new tourist route called the Shekel Route around Klaipėda was unveiled. The Klaipėda District Tourism Guild presented the route to the public. The route was created in cooperation with the Klaipėda Jewish Community. The author was Laurencija Budrytė-Ausiejienė. Partial funding for the route came from the Klaipėda Jewish Community using funding from the Goodwill Foundation.

As soon as news appeared on the internet about the route, all available spaces were snatched up.

The Tourism Information Center of the Palanga municipality has prepared a brochure called “Jewish Sites to Remember in Palanga.”

Lithuanian Radio To Revisit Litvak Past


Beginning September 25 Lithuanian state radio will broadcast a series about Lithuanian shtetls. Radio journalists will talk about nine small Lithuanian towns where only a few buildings stand in silent testimony to their once thriving Jewish life, and will interview people now in their 80s who remember that legacy from childhood.

The episodes in the series will be broadcast every second Sunday after the 11 o’clock news and during the Ryto garsai progream on Tuesdays at 9:00 A.M. The first episode for broadcast September 25 is about Molėtai.

Lithuanians and Jews lived in common in the shtetls before World War II and not only made a life for themselves, but contributed deeply to the creation of the Lithuanian state and the economic and cultural development of the towns. War and the Holocaust, which saw the complete destruction of entire Jewish shtetl communities, and the various roles played by Lithuanian neighbors, followed by decades of occupation, have largely pushed this part of history into oblivion.

Not all who remember the time of Jewish prosperity are eager to talk about it. Many people are still steeped in feelings of fear, guilt and shame. At the same time descendants of Holocaust survivors are coming back in ever greater numbers to the birthplaces of their parents, grandparents and great-grandparents and making sense of a land which for many years only kindled negative emotions. Some of them are working to strengthen Lithuanian-Jewish relations, others seek to preserve the memory of their ancestors.

This documentary series won’t be easy listening. Even 75 years later, witnesses to the Jewish tragedy aren’t able to quell their tears and many are unable or unwilling to understand this darkest period in Lithuania’s history. On the other hand, they also recall the happy life of Lithuanians and Jews before the war, including childhood friends, the many Jewish shops and the taste of fresh bagels.

Lithuanian national radio frequencies:

Vilnius 89.0 MHz

Kaunas 102.1 MHz

Klaipėda 102.8 MHz

Šiauliai 100.9 MHz

Panevėžys 107.5 MHz

First episode about Molėtai available in Lithuanian here.

Adam le Adam Concert in Vilnius Today

Israeli vocal ensemble Adam le Adam will perform one concert exclusively in Vilnius at the Old Town Hall square today at 6:00 P.M., September 22. The concert is free and open to the public.

Adam le Adam (Hebrew for “person for person”) is a group of 14 vocalists who perform Israeli and traditional Jewish folk songs in authentic arrangements. The ensemble was established by the late composer Jacob Hollaender in 1978. Under his musical direction the ensemble performed throughout Israel and recorded for radio and TV. Adam le Adam had also participated at International choir festivals in various countries around the globe.

During recent the musical director of the ensemble is maestro David Sebba.

Adam le Adam has won first place in choir competitions and has performed a novel program of choral soul music at the most distinguished festivals in Israel such as the Abu-Gosh Festival and the Vocalize in Acre. The ensemble has performed with the Raanana Symphonette Orchestra and the Israel Sinfonietta Beer-Sheva Orchestra at Nes-Amim Church and in the Bible-Lands Museum. Adam le Adam has also performed with other distinguished artists for the prime minister of Israel.

Vilnius concert song-list:

Farewell by S. Rosen, Y. Hollaender
Holiday Evening Alone by T. Attar, Y. Hollaender
Loved Her by T. Attar, Y. Hollaender
Prisoner No. 9/Thou Shalt Love Thy Neighbor by T. Alyagon, Y. Hollaender
Yom Kippur Prayer by O. Hammama
Bulgarian Folk Song/In the Vineyard of Yemen by N. Alterman,M. Zeira, M. Wilensky
Paneriai by A. Shlonsky, A. Tamir

March of Memory in Semeliškės


March of Memory in Semeliškės

at the former ghetto, Užupio street no. 14, Semeliškės at 12 noon, October 6, 2016, to commemorate the mass murder of the Jews of Semeliškės, Vievis and Žasliai in the Dergionys Forest 75 years ago.

We invite all people of good will to join this initiative to honor the victims of the Holocaust. Our being together on that day will symbolize our solidarity, our respect for the history of our region and our aspiration to make sure this kind of tragedy never happens again.

Patron: Elektrėnai municipal administration
Organizer: Strėva Semeliškės community
Partner: Semeliškės aldermanship

“We all must tell ourselves: this is our nation’s past. We are the heirs and must accept our inheritance. We will not raise even one person from the grave, we will not reconcile the victim with his murderer, but perhaps we will learn the lesson, so that what happened happens never again.”

Father Ričardas Doveika

“To die and to forget share the same root in the Lithuanian language. The Jews of Lithuania were murdered once, but we can still remember the story of each one. We can still do that. So who are we, if we think this doesn’t concern us? Who are we? From what clay are we made? If they are not us, who are we? Who are we? What does ‘we’ mean?”

Virginijus Savukynas, journalist

Uncomfortable Cinema: The Holocaust

“Nepatogus kinas” – Holokausto tema

The human-rights documentary film festival Nepatogus Kinas [Uncomfortable Cinema] is placibgspecial emphasis this year on the Holocaust. Many directors, film researchers and film historians continue to revisit the theme of historical memory and traumatic experience to this day. A retrospective called “Holocaust: Memory on the Silver Screen” is being organized with the Berlin-based film and video art institute Arsenal to digitize and restore film stock. The retrospective is being presented at Uncomfortable Cinema festival, the first opportunity for viewers in Lithuania to see the restored works. A conversation with film and video art institute Arsenal representative Gesa Knolle on Arsenal’s work and what memory on the silver screen means:

Looking at Lithuania, Germany and all of Europe, anti-Semitism as with any other form of xenophobia or racism is an important topic we need to discuss. How could it happen in 2008 that Jewish partisans were accused of World War II-era war crimes? And no charges have been laid against Lithuanians who collaborated with the Nazi Party? In German as in Lithuania anti-Semitism was widespread in the early 20th century. As Michael McQueen says, there was the aspiration that a “pure” Lithuanian people make up the state, and that was completely incompatible with the existence of the Jewish population in the country. Before the Nazis occupied Lithuania in 1941, the Jewish community in the state was a population of about 210,000 people. More than 95 percent of residents of Jewish origin were murdered during World War II. How was that possible?

Full story in Lithuanian here.

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Our People Lie Buried Here


Simon Wiesenthal director and author Efraim Zuroff and Lithuanian author Rūta Vanagaitė are inviting Lithuanians to mark the Day of Remembrance of the Genocide of the Jews in Lithuania on September 23 this year by looking up the mass murder site closest to the their homes and making the trek there to light a candle and perhaps leave a small stone at the grave, a Jewish tradition.

Zuroff and Vanagaitė are focusing commemoration efforts on the town of Vėliučionys, a mass murder site about 12 kilometers outside Vilnius.

Efraim Zuroff:

This coming Friday, Lithuania commemorates the Holocaust, and Rūta Vanagaitė and I have launched a special initiative entitled “Čia guli Musiškiai” (Our People Lie Buried Here) to encourage Lithuanians to visit the mass grave of Shoa victims nearest their home. In all, there are 227 recognized mass graves in Lithuania, documented in the Lithuanian Holocaust Atlas, which is available online.

We are encouraging residents of Vilna/Vilnius to visit one of the most neglected mass graves near the city at a place called Vėliučionys, where 1,159 Jewish men, women and children were murdered by Lithuanian auxiliary police and a special mass murder squad on September 21 and 22, 1941. There will be a brief ceremony at 5 PM as we march from the manor where they were confined to the site of their murder.

Press Release

September 20, 2016

Events to mark the Day of Remembrance of Jewish Victims of Genocide in Lithuania and to honor those who rescued Jews during the Holocaust begin this week, running from September 20 to September 28. It begins Tuesday with a volunteer group clean-up of the Jewish cemetery on Sudervės road in Vilnius. On September 21 a tour of Jewish Vilna will be offered, and a screening of the film “Gyvybės ir mirties duobė” [The Pit of Life and Death] will be held at 6 P.M. On September 22 the Israeli vocalist group Adam le Adam will hold a free concert at the square in front of the Old Town Hall in Vilnius at 6 P.M. A monument to commemorate the children who died in the Vilnius ghetto will be unveiled in the Garden of Brothers at the Vilnius Sholem Aleichem ORT Gymnasium. Then a ceremony will be held to commemorate Holocaust victims at the Ponar Memorial Complex outside Vilnius.

The conference “They Rescued Lithuania’s Jews, They Rescued Lithuania’s Honor” will be held at the Lithuanian parliament from 11:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. on September 25, followed by a presentation of the Lithuanian Jewish Community Jewish calendar for the year 5777. The events at parliament mark the 75th anniversary of the beginning of the Holocaust in Lithuania and the 150th anniversary of the birth of Lithuanian president and Righteous Gentile Kazys Grinius. A ceremony to present awards to rescuers of Jews is scheduled for September 28 at the Lithuanian President’s Office.

“This year this special emphasis on the small towns whose tragedy affected all people living in Lithuania. The mass murder of the Jews of the shtetls has revealed the full dimension of the tragedy,” Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman Faina Kukliansky said. “Lithuania is changing, a much braver younger generation is coming of age who take a different view of the history of their nation. The German press has called Lithuania the first state in Eastern Europe to openly raise the question of its own citizens’ complicity in the Holocaust. Lithuania is coming of age; we hope the country sets an example for neighboring states.

“As we remember every year the extremely painful losses we Jews have experienced, we advocate for analyses of the historical facts, what happened, what the Provisional Government of Lithuania did, how the Lithuanian Activist Front behaved. The Lithuanian Jewish Community is not an academic institution, but as much as we are able, with help from the state, without fanfare and sensationalism, we strive to make sense of the facts and circumstances in the Holocaust, and to educate the Lithuanian public on the history of the Jews of Lithuania. Again and again we dive deeper into Lithuanian history trying to understand why and how neighbor could turn on neighbor and murder their innocent, until then peaceful, well-educated and cultured good neighbors, including men, women, children and the elderly. Then stealing their property, and for decades denying they took part in the Holocaust. Forever and ever, but especially today, we remember our honorable fellow citizens, the Lithuanians who rescued Jews,” chairwoman Kukliansky said.

Events program here.

Names of Jews Murdered To Be Remembered in Lithuania


On September 22 and 23, the 75th anniversary of the mass murder of the Jews of Lithuania, the names of Holocaust victims will be read out loud on the eve and day of the Day of Remembrance of the Jewish Genocide Victims of Lithuania. The civic initiative VARDAI [NAMES] invites the public to remember the brutally exterminated citizens of Lithuania by uttering their names and surnames at the locations where they once lived.

VARDAI coordinator and museum specialist Milda Jakulytė-Vasil said: “A person is not a number. The reading of the names is a personal expression of commemoration and empathy. It only takes five minutes. We welcome everyone who wants to remember.” Participants at the events have said this kind of Holocaust victim commemoration helped them comprehend the scope of the tragedy in a very personal way. When you say a person’s name, it’s no longer possible to pretend that person never existed, and the statistics telling us 90 percent of 220,000 Jews living in Lithuania were murdered becomes more than just a number.

This will be the sixth annual reading of the names in Lithuanian cities and towns, to include more communities than ever before. At least several dozen cities and towns are participating in reading the names this year, including Vilnius, Kaunas, Marijampolė, Ukmergė, Merkinė, Molėtai, Jonava, Kėdainiai, Švėkšna, Dieveniškės, Eišiškės, Kretinga, Jurbarkas, Žemaičių Naumiestis and others. Many of these events include additional components, such as cleaning up mass murder sites, visiting old Jewish cemeteries and meetings with survivors.

Jewish Street in Vilnius to Get Trilingual Street Sign

Žydų gatvė (Jewish street, aka Yidishe gas, aka ulica Żydowska), where the traditional Jewish quarter and the Great Synagogue of Vilnius was located, is about to get signs in Yiddish and Hebrew.

The special event to unveil the new sign is scheduled for 11:30 A.M., Tuesday, September 20 at Žydų street no. 2.

The program includes a performance of a piece by the Jewish song and dance ensemble Fayerlakh, followed by Vytautas Mitalas, chairman of the Vilnius municipal council’s culture, education and sports committee, presenting Vilnius mayor Remigijus Šimašius. Šimašius is to present a small speech. Mitalas will then introduce Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman Faina Kukliansky, who will also deliver a small speech. The mayor and the chairwoman will then unveil the new street sign. Fayerlakh is then scheduled to perform another song.

The historic street and a neighboring street were cleared of their mainly Jewish residents in 1941 when the Nazis and Nazi collaborators set up the Vilnius ghetto. The residents were murdered and a large population of Jews from other parts of the city were forced into the cramped quarters there. It was part of the so-called Small Ghetto in Vilnius, liquidated in October of 1942. Žydų gatvė was the site of the Shulhof, the collection of buildings built around the location of the residence and study of the Vilna Gaon and the Great Synagogue.

Lithuanian Jewish Community Demands Halt to Construction Work

Lithuanian Jewish Community


September 7, 2016 No. 319
September 6, 2016 No. 1-/6/P-007


Tomas Pauliukonys, director
V. Kudirkos street no. 18, Vilnius 03105

Arvydas Avulis, chairman of board of directors,
Konstitucijos prospect no. 7, Vilnius 09308


Diana Varnaitė, director
Cultural Heritage Department under the Ministry of Culture
Šnipiškių street no. 3, Vilnius 09309



It has come to our attention that by order of companies under your direction during the last days of August of this year there was earth dug without permission during demolition and construction at the site of the former Žaligiris Stadium within the protected zone of the old Vilnius Jewish cemetery in Šnipiškės (cultural heritage register number KVR 31812, henceforth “Cemetery”). This is a gross violation of the signed agreement on the terms of the cultural heritage protection of the protective buffer zone of the Cemetery (henceforth “Terms”) adopted on August 26, 2009, as well as the agreement between the Lithuanian Jewish Community and the Vesata company and the Archeoligijos centras public organization (henceforth “Agreement”).

We demand an immediate halt to all work within the territory of the Cemetery and its protected zone until representatives of the Committee for the Preservation of Jewish Cemeteries in Europe (henceforth “Committee”) are able to assess the situation and decide appropriately regarding further work at the site.

According to our information, the earliest date a Committee representative could arrive is from September 12 to 15 of this year. Please respond quickly as to whether this date is appropriate for a visit, and as to whether you are willing to pay all costs associated with it.

Faina Kukliansky, chairwoman

Reminder about Cemetery Clean-Up

Dear LJC members participating in the September events,

This is to remind you that we are going to the Jewish cemetery on Sudervės road in Vilnius at 2:30 on September 20 to do a clean-up. The bus will leave from the Lithuanian Jewish Community at Pylimo street no. 4 in Vilnius.

Please wear clothing appropriate for the work and the weather!

Thank you for taking part! If you have any questions, please contact us.

Lithuanian Jewish Community administration

telephone: +370 5 261 3003

Israeli Embassy Vilnius Bike Ride 2016


Israeli ambassador to Lithuania Amir Maimon and the public organization Sveikas Maistas invite you to celebrate the coming new year of 5777 by joining our bicycle ride on Sunday, September 18.

We will meet at the Vilnius Old Town Hall Square (Rotušės aikštė) at 10:00 A.M. and the starting time for the ride is 11:00 A.M.

The first 200 people will receive a special t-shirt with an event logo emblazoned on the front.

The ride ends at the White Bridge in Vilnius, where we’ll eat traditional Rosh Hashana treats, apples with honey, and exchange greetings for a happy New Year.

Bring your friends and family!

We care about your safety, so please bring a helmet.

For more information see our facebook page Israel in Lithuania:

Club Birthday Chess Tournament!


The Lithuanian Jewish Community and the Rositsan and Maccabi Elite Chess and Checkers Club invite you to a chess tournament to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the club at 11:00 A.M. on September 18, 2016 at the Lithuanian Jewish Community, Pylimo street no. 4, Vilnius.

Tournament director: FIDE master Boris Rositsan

For further information and to register, please contact:

telephone: +3706 5543556

Support the Lithuanian Jewish Community

Even your small donation today can help the Lithuanian Jewish Community achieve great things tomorrow.

The Lithuanian Jewish community has roots going back 700 years. Only a remnant survived the Holocaust. Although the current community is small, we are extremely active and are working hard to foster Jewish identity, maintain traditions and culture, commemorate Holocaust victims, provide social services to our members and promote tolerance in society.

We invite you to contribute to reviving at least a small portion of the legendary Jerusalem of Lithuania. Perform your mitzvah (good deed) today!



Lieutenant Artūras Jasinskas, commander of the Lithuanian military’s volunteer defense forces, awarded Nicholas Benjamin Israel, head of Baltic regional military information operations support team of US special operations in Europe, for his exceptional personal contribution to expanding and strengthening cooperation between the US military and Lithuania’s volunteer defense forces Friday, September 9.

The name of the Lithuanian military medal is “For Distinguished Service.”

Israel’s cousin, Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman Faina Kukliansky, attended the ceremony.

I’m Not Jewish

by Marius Ivaškevičius

That’s what I want to tell everyone who the last three months have tactfully asked this of my friends and relatives. I am not Jewish at all, I don’t have a drop of Jewish blood. So why is he casting his lot with those Jews, what wild insect bit him? That’s another question heard often.

I can answer it almost by rote: I was bitten by a tick. Three years ago I filmed one scene at the old Jewish cemetery in Warsaw and it sucked my blood there. Furthermore, I got Lyme disease. And it so happened, or perhaps it was decided beforehand by that treacherous Jewish tick, that when I was taking antibiotics I became interested in the Jews in my town, their fate in my native Molėtai. And my hair stood on end and I got goose-bumps when I realized I had been living for 40 years in complete ignorance, on the margins of a gigantic tragedy without even sensing it existed. I knew there had been Jews, they had lived here, because their old cemetery still exists in Molėtai, as does their old “red bricks,” a long building, the oldest in the town, of connected shops, a sort of shopping mall of the period. I knew some unknown number of them had been killed, since, as I thought, some of them had been involved in Communist activities.

New Bagel Shop Menu

The Community’s kosher café the Bagel Shop invites you to come in and try some of new menu items for fall, including new bagels, Israeli salads and fresh-squeezed juice. Our new menu is displayed below and you can download it as well, or just stop by at Pylimo no.4 in Vilnius during regular business hours and see if you don’t find something which makes your mouth water. Oh, and we’re baking fresh challa bread every Friday.