by Grant Gochin
All I sought was information about the murder of my Lithuanian family during the Holocaust. This was my entanglement with the government of Lithuania.
Most barbarians shout about their hideous torture and murder of innocents as a matter of pride. Palestinian terrorists murder Jews and boast about it. They have parades with slain bodies. They hand out candy, and dance with joy, thinking they have done something wonderful. They haven’t.
During the Holocaust, Lithuanians murdered Jews with an even greater level of ferocity and depravity than Hamas currently displays. Their conduct was reprehensible and not even close to human. The Lithuanian slaughter was almost complete. They murdered 96.4% of all Jews they could reach. The current dream of Gaza is the replication of the Lithuanian Holocaust.
For my efforts towards uncovering the truth about Holocaust crimes in Lithuania, the Government of Lithuania threatened me with criminal and constitutional charges:
In Los Angeles I overheard a conversation where Lithuanian Ambassador Laima Jurevičienė told other foreign diplomats that I am a Russian agent (an enemy of the State).
And now, former Lithuanian Minister of Defense, Laurynas Kasčiūnas has stated in public that I am an agent of Russia, (an enemy of the State) and that I am “trash.”
I am a Jew, a Zionist and an American. According to the Government of Lithuania, I am a criminal, trash and an enemy of their State.
In their insane fantasies, everything Lithuania loathes, is to them, a Russian plot. This means their accusations are regularly an absurdity, and just completely baseless and wrong. American foreign policy is serious business. Americans should note Lithuania’s absurd and repeated accusations when Lithuania shrieks fear of a Russian invasion. How many times can they cry wolf?
Lithuania’s governmental vendetta against me is childish, stupid and insulting. Kasčiūnas is simply unintelligent, uninformed and idiotic. His accusations are libelous and contravene Lithuanian criminal law. It is no wonder he is in a leadership position in Lithuania. Too often, we let people say whatever they think (or don’t) shrugging off any negative implications as passion, but nowhere is it TRUTH. Their ad hominem character attacks are because they are bereft of facts and cannot defend themselves any other way.
Lithuania, as with Hamas, are their own worst enemies. We Jews pick ourselves up, and eventually thrive. Amalek never recovers after slaughtering Jews. Am Yisrael Chai.
Full article here.