World Premiere at Vilna Ghetto Judenrat to Celebrate Vilnius’s 700th Birthday

World Premiere at Vilna Ghetto Judenrat to Celebrate Vilnius’s 700th Birthday

Contemporary composer Michael Gordon will present the premiere of his work Resonance in the courtyard of the Youth and Lėlė Theaters accessible at Arklių street no. 5 at 9:00 P.M. on July 5. The courtyard was the home of the Judenrat in the Vilnius ghetto, the Jewish council set up by the Germans. The composer’s family came from Vilnius. The composer will give a talk the next day at Rūdininkai square across Rūdininkų street from the Judenrat at 2:00 P.M. on Thursday, July 6.

Tickets for the concert may be purchased here: