Sholem Aleichem Day Camp

Sholem Aleichem Day Camp

The Sholem Aleichem ORT Gymnasium is holding a Young Travellers day camp from August 12 to 16 for children aged 6 to 15. The camp program includes heaps of entertainment, art, games, puzzles and experiments, a change to make new friends and meet old ones, healthy and delicious food and much fun whatever the weather might bring.

To register, click here:

The price per child is 200 euros including three meals.

Recipient: Skaitlis
Account number: LT68 4010 0424 0395 1807

In the reason for payment you must indicate Sholem Aleichem ORT Gymnasium camp and the child’s name and surname. Following the transfer of funds send receipt to

The camp is sponsored by the city of Vilnius, the LJC and the Ystreet organization.