Reporters Have Finally Found Hamas. What Took So Long?

Reporters Have Finally Found Hamas. What Took So Long?

By Oren Kessler

The Western media have found Hamas. A month into the group’s mini-war with Israel, journalists have begun publishing images of Hamas fighters and reports on its human-shield tactics and intimidation of journalists. Whatever the reasonHamas PR savvy, media incompetence, or the fear of retributionit is astounding that the discovery has taken this long.

The Gaza Strip, after all, is just 25 miles tip-to-toe and seven miles at its widest. More than 700 journalists went there to cover Israel’s ground offensive, during which Hamas fired more than 3,500 rockets into Israelan average of more than 100 a day.

Still, since Israel launched its operation on July 8, the media focus has barely shifted from the loss of life in the Strip. That emphasis is understandable: Images of dead and wounded civilians are heartbreaking.Forty-three percent of Gaza’s population is under 14 (and half under 18), meaning the brunt of force is borne primarily by the young.
