
Lithuanian PM Calls for Celebration of First Jewish Rescuer Day in Lithuania

Lithuanian PM Calls for Celebration of First Jewish Rescuer Day in Lithuania

On March 15 Lithuania will celebrate the Day of Rescuers of Lithuanian Jews for the first time, included on the official list of commemorative days late last year. The day will include a number of events including a reading of the names of rescuers at Vilnius University at 4:00 P.M. and the opening of an exhibition on Righteous Gentiles at the Marija and Jurgis Šlapelis Museum located at Pilies street no. 40 in Vilnius.

“Great challenges don’t just destroy, they also awaken heroes. Those whose deeds kindle endless hope. Those thanks to whom today we aren’t just talking about victims and murderers, but also about the rescuers. Those who pass on to all coming generations the clear knowledge that we can always chose the light, even in the darkest night,” Lithuanian prime minister Ingrida Šimonytė said.

Full article in Lithuanian here.

Sunday Quiz on Jewish Theater

Sunday Quiz on Jewish Theater

The quizzes go on, this coming Sunday around the topic of Jewish theater. Come and show off your knowledge, or learn something new. Presented by writer, philosopher, mime and circus performer Arkadijus Vinokuras, the quiz will take place at the Bagel Shop Café at Pylimo street no. 4 at 2:00 P.M. on Sunday, March 19. Register by sending an e-mail to Katrina at

Matzo Here

Matzo Here

Matzo has arrived and will be distributed to Saul Kagan Social Welfare Center clients at room 220 from 11:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. on March 15, 16, 17, 22, 23 and 24.

European Days of Jewish Culture 2023

European Days of Jewish Culture 2023

Organizers and coordinators of the European Days of Jewish Culture for 2023 events met in Paris in late February and decided upon the theme “Citizens, equality, rights and values” for this year’s celebrations.

Most meetings and seminars took place at the Shoah memorial in Paris with meetings on the second day at UNESCO headquarters in Paris.

The European Days of Jewish Culture are scheduled to begin on the first Sunday in September, 2023.

March 15 Is Day of Rescuers of Lithuanian Jews

March 15 Is Day of Rescuers of Lithuanian Jews

This year Lithuania marks March 15 as the day of rescuers of Lithuanian Jews for the very first time. To celebrate this important date, the Lithuanian Jewish Community presents a special plaque to commemorate the rescuers. The plaque, with multiple layers of symbolism and meaning, will be placed on residences where the rescuers lived and hid Lithuanian Jews from the Nazis.

“This is our thanks to the brave people who didn’t falter in the face of danger and who were not just the rescuers of Jews, but, as Icchokas Meras wrote, were also the blossom of goodness of their nation and heroes of the spirit who resisted the murderers,” LJC chairwoman Faina Kukliansky commented. Her family was also saved from the Holocaust by brave Lithuanians with big hearts, rescuers who number among the 900 Yad Vashem recognizes as Righteous Gentiles in Lithuania.

Plaque designed by the JUDVI & AŠ creative group.

Project author: International Commission for Assessing the Crimes of the Nazi and Soviet Occupational Regimes in Lithuania.

Overnight Scouting Camp for Lithuanian Independence Day

Overnight Scouting Camp for Lithuanian Independence Day

March 11 is one of Lithuania’s two independence days, marking the day in 1990 when the Lithuanian Supreme Soviet declared Lithuania’s independence from the Soviet Union. In line with pre-WWII Jewish scouting traditions, the Lithuanian Jewish Community invites young people and their friends and classmates to an overnight Jewish scouting camp to celebrate Lithuanian independence. The camp will include entertaining games, a scouting program, a flag-raising ceremony and a Sabbath ceremony as well as the chance to meet new friends.

Parents should deliver their children to the Sholem Aleichem ORT school in Vilnius from 3:00 to 3:30 P.M. on March 10 and the camp ends at 7:00 P.M. on March 11. Children and young people need to bring along written consent from their parents, a sleeping bag, dishes and utensils for food, toothbrushes and other personal hygiene items. The cost is 25 euros per person and includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.

Registration is open till 11:00 P.M. on April 7. Written consent needs to be delivered by parents to the scout leader at the collection point at Sholem Aleichem school.

To register, fill out the form here:

For more information, write

Choral Synagogue Seeking New Minyan Members

Choral Synagogue Seeking New Minyan Members

The Choral Synagogue in Vilnius needs new minyan members and substitute members according to a flexible schedule of participation. Financial support is available for permanent minyan members. Jewish men of majority are invited to contact Shmuel Yatom by telephone at +370 614 21 513 or send an email to

Dubi Club Purim

Dubi Club Purim

The Dubi Club continues to meet at noon on Sundays. This Sunday the children will receive a Purim surprise. All children aged 4 to 6 are invited to attend. For more information, contact Margarita Koževatova by telephone at +37061800577.

Righteous Gentiles Exhibit

Righteous Gentiles Exhibit

Architect Tauras Budzys and art historian Barbora Karnienė have constructed an exhibit to mark March 15, the day designated to commemorate Lithuanian rescuers of Jews from the Holocaust. The exhibit is called “Righteous among the Nations: Not Afraid to Die, They Became Immortal.” The exhibit will be on display until April 10 in the home and museum of Marija and Jurgis Šlapelis located at Pilies street no. 40 in Vilnius.

Purim Celebration at Former Great Synagogue in Vilnius

Purim Celebration at Former Great Synagogue in Vilnius

A Progressive Judaism celebration of Purim including all mitzvot, reading of the Esther scroll, tzadka collections and mishloah manot will be held at the site of the former Great Synagogue in Vilnius (the school building at Vokiečių street no. 13A, formerly Žydų street no. 6) starting at 6:30 P.M. on March 6. Congregants are urged to bring fruit to share. To register, send an email to or call 8672 50 699.

Discussion Club Topic: The Three Abrahamic Religions

Discussion Club Topic: The Three Abrahamic Religions

The next meeting of the discussion club #ŽydiškiPašnekesiai will be held at 5:00 P.M. on March 8 at the Bagel Shop Café at Pylimo street no. 4 in Vilnius. The topic will be “The Three Major Religions’ Attitude towards One Another, towards Responsibility, Love, Morality, Punishment and Politics.”

Moderator Arkadijus Vinokuras says there is a lack of interfaith dialogue in Lithuania. The benefits of interfaith discussion on society is obvious because of existing superstitions people hold regarding other religions and a general lack of knowledge.

Discussion panel participants are to include Simas Levinas, Lithuanian Mufti Aleksandras Beganskas, author and Catholic priest Mozė Mitkevičius and Arkadijus Vinokuras.

Purim Celebration with the Fayerlakh Ensemble at the Bagel Shop

Purim Celebration with the Fayerlakh Ensemble at the Bagel Shop

The Lithuanian Jewish Community and the Fayerlakh ensemble invite you to a Purim celebration.

The celebration will include the traditional Purimshpil carnaval, costume contest, live music and other diversions.

Attendees are expected to dress up for the occasion. Tickets are €30 for adults and €20 for children 13 and under.

Tickets and more information available by calling +370 687 79309.

When: 4:00 P.M., Sunday, March 5
Where: Bagel Shop Café, Pylimo street no. 4, Vilnius

Launch of Lithuanian Translation of Lea Goldberg’s Children’s Book

Launch of Lithuanian Translation of Lea Goldberg’s Children’s Book

The Lithuanian translation of Lithuanian Jewish writer Lea Goldberg’s children’s book “Room for Rent” will be launched at the Vilnius Book Fair Sunday with a special panel discussion including the translator, Antanas Jonynas, designer Sigutė Chlebinskaitė who designed the format for the Yitzhak Rudashevski Vilnius Ghetto Diary published in Lithuanian several years ago by the Lithuanian Jewish Community and writer Daiva Čepauskaitė. Israel’s ambassador to Lithuania Hadas Silverstein is also expected to attend.

Goldberg wasn’t born in Lithuania but spent much of her childhood in Kaunas. She returned to Kaunas after World War I and attended university there. She went on to win the Israeli National Prize for her varied literary work in Hebrew.

The book launch and panel discussion will start at 12 noon on Sunday, February 26, in hall 5-3 at the Lithuanian Expo Center in Vilnius, the venue for the annual Vilnius Book Fair.

Dubi Mishpocha Club Open for Children Aged 0 to 3

Dubi Mishpocha Club Open for Children Aged 0 to 3

Traditions are a treasure we pass on from generation to generation. We are glad to be able to share that treasure with others and to see how children grow up and take their children to the Lithuanian Jewish Community youth clubs.

It is so important for the younger generation of Jews to learn and practice our traditions from a very early age, so the Dubi Mishpocha Club welcomes you and your children aged 0 to 3 every Wednesday from 10:30 A.M. The club is located inside the LJC.

For more information, contact LJC programs director Žana Skudovičienė by e-mail at

Sabbath Times

Sabbath Times

The Sabbath begins at 5:12 P.M. on Friday, February 17, and concludes at 6:26 P.M. on Saturday in the Vilnius region.