President Offers Lithuanian Help Mediating Israeli-Palestinian Talks

VILNIUS, October 20, BNS – Lithuania’s President Dalia Grybauskaitė suggested to Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas Lithuania could mediate in peace talks between Israel and Palestine.

“As a small country and a member of the Security Council, we can contribute to the peace process. This is what I suggested, that even Lithuania could participate, if this is something both parties want and if we have trust,” Grybauskaitė said after meeting with the Palestinian president Tuesday.

An audio recording of her words was published by the Lithuanian presidential press service.

During the visit, Grybauskaitė said she was assured that neither Israel nor Palestine wanted tensions to escalate. Nevertheless, in her words, both parties refuse to negotiate and hold direct talks, which is “the biggest problem.”

Grybauskaitė emphasized Lithuania understood Palestine’s struggle for independence.

“Lithuania understands both sides. It understands the pain, the anxiety and the tensions which arise between the two sides on a regular basis,” she added.

The Lithuanian president called Abbas a man of peace who has done much for peace between the two nations.

“He is now ready to talk, however, not everyone is likely entirely ready for the conversation,” Grybauskaitė added.

The Lithuanian president visits the region amid tensions over a new outbreak of violence which has claimed dozens of lives over the past weeks.