
Awaiting Hanukkah

Awaiting Hanukkah

In the run-up to Hanukkah, the Lithuanian Jewish Community invites you to an evening of music called Awaiting Hanukkah with performances by the jazz group Stardust Trio and violin duo Double Cores with Boris Kirzner and Michail Bolshun.

The cost is 20 euros and prior registration is required via email to, For more information call (+370) 678 81514.

Time: 7:00 P.M., Friday, December 20
Place: Bagel Shop Café, Pylimo street no. 4, Vilnius

Sabbath Times

Sabbath Times

The Sabbath begins at 3:36 P.M. on Friday, December 6, and concludes at 4:59 P.M. on Saturday in the Vilnius region. Monday is also World Genocide Commemoration Day.

Events for Children in Run-Up to Hanukkah

Events for Children in Run-Up to Hanukkah

The Lithuanian Jewish Community has several special Hanukkah events planned for the Dubi Club and Ilan Club. Dubi is for children aged 4 to 6 and Ilan for those 7 to 11.

At 1:00 P.M. on Saturday, December 7, we’ll make menorahs together out of clay.

At 1:00 P.M. on Saturday, December 14, we’ll make and eat delicious sufganiyot doughnuts.

Please note the clubs on these dates will not be meeting at the LJC but at the HEY HEY Kaip Skaniai space located at Odminių street no. 3 in Vilnius.

Space is limited, so make a reservation by sending an email to Please call +370 678 81514 for more information.

The first day of Hanukkah falls on December 25 this year.

Sabbath Times

Sabbath Times

The Sabbath begins at 3:41 P.M. on Friday, November 29 and concludes at 5:03 P.M. on Saturday in the Vilnius region. Sunday is also the beginning of Advent, marking the beginning of the Christian liturgical year in many Western churches.

Shalom Cheverim!

Shalom Cheverim!

The Bnei Maskilim iProgressive Judaism community invites you to the Shaharit morning prayer with Rabbi Grisha Abromavich from Israel. Registration is required by sending an email to

Time: 11:00 A.M., Saturday, November 30
Place: Lithuanian Jewish Community, Vilnius

Israeli Dance Classes Changing Schedule

Israeli Dance Classes Changing Schedule

The Rikudei Am Israeli Dance Club offers lessons to beginners, advanced and highly advanced students. The schedule has changed. Every Sunday, the classes are now:

11:30 A.M. Beginners group
12:00 noon Advanced
12:30 P.M. Highly advanced group

Classes are held at the Lithuanian Jewish Community in Vilnius. The cost is 20 euros for 4 classes for the general public, and 10 euros for 4 classes for Community members. Registration is required. To register and find out how to pay, send an email to

Chocolate Saturday at the Ilan Club

Chocolate Saturday at the Ilan Club

Do you know any young person who doesn’t like chocolate? If so, he’s the exception. Most young people gladly “destroy” anything made from chocolate. And if you can add the ingredients you like, then that’s a chocolate holiday. That’s what the Ilan Club will get up to this Saturday with a chocolate workshop and the story of Elit, the candy so popular in Israel which began here, along with other sweet stories.

Time: 1:00 P.M., Saturday, November 30
Place: Second floor, Lithuanian Jewish Community, Vilnius

Tour of Herring Exhibit Followed by Tasting at Jonas Šliūpas Museum in Palanga

Tour of Herring Exhibit Followed by Tasting at Jonas Šliūpas Museum in Palanga

The Jonas Šliūpas Museum in Palanga invites the public to a second guided tour of the herring exhibit “From the North Sea to the Christmas Table” at 5:00 P.M. on November 29. This time co-creator of the exhibit Akvilė Poškienė of Klaipėda University will guide the tour. Afterwards the Palanga Jewish Community will host a presentation of Jewish culinary heritage accompanied by sampling of Jewish snacks with herring presented by Lithuanian Jewish Community educator Dovilė Rūkaitė.

The cost is 4 euros. Registration is required by sending an email to

Time: 5:00 P.M., November 29
Place: Jonas Šliūpas Museum, Vytauto street no. 23A, Palanga

Labyrinths of the Old Town: A Tour for Community Members

Labyrinths of the Old Town: A Tour for Community Members

Lithuanian Jewish Community members are invited to a special tour next Saturday in Vilnius called Labyrinths of the Old Town led by accomplished guide Markas Psonikas. The tour will invoke the mediaeval aura of the courtyards of the Old Town and continue on to the secrets and discoveries of the present day.

The cost is 7 euros per person. Registration is required by sending an email to before 12:00 noon on November 28.

Time: 11:00 A.M., Saturday, November 30
Place: starting point to be announced following registration
Duration: ~2 hours

Kaunas Jewish Community Unveils Plaque to Righteous Gentile

Kaunas Jewish Community Unveils Plaque to Righteous Gentile

The Kaunas Jewish Community invites you to a ceremony to unveil a plaque commemorating Righteous Gentile Ona Jablonskytė-Landsbergienė on the 130th anniversary of her birth. Yad Vashem recognized her as a Righteous Gentile in 1995.

The plaque was commissioned by the Kaunas Jewish Community and an association of Lithuanians deported by the Soviet Union to the Laptev Sea in the Arctic, and was made by sculptor Gediminas Pašvenskas. It is to be unveiled on the clinic at A. Mickevičiaus street no. 4 in Kaunas where Jablonskytė-Landsbergienė worked as an ophthalmologist. The ceremony will take place there at 3:00 P.M. on Friday, November 29.

For more information, click here:

Sabbath Times

Sabbath Times

The Sabbath begins at 3:48 P.M. on Friday, November 22, and concludes at 5:10 P.M. on Saturday in the Vilnius region. Saturday, November 23, is also Fibonacci Day.

Ceremony Thursday to Unveil Bas-Relief of Alexander Livont

Ceremony Thursday to Unveil Bas-Relief of Alexander Livont

The Vilnius Jerusalem of Lithuania Jewish Community will unveil a bas-relief they commissioned honoring violinist Alexander Livont at the Lithuanian National Philharmonic in Vilnius Thursday.

This will be the fifth bas-relief by Mindaugas Šnipas honoring Litvaks and Jews with Lithuanian connections famous in the world of music. The ceremony will include musical performances by violinist Julija Andersson and the Duettissimo ensemble. The event is free and open to the public.

Time: 6:00 P.M., Thursday, November 21
Place: Lithuanian National Philharmonic, Aušros vartų street no. 5, Vilnius

Sabbath Times

Sabbath Times

The Sabbath begins at 3:57 P.M. on Friday, November 15 and concludes at 5:16 P.M. on Saturday in the Vilnius region. Saturday is also International Tolerance Day. 頑張って ください!

Sabbath Project/World Challa-Making Day is Here

Sabbath Project/World Challa-Making Day is Here

Today Jews around the world will celebrate the Sabbath together under the auspices of the Global Sabbath Project, which includes World Challa-Making Day. The Lithuanian Jewish Community invites everyone to come and make challa bread together beginning at 3:00 P.M. today, Friday, November 15. Besides making bread, we will also learn about the Sabbath, enjoy some live music and share Jewish cooking traditions. The best loaf will be chosen as the winner.

Time: 3:00 P.M., Friday, November 15
Place: Bagel Shop Café, Lithuanian Jewish Community, Vilnius

Rabbi Warren Goldstein sends special Sabbath Project greetings to LJC:

Darna Festival to Celebrate Tolerance Day: Food, Fun and Friends

Darna Festival to Celebrate Tolerance Day: Food, Fun and Friends

The annual Darna festival to celebrate the International Day of Tolerance will be held at two adjacent locations this year: the Lithuanian Jewish Community and the Cvi Park Israeli street-food kiosk and performance space across the street. The festival will include live music, poetry and photography exhibits.

Besides the usual food, drink and friends, this year’s festival will also include musical performances by students from the Sholem Aleichem ORT Gymnasium, National Opera and Ballet Theater soloist Julija Stupnianek-Kalėdiene and then that soloist’s own program performed together with Giedrė Muralytė and Lina Žutautaitė. Poetry by Indrė Valantinaitė and Tina del Mar on cello will also feature, and Toma Čepaitė will perform on the traditional Lithuanian stringed instrument the kanklės. Violinist Dalia Dėdinskaitė, cellist Gleb Pyšniak and accordionist Tadas Motiečius will perform together as Arts Lituanica. Walter Delahunt and his band of friends from Canada will also perform. Accomplished DJs will round out the night.

You’re Invited to an End of Sabbath Ceremony Saturday

You’re Invited to an End of Sabbath Ceremony Saturday

Dear members and friends,

You’re invited to a Havdalah ceremony to usher out the Sabbath Saturday evening.

This is a multisensory experience involving scents, the lighting of candles, wine and prayers sung together with cantor Shmuel Yaatom to make the coming week blessed.

Time: 5:30 P.M., Saturday, November 16
Place: Lithuanian Jewish Community, Pylimo street no. 4, Vilnius

Shavua tov!

Sabbath Times

Sabbath Times

The Sabbath begins at 4:10 P.M. on Friday, November 8 and concludes at 5:24 P.M. on Saturday in the Vilnius region.

Sabbath Times

Sabbath Times

The Sabbath begins at 5:39 P.M. on Friday, October 25, and concludes at 6:49 P.M. on Saturday in the Vilnius region. Friday is also Simchat Torah.