Israeli Exchange Students Donate Menorah Display to City of Kaunas

meir and eyal
story and photo: Elijus Kniežauskas

Last Sunday evening just as the sun set two Israeli students lit the first two lights of the Menorah set up at the city gardens, symbolizing the beginning of Hanukkah. Lighting the menorah symbolizes for Jews liberation from oppression and the victory of good over evil. For another seven days in a row the Israelis will climb up and light another lamp daily.

“The menorah symbolizes a miracle. When the Jews were at war with the Greeks all the oil reserves at the Temple were destroyed. There was only one vessel left, but a miracle happened and the lamps burned for eight days,” one of the students explained.

Meir and Eyal came to Kaunas from Israel. One is studying medicine and the other odontology.

“It’s good here in Kaunas, it’s peaceful. Not the same as where we live. It’s just sad so few Jews are left, probably we’ll have to light the rest of the candles ourselves,” Meir said.

All the lights on the menorah will be lit up next Sunday when a big celebration is to take place. The display is to be disassembled the following Wednesday.

The location next to the Musical Theater wasn’t chosen randomly. Thousands of Kaunas residents walk past this location daily. Menorahs are traditionally placed where they will be visible, in windows and on windowsills, in order to enlighten all people.

Full story in Lithuanian and more pictures here.