
Sounding North Jerusalem Children and Youth Orchestra Camp

Sounding North Jerusalem Children and Youth Orchestra Camp

The LJC is pleased to announce registration is open for the Sounding North Jerusalem children and youth orchestra camp to be held from August 15 to August 25 in the Lithuanian resort of Preila.

Registration consists of selecting a musical work you’ve learned over the last academic year, filming yourself performing it for at least five minutes, and sending the video or a link to the video to, which is also the address to write for more information. Submissions are encouraged from outside Lithuania as well.

Matzo On Sale Now

Matzo On Sale Now

Matzo is now available for Passover in the foyer on the first floor of the Lithuanian Jewish Community located at Pylimo street no. 4 in Vilnius. A half-kilogram box costs 5 euros, 1 kg costs 10. Purchases may be made between 10:00 A.M and 6:00 P.M. on weekdays until April 15.

Sabbath Times

Sabbath Times

The Sabbath begins at 7:50 P.M. on Friday, April 8, and concludes at 9:09 P.M. on Saturday in the Vilnius region.

Yom haShoah

Yom haShoah

On April 28 the world will mark Yom haShoah, Holocaust Day. The Lithuanian Jewish Community invites everyone to attend a ceremony to commemorate Holocaust victims on that day. The commemoration will take place at the Ponar Memorial Complex outside Vilnius at 12 noon on Thursday, April 28. It is expected to last 30 minutes. This is an initiative by the Lithuanian Jewish Community.

Faina Kukliansky, chairwoman
Lithuanian Jewish Community

A bus will transport people from the LJC at Pylimo street no. 4 in Vilnius. Prior registration is required by calling 868506900 or sending an email to

Matzo Arrives for Passover

Matzo Arrives for Passover

The long-awaited shipment of matzo has reached the Lithuanian Jewish Community. We will begin distributing it to every Jewish household in Lithuania very soon in the run-up to Passover which begins April 15.

Sabbath Dinner with Guitar

Sabbath Dinner with Guitar

Community members are invited to a traditional Sabbath dinner accompanied by guitar music. There will be the traditional Sabbath prayer followed by dinner, and if you play guitar, or sing, feel free to join in the music afterwards. Bring your own guitar!

When: 6:30 P.M., April 8
Where: Bagel Shop Café
Cost: 15 euros

Registration:, telephone number +37067250699

Passover with the Lithuanian Jewish Community

Passover with the Lithuanian Jewish Community

You and your family are invited to celebrate Passover together with the Lithuanian Jewish Community.

Location: Natali restaurant
Date: 7:00 P.M., April 15
Registration before April 13
Tickets for adults: 25 euros
Tickets for children aged 3 to 13: 10 euros

To register, contact Žana at or call Julija Segal at +37065952604

LJC Condemns Vandalism at Ponar, Demands Quick Response by Authorities

LJC Condemns Vandalism at Ponar, Demands Quick Response by Authorities

The Lithuanian Jewish Community condemns the recent cynical vandalism at the Ponar Memorial Complex mass murder site. Institutional and public apathy regarding such attacks is unacceptable.

We demand the responsible institutions this disgusting vandalism as quickly as possible. We are convinced that this practice of never finding anyone responsible for anti-Semitic crimes in Lithuania cannot go on. This is on the same scale as the recently reported bombing of the Babi Yar Holocaust memorial in the Ukraine.

Lithuanian Jewish Community Concerned by Recent Attacks on Civilians in Israel

Lithuanian Jewish Community Concerned by Recent Attacks on Civilians in Israel

The Lithuanian Jewish Community is deeply concerned by the recent terrorist attacks in Israel made against civilian residents of Israel.

We condemn these barbaric acts of terror by extremist groups and call upon responsible leaders of the religious and political communities to stop the spilling of blood immediately.

In the name of the Lithuanian Jewish Community we extend our deep condolences to the families of the victims who have died.

Wishing you the strength and courage needed to survive these difficult times,

Faina Kukliansky, chairwoman
Lithuanian Jewish Community

Kabbalat Shabat

A Kabbalat Shabat ceremony will be held on the zoom platform at 6:30 P.M. on Friday, April 1. To register, write Viljamas at

Table Tennis Tournament

Table Tennis Tournament

All members of the Lithuanian Jewish Community, their family members and friends as well as students from the Sholem Aleichem ORT Gymnasium and their parents are invited to play ping-pong at a tournament to be held Sunday, March 27 at the Simonas Daukantas pre-gymnasium located at Naugarduko street no. 7 in Vilnius.

Starting at 10:00 A.M., the first group of young players born in 2010 and later will begin, with registration by 9:30. The second group of those born in 2008 or later takes to the tables at 10:00 A.M as well, with registration by 9:30. At 12:30 P.M. those born in 2004 or later play, with registration by 12 noon. Adults play at 12:30 as well with registration before 12 noon.

Players will be grouped in subgroups of four people each. The winners and runners-up enter the final while the other groups compete for a consolation prize. All competitions are comprised of three sets. If 8 or more girls arrive, there will be a separate girls subgroup. The rules for the competition are subject to change depending on attendance numbers.

LJC and Sholem Aleichem School Collecting Donations for Ukrainians

LJC and Sholem Aleichem School Collecting Donations for Ukrainians

The Lithuanian Jewish Community and the Sholem Aleichem ORT Gymnasium are collecting items for the people of Ukraine and invite you to donate the following:

Folding beds
Portable heaters
Personal hygiene items
Baby items
Crutches and bandages
Electric blankets
Sleeping bags
Mobile telephones, computer tablets, laptops

Contact the LJC at

Justice and Courts according to the Torah

Justice and Courts according to the Torah

Natalja Cheifec will hold a lecture this week called “Justice and the Courts according to the Torah,” talking about criteria for selecting judges, the definition of theft in Judaism, crime and punishment, the death penalty, compensation for harm inflicted, the laws of warfare and other topics. To register, click here.

Purim Celebration for Children

Purim Celebration for Children

The Lithuanian Jewish Community will hold a Purim carnival with purimshpilen and a performance by Fayerlakh for children at 12 noon on March 20. To register and for more information, contact Margarita by calling 37061800577 or by sending her an email at

Purim Lecture

Purim Lecture

Purim is almost here, the happiest spring holiday, but its true meaning is the Jewish struggle for physical survival, just as topical now as ever. Natalja Cheifec invites you to her internet lecture on the meaning and traditions of Purim. It will take place beginning at 5:30 P.M. on Thursday, March 17, in the Lithuanian Jewish Community’s zoom room. Register here.

On War, Women and Sunflowers

On War, Women and Sunflowers

The Pakruojis synagogue will host this event at 3:00 P.M. on Friday, March 18. Neringa Latvytė will give a presentation called “We Were All Heroines: Experiences of Jewish Women in World War II.” An exhibit of photographs by Sošana Zaksaitė (1906-1959) featuring snapshots from the lost Jewish world will open at the synagogue and be presented by Šiauliai Regional Jewish Community chairman Sania Karbelis. Later in the afternoon Alina Shakhova from Kharkov in the Ukraine will perform a song. Everyone is invited to attend. The street address and telephone number for the Pakruojis synagogue is located to the right of this page.