History in Photographs: Passover

History in Photographs: Passover

Above: Two girls eating matzo at Rothschild Center in Vienna, post-WWII. Yad Vashem archives.

Passover in Utena, Lithuania, before WWII. Yad Vashem.

Making matzo before the war. Yad Vashem.

Passover seder, Klykoliai, Lithuania, 1930. First on left is Baya Serenda, third from left is the teacher Firs, sixth from the left is Moshe Lisis; third from right is Basia Fukhs. All were murdered in 1941. Yad Vashem.

Passover seder in Warsaw ghetto. Host breaks matzo in two. Yad Vashem.

Passover seder for Allied soldiers. Yad Vashem.