New York Times Reporter Implicated in Hit-List Targeting Australian Jews

New York Times Reporter Implicated in Hit-List Targeting Australian Jews

Natasha Frost admits she shared private chats from a post-October 7 WhatsApp group with 1 person, and says she didn’t intend what followed; 600 members used the chat to talk about surging anti-Semitism in Australia

The New York Times said Friday it had taken “appropriate action” against its reporter after it came to light Melbourne-based Natasha Fronst had leaked private details from a WhatsApp group in which some 600 Australian Jewish creative workers had sought support amid surging anti-Semitism.

Natasha Frost told the Wall Street Journal she had shared the information with one person outside the group and had not intended for it to be widely disseminated.

Frost, whose New York Times bio page still says she writes for the newspaper’s Europe Morning Briefing newsletter, downloaded some 900 pages of WhatsApp messages from the group earlier this year, according to a WSJ report last week.

Partial story here. More details here.

Note: Australian Hamas supporters used the purloined chat to create a hit-list of Australian Jews. They used the list to harass Jews in Australia and kidnapped and tortured an employee of a Jewish company, as reported here earlier. Many Australian Jews were forced to shutter and move their businesses besides receiving threats of violence and harassing telephone calls, emails and texts. According to Australian media reports, members of the original “Jewish creatives” chat determined Natasha Frost was the culprit and the Wall Street Journal this week published their investigative report which came to the same conclusion.

Previous reports posted here: