Memorial to Murdered Lithuanian Jews Unveiled in Germany

Vilnius, January 29, BNS–A memorial commemorating Lithuanian Jews murdered during the Holocaust was unveiled in the German town of Waldkirch Sunday. Karl Jäger lived in the town of city of Waldkirch and was a follower of Hitler who eventually led the mass extermination of Jews in Lithuania.

Jäger as SS colonel and chief of the of the Einsatzkommando 3 killing unit of Einsatzgruppe A compiled a precise list of the men, women and children murdered by his order from 1941 to 1942, totaling 137,346 victims.

A film about Jäger called “Karl Jäger and Us: the Long Shadow of the Holocaust in Lithuania” was shown in Waldkirch as well. Part of the film was made in Lithuania and uses documentary photographs and Lithuanian survivor testimony.