Authoritative Commission Will Decide on “Bagel” Nominations

Authoritative Commission Will Decide on “Bagel” Nominations

As an initiative of the Lithuanian Jewish Community, special “Bagel” nominations will be given for actions which promote tolerance in the society. The Authoritative Commission will decide who will be awarded and for what endeavours.

From this week, everyone can submit their suggestions to the Commission. You should simply send an email to and indicate who should be awarded for promoting tolerance within the society, and why. You may suggest initiatives, projects, public actions, speeches of various people or groups of them, organizations, enterprises and institutions – everything that contributes to promoting openness to a variety of people in Lithuania.

The Commission which will make decisions regarding the nominations consists of nine remarkable human rights advocates, who agreed to cooperate on voluntary basis: her excellency, Ambassador of Sweden, Cecilia Ruthström-Ruin; ex-member of the European Parliament, Leonidas Donskis; director of the Lithuanian Centre for Human Rights, Birutė Sabatauskaitė; chairman of the Lithuanian Jewish Community, Faina Kukliansky; head of Goethe‘s institute, Johanna M. Keller; head of the Vilnius University Center for Religious Studies and Research, Professor Rita Šerpytytė; composer Jonas Jurkūnas; project manager of Women’s Issues Information Centre, Dovilė Rūkaitė; and journalist of the news portal „Delfi“, Mindaugas Jackevičius.


Twelve “Bagel” nominations are planned to be selected and presented until June, 2015. The first nominations should already be selected and presented in September, 2014.

“It is indeed worth to suggest nominees! In this way you will make a good deed for someone as well as show an example of being an active citizen”, says the head of the “Bagel Shop” project, Indrė Rutkauskaitė, who invites everyone to participate in submitting nominations.

We remind that presenting “Bagel” nominations is one of the main activities of the human rights development project, “Bagel Shop”, which is being implemented by the Lithuanian Jewish Community. The project is financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009‐2014 Programme Area „Funds for Non‐Governmental Organisations“ (EEA financial mechanism).


More on EEA financial aid:

In order to contribute to the reduction of economic and social disparities in the European Economic Area (EEA), the Kingdom of Norway, the Republic of Iceland, and the Principality of Liechtenstein created financial mechanisms of EEA and Norway. The aid of EEA financial mechanism is dedicated to 15 countries (including 12 new European Union countries, Greece, Spain and Portugal) while Norway’s financial mechanism is dedicated only to the 12 new member states.


The second period of EEA and Norway’s financial mechanisms is 2009-2014. During this period 1.79 billion Euros will be allotted for the implementation of various Norway’s and EEA’s aid projects in the receiver-countries (including 84 million Euros allotted to Lithuania). It is planned that the aid will be distributed until 2014, and the period of implementation will last until the middle of 2016.


For more information about the project visit the website