Jews of Šiauliai Celebrate Lag b’Omer

Jews of Šiauliai Celebrate Lag b’Omer

The Šiauliai Jewish Community celebrated Lag b’Omer in their backyards last Friday evening. Lag b’Omer is a Jewish holiday which is also called the day of bonfires, weddings and the cutting of children’s hair. Because it coincided with the Sabbath of Friday, Jewish residents of Šiauliai celebrated both together.

The men kindled and fueled the fire, other men cooked the meat and the women cooked the potatoes in aluminum foil. Later the celebrants broke bread, and the women lit the Sabbath candles praying for the health and strength of their children and loved ones.

The Šiauliai Jewish Community thanks everyone who participated and celebrated these holidays in common.

Lag b’Omer, the 33rd day of the Omer count, falling this year on May 26, 2024, is a festive day on the Jewish calendar that honors Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, author of the Zohar. It is celebrated with outings on which children traditionally play with bows and arrows, bonfires, parades and other joyous events. Many visit the resting place in Meron, northern Israel, of Rabbi Shimon, the anniversary of whose passing is on this day.