Last Friday Australian Hamas supporters attempted to vandalize the home of Alex Ryvchin, co-CEO of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, in Dover Heights, a suburb of Syndey, Australia. The perpetrators in fact arrived at the Jewish leader’s former home. They pelted the home and garage with neon-pink paint and set two cars parked nearby on fire after being spray=painted with anti=Semitic slurs.
In the early hours of Tuesday, January 21, Hamas activists set a Jewish daycare on fire in the Maruobra neighborhood in southeast Sydney. The daycare center suffered extensive damage. Adjacent walls were spray-painted with the same anti-Semitic slurs as the cars in Dover Heights. The daycare is located next to Maroubra Synagogue on Anzac Parade. Sky News Australia reports there have been 13 major anti-Semitic attacks in the Australian state of New South Wales in the last 16 days alone, including the latest two attacks.