On July 6, Lithuania’s State Day, Lithuanian president Dalia Grybauskaitė presented awards to 27 people, including both Lithuanians and foreign citizens, for their help in promoting Lithuania in the world. Four Lithuanian citizens were also presented the Cross of Aid to the Dying for rescuing people threatened by death.
Among those recognized was deputy chair of the Lithuanian Jewish Community Leonidas Donskis.
The Lithuanian president said Lithuania has been strong from the very beginning of its statehood because it always renews itself. This, she said, was due to the people who have inspired the state’s history, and whose sense of Lithuanian identity has encouraged creativity, effort and caring for Lithuania. She said these people deserve our sincere gratitude and respect.
Leonidas Donskis, a philosopher, professor, historian of ideas, active promoter of human and civil rights, a politician and deputy chair of the Lithuanian Jewish Community received the award called the Officer’s Cross of the Order “For Merit to Lithuania.”
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