Israeli Food Industry Reps to Visit Lithuania


Next week a delegation of representatives of the Israeli food industry are to visit Lithuania. About 20 people from 13 Israeli companies are scheduled to come to look for partners. They are reportedly looking for ecological and vegetarian products, products with a long shelf-life and items which might be new to their national market. The public organization Versli Lietuva is to organize meetings with about 50 Lithuanian companies. The Israeli delegation will also attend a business forum along with representatives of the Israeli embassy to assess the results of cooperation between the two countries so far and to talk about the future. Israeli ambassador to Lithuania Amir Maimon said the visit demonstrates the desire by both countries to increase trade and business ties.

In the past Lithuanian food producers have visited fairs in Israel and more and more Lithuanian businesses are getting kosher food certificates. Almost 40 percent of Lithuanian exports to Israel are food products, mainly milk products, and agricultural production. One hot Lithuanian export item has been cheese for about 20 years now. Non-food exports include pharmaceuticals and furniture.

The most promising Lithuanian exports to Israel include biotech, IT services, chemicals, furniture, food, timber and tourism. The Lithuanian company Altechna exports lasers to Israel and biotech firm ProBioSanus has entered the Israeli market as well.