Book about Kupiškis Jewish Community

Author Aušra Jonušytė with Israeli ambassador Amir Maimon. Photo: Rasa Pakalkienė (LŽ)

Most of the Jewish communities in Lithuanian towns and villages were annihilated during World War II. The town of Kupiškis was no different. People of this ethnicity were murdered, but not removed from memory. This is demonstrated in the book “Kupiškio žydų bendruomenė. Praeities ir dabarties sąsajos” [The Kupiškis Jewish Community: Connections between Past and Present] presented at the Vilnius Jewish Public Library. The event by the Vilnius Jewish Public Library and the Kupiškis Ethnographic Museum launched the book by Aušra Jonušytė. She told the audience she considered with how to combine regional history work and student-teacher activities, and how to present the material in a way appropriate for children when she compiled the book.

Full story in Lithuanian here.