Last week Lithuania marked the third annual commemoration of Righteous Gentiles Day and the Lithuanian Jewish Community remembered their courage, risking their lives to save Jews during the Holocaust, at the Choral Synagogue in Vilnius.
Sulamita Fromanaitė-Lev, rescued by nuns, shared her family story. Descendants of Righteous Gentiles Kazys and Sofija Binkis, Iga Mautėnienė and Romualdas Juknelevičius, talked about their family. Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman Faina Kukliansky spoke about the rescue of her family and Evangelical Lutheran reverend Mindaugas Sabutis and father Aligrdas Toliatas also addressed the commemoration.
Violinist Simas Tankevičius and bayan accordion player Yevgeni Musiyets provided music at the event. Students from Sholem Aleichem ORT Gymnasium read excerpts from Yitzhak Mer’s Holocaust memoirs. Thank you to Sholem students Dina Perelman iand Markas Šulmanas, and to Sholem graduate Jokūbas Davidavičius who was master of ceremonies.
A big thank you to everyone who organized the event and attended to pay their respects to Lithuania’s Righteous Gentiles, including Israeli ambassador Hadas Wittenberg Silverstein, German ambassador Cornelius Zimmermann, Dutch ambassador Twiss Quarles van Ufford, Indian ambassador Devesh Uttam, Ukrainian ambassador Olha Nikitchenko, representatives from the Polish, French and US embassies, Lithuanian government representatives, Lithuanian members of parliament and everyone else who attended.