Lithuanian Jewish Child Survivor Tells of the Shoah

Lithuanian Jewish Child Survivor Tells of the Shoah

In Marking the 25th Anniversary of Lithuanian Independence
The Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum Presents a New Exhibition

Lithuanian Jewish Child Survivor Tells of the Shoah

is a travelling exhibition and was prepared based on a permanent exhibit opened in 2009. The mobile exhibit presents exceptional stories of Lithuanian Jewish children and their family members saved from the Holocaust, illustrated with authentic photographs and supplemented by testimonies from eye-witnesses and contemporaries. The main focus is upon the resolution of righteous gentiles to save the damned at risk of their own lives as well as those of their loved ones. The authors of the exhibit hope this information will contribute to the formation of values and the inculcation of civic-mindedness among young people.

We will be anticipating your attendance at 2:00 P.M. on March 10, 2014 at
the Tolerance Center of the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum at
Naugarduko street no. 10/2, Vilnius

Danutė Selčinskaja, the head of the museum’s Jewish Rescuers and Commemoration Department and the author of the exhibit, will present both versions of the exhibition personally (one in Lithuanian intended for display at Lithuanian schools and cultural institutions, the other in Lithuanian and English and intended for circulation in foreign countries).
