
Darna Festival to Celebrate International Day of Tolerance

Darna Festival to Celebrate International Day of Tolerance

The Lithuanian Jewish Community in concert with the Cvi Park enterprise again invite you to the Darna Festival of live music, poetry and photographic exhibits to celebrate UNESCO’s International Day of Tolerance.

The program includes an exhibit of photographs by Antanas Sutkus, Bartosz Frątczak and Andrey Kezzyn, snacks and drinks with live music at the Cvi Parkas kiosk in Petras Cvirka Square across the street from the LJC, a performance by students from the Sholem Aleichem ORT Gymnasium, a performance by Australian vocalist and musician Skye Magnus, Algis Davidavičius speaking on the topic of tolerance, poetry by Indrė Valantinaitė, piano music by Darius Mažintas and Duettissimo with Glebas Pyšniakas playing cello and Dalia Dedinskaitė on violin.

Cvi Parkas will serve vegetable dishes and desserts, natural wine and craft beer for customers. The event itself is free and open to the public. It starts around 6:00 P.M. on Thursday, November 16, on the third floor of the Lithuanian Jewish Community in Vilnius.

Hebrew Lessons Are Back

Hebrew Lessons Are Back

After a brief hiatus, Ruth Reches’s Hebrew classes for the general public are back. Classes will be held for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels at the Sholem Aleichem school in Vilnius starting Sunday, December 3. For more information and to register, write

Kaunas Jewish Community Holding Concert to Commemorate Herman Perelstein

Kaunas Jewish Community Holding Concert to Commemorate Herman Perelstein

The Kaunas Jewish Community is holding a concert to celebrate the 100th birthday of Herman Perelstein, the renowned choir director and professor. The concert and birthday party is being called Šefas, Lithuanian for boss. It happens at 7:00 P.M. Monday, November 6, at the Kaunas State Philharmonic, Ožeškienės street no. 12, Kaunas. It will include a performance by the Ąžuoliukas boys choir Perelstein founded, other performances and recollections from students about the man. It is free and open to the public. The Kaunas Jewish Community thanks the Kaunas city municipality and Goodwill Foundation for making this event possible.

Simon Karczmar Exhibit Opens

Simon Karczmar Exhibit Opens

Photo: Left: Simon Karczmar and wife

The Old Town Hall in Vilnius will open an exhibit of paintings by Litvak artist Simon Karczmar (1903-1982) at 6:00 P.M. on Monday, November 6. Originally from Dieveniškės, Lithuania, Karczmar moved to Jerusalem later. The exhibit runs till November 30.

Sabbath Times

Sabbath Times

The Sabbath begins at 4:21 P.M. on Friday, November 3, and concludes at 5:34 P.M. on Saturday in the Vilnius region.

Sabbath Times

Sabbath Times

The Sabbath begins at 5:36 P.M. on Friday, October 27, and concludes at 6:47 P.M. on Saturday in the Vilnius region.

Target Shooting Competition

Target Shooting Competition

The Lithuanian Makabi Athletics Club will hold target shooting competitions in three age groups from 10: A.M. to 1:30 P.M. on Sunday, November 12, at the GSKA shooting range in Vilnius.

Age groups include 13 to 18, men 19 and above and women 19 and above. The competition is shooting targets at 10 meters with pistols including 6.35 mm, 7.6-7.65 mm, 9×18 mm (9 mm Para and 9 mm Luger) and 10×22 mm (.45 automatic). Pistols, ammunition and safety equipment will provided by the shooting range.

For more information and to register before midnight on November 10, send an email to The cost is 10 euros per participant.

Kabalat Shabat

Kabalat Shabat

Dear members,

You’re invited to Kabalat Shabat prayer service including recitation of kaddish for the innocent Israeli civilians murdered by the Hamas terrorist group. The prayer service will be led by Ba’al Tefillah Viljamas Zitkauskas.

It takes place at 6:00 P.M. this Friday at the Lithuanian Jewish Community in Vilnius. Prior registration is required by contacting Žana Skudovičienė at or (+370) 678 81514.

Am Yisrael khai!

Israeli Journalist to Speak about War at LJC

Israeli Journalist to Speak about War at LJC

Russian-language journalist Avner Korin, the editor at and a frequent traveller between Lithuania and Israel who knows the Israeli/Palestinian situation very well, will speak at the Lithuanian Jewish Community about the before, during and aftermath of the Hamas attacks two weeks ago. His presentation is called “The Situation in Israel on the Eve of the Horrific Terrorist Attack and Now” which will be followed by a discussion and questions from the audience. It happens at 2:00 P.M. on Sunday, October 22, at the Lithuanian Jewish Community in Vilnius. Registration is required by contacting Žana Skudovičienė by telephone at (+370) 678 81514 or by email at

Šiauliai Jewish Community to Commemorate Fallen Israelis

Šiauliai Jewish Community to Commemorate Fallen Israelis

The Šiauliai Jewish Community will commemorate Israelis murdered by Hamas and show support for Israel in the war by lighting candles in a ceremony at 5:15 P.M. on October 25 in front of the Community building at Višinskio street no. 24 in Šiauliai. Your participation would be appreciated highly.

Quiz Series: Israeli Victories

Quiz Series: Israeli Victories

This Sunday’s semi-regular quiz will be dedicated to hope. For the second week Israel is at war with the Hamas terrorist organization. Although many expect victory for Israel, many also expect it to be long in coming. This illustrates well the millennia-long history of the Jews which has been victorious but also very painful.

We invite everyone to come take part in the quiz, but also to spend some time together and talk. As usual, actor, writer and journalist Arkadijus Vinokuras will be master of ceremonies. The event will be streamed on facebook.

Time: 2:00 P.M., Sunday, October 22
Location: Bagel Shop Café

Fayerlakh Fundraiser for Israel

Fayerlakh Fundraiser for Israel

The Lithuanian Jewish Community and the Jewish song and dance ensemble Fayerlakh invite you to a concert including performances by Rafailas Karpis with Darius Mažintas, Arkadijus Gotesmanas with Michailas Bolšunas and students from the Sholem Aleichem school.

All funds collected will go to Israeli victims of the brutal war underway through the agency of the Litvak community in Israel.

Time: 3:00 P.M., Sunday, October 29
Location: the dance theater at the Mykolas Konstantinas Čiurlionis Art School, Kosciuškos street no. 11, Vilnius

To register or find out more, contact Larisa Vyšniauskienė by calling+370 687 79309.

Direct donations for victims of the war in Israel may be made through the Lithuanian Jewish Community’s bank account LT097044060000907953 by indicating “MES KARTU” in the line or window for showing the purpose of the bank transfer.

Statement by Lithuanian Jewish Community, All 32 Constituent Members, about the War in Israel and the Situation in Lithuania

Statement by Lithuanian Jewish Community, All 32 Constituent Members, about the War in Israel and the Situation in Lithuania

When terrorist group Hamas attacked Israel on October 7 the world witnessed acts of incomprehensible brutality where women, children, the disabled and the elderly were taken hostage and murdered, taken hostage and used as human shields, and publicly tortured and executed.

We say with no reservations at all that Israel is a sovereign state. No one has the right to attack Israel, to invade Israel’s territory and to murder the people of Israel. There can be no justification nor mercy of any kind for the murderers.

Today, 50 years later, the words of beloved Israeli prime minister Golda Meir sound prophetic: we had a secret weapon in the war: there was no alternative. Again Israel is fighting for survival.

This brutal war is especially painful to the members of the Lithuanian Jewish Community, there is no Jewish family in Lithuania whose members haven’t been touched by these terrific events. Our close relatives are fighting on the front lines, healing the wounded, rescuing people buried in rubble, helping those who are stuck and who could die. We are extremely proud of them.

Our thoughts and hearts are with our parents, brothers, sisters, children, grandchildren and friends who remain in Israel. With every person fighting for our historical homeland. With everyone who is experiencing the horror and loss.

Unfortunately it isn’t just our relatives in Israel who have found themselves in danger, but also in Lithuania. In the country where we were born, grew up and work, the country which we love, whose citizens we are, anti-Semitism is spreading, not just on the social media and at protests, but from the podium at the Lithuanian parliament, and even children are being attacked: they are being threatened and hurt on purpose. Yesterday a Bolt taxi driver of dark complexion who didn’t speak Lithuanian asked a minor, a child, what his ethnicity was, and when he found out his passenger was Jewish, he refused to take him to school. This is certainly not the only and not the worst incident, but it’s very illustrative of the situation.

These kinds of incidents make our community feel unsafe, but we are concentrated and unified, we are unified both by our thousands of years of history, but also by the future.

We are inn close cooperation with the Lithuanian Police Department and other security structures. Ee are in continual contact with the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Lithuanian embassy to Israel and international Jewish organizations. We are exchanging information and sharing data.

Despite the shock of it all, we are striving to help Lithuanian citizens stranded in Israel as well, and to help Israeli citizens in Lithuania to fly home. We are providing information, consulting, helping to provide solutions to the unexpected problems which have come up all at once.

We thank Lithuanian president Gitanas Nausėda, speaker of parliament Viktorija Čmilyte-Nielsen and prime minister Ingrida Šimonytė for the firm support for Israel and the Lithuanian Jewish Community they have expressed. We are very encouraged Lithuania has condemned unequivocally the actions of the terrorists and has stood for the right and just side.

We are extraordinarily grateful to the people of Lithuania as well who have sent us their messages of condolence and support and who are praying for our brothers and sisters taken hostage by the terrorists. At the same time we caution people should assess critically the information they receive and only share news from official Israeli institutions and agencies.

Am Yisral khai. The people of Israel live.

Faina Kukliansky, chairwoman
Lithuanian Jewish Community

Sabbath Times

Sabbath Times

The Sabbath begins at 6:08 P.M. on Friday, October 13, and concludes at 7:17 P.M. on Saturday in the Vilnius region.

Lithuanian Schools Closed Due to Bomb Threats

Lithuanian Schools Closed Due to Bomb Threats

Schools, kindergartens and universities across Lithuania were closed in the early afternoon Friday as numerous emails in Russian and Lithuanian were received claiming bombs had been placed at these locations. This followed the same threats made to schools in Klaipėda Thursday as Lithuanian military and security forces were scheduled to carry out drills on the marine liquified natural gas terminal located there. Police spokesmen said the same threats were made in Latvia and Estonia over previous days. They said the threatening emails in Lithuania were in Russian with some in Lithuanian and contained two separate demands: ransom for “de-mining” the schools, and political demands Lithuania stop supporting the Ukraine in its conflict with Russia.

The Sholem Aleichem ORT Gymnasium in Vilnius decided several days ago to cancel in-school classes Friday and to conduct lessons via internet instead because Hamas had called upon supporters to attack Jewish institutions around the world on October 13. Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman told Lithuanian media the Choral Synagogue in Vilnius was closed and almost all staff at the LJC were working from home. All events and programs scheduled at the LJC have been cancelled for now, according to LJC executive director Michailas Segal. Chairwoman Kukliansky said the regional Jewish communities had all been apprised of growing security concerns.

Lithuanian police had started making regular patrols outside the Sholem Aleichem school and the Choral Synagogue since the Hamas attack on southern Israel last Saturday.

Update: Around 1,500 schools and educational institutions received bomb threats again on Monday, October 16.

Event to Mark 80th Anniversary of Kinder Aktion in Šiauliai Ghetto

Event to Mark 80th Anniversary of Kinder Aktion in Šiauliai Ghetto

On November 5, 1943, the Kinder Aktion, one of the most brutal Holocaust crimes perpetrated in Lithuania, was carried out in the Šiauliai ghetto. The mass murder operation aimed at Jewish children took 725 of them and they were sent to Auschwitz in cattle cars where they were murdered. The Lithuanian Jewish Community and the Šiauliai City and Šiauliai Regional Jewish Communities invite you to remember and commemorate the victims of this crime.

The event begins at 12:00 noon on November 5 at the stone monument on the corner of Trakų and Ežero streets marking the location of one of the former gates to the ghetto. At 12:30 P.M. a procession leads from there to the Chaim Frankel villa. At 1:00 P.M. there will be a ceremony at the villa to remember the children murdered. The villa is located at Vilniaus street no. 74 in Šiauliai. This will include the opening of a joint exhibition by the Šiauliai City Jewish Community and Yad Vashem museum of photographs of the child victims of the Kinder Aktion.

Please note: Those wishing to attend the commemoration on November 5 are asked to register by sending an e-mail to

Famous Russian/Soviet Blues Guitarist to Perform at LJC

Famous Russian/Soviet Blues Guitarist to Perform at LJC

Renowned blues and rock guitarist Yuri Naumov, originally from Sverdlovsk but transplanted to Novosibirsk and since 1990 based in the United States, will perform at the Jascha Heifetz Hall at the Lithuanian Jewish Community on October 21.

An accomplished song writer and composer, he gained fame in January of 1983 when he formed the band Prokhodnoy Dvor, which included Vladimir Zotov on drums and Oleg Kurokhtin on guitar. After the band issued a bootleg tape, they became popular in the USSR, and the KGB forced Naumov to leave Novosibirsk Medical University for “the promulgation of decadent Western values.” He initially sought refuge in Leningrad and Moscow. In 1990 Naumov moved to New York. Naumov plays a unique 9-string guitar custom-built for him by famous violin maker Sergei Nozdrin in the 1980s. He used to tour Russia once or twice a year.

Of Italian and Jewish origins, Naumov’s rock ballads have long been considered classics, including the Tale of Karl, King of Rock and Roll; Stanislov Theater and Starry Night. Many call him the greatest Soviet and greatest Russian bluesman ever.

Time: 6:00 P.M., Saturday, October 21
Location: Lithuanian Jewish Community, Pylimo street no. 4, Vilnius

Tickets available at

Israel at War: Donate Now

Israel at War: Donate Now

Maccabi World Union Emergency Campaign

The Maccabi movement is asking for your help in supporting the Israeli communities affected by the horrible terror attacks on Southern Israel. We will make Kfar Maccabiah, the facilities of the movement home, available immediately to hundreds of citizens that currently await evacuation from the Gaza area.

We will:

-Accommodate 300 people from the affected areas.
-Accommodate 100 family members of injured soldiers & citizens who are hospitalized in Sheba Medical Center.
-Transform Kfar Maccabiah Basketball Hall into an overflow shelter for 200 evacuees.

Our estimated cost per day is $60,000 USD ($100 per person, per day). No gift is too small.

Any level of support will begin helping Israelis immediately.

Please give generously for those in real need.

Michael Siegal, president, MWU
Amir Peled, chairman, MWU
Amir Gissin, CEO, MWU

Donate here or visit the Maccabi World Union website here.