Yom HaAtzmaut Today

Yom HaAtzmaut Today

Israeli celebrates its 76th birthday today on Israeli independence day, or Yom haAtzmaut. Israel’s Memorial Day or Yom haZikaron was marked Monday in Israel, the day of remembrance of all those who have fallen in defense of Israel, including Jewish partisans from Lithuania.

Lithuanian Jewish Community chairwoman Faina Kukliansky issued a special greeting for the holiday:

“Today Israel marks Independence Day for the 76th time. It is darkened by the shadow of the lives of thousands of our dear people taken by the October 7 attack by Hamas terrorists and our thoughts for the 132 hostages still held in Gaza.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with them, the fallen soldiers and the victims to whose loved ones we send our deepest condolences and support.

“Nonetheless, this is a great day whose significance isn’t diminished by the enemy’s rockets nor by the pathogen of anti-Semitism flooding the entire world.

“We are proud of our historical homeland and send our best greetings to our brothers and sisters around the world.

“Yom haAtzmaut sameach, Israel!”

President Isaac Herzog also issued sad holiday greetings to Jews around the world: