We are pleased to announce we received a number of drawings, water colors and works in other media in our Passover children’s drawing contest. A surprising number of young people in the Community responded, some sending in multiple entries. We were also pleasantly surprised by the talent demonstrated, and insights into the inner life of our children. Some of the entries reminded us of the work of Marc Chagall and Samuel Bak. It was simply too difficult to decide on any one winner, but all contestants will receive a package of chocolate-coated matzo. A big thank-you to all the parents who helped as well.
Works below in order by Elzė, aged 7; Smiltė Pavarinytė from Sholem Aleichem ORT Gymnasium, 8th grade; Herkus Mitkus from Sholem aged 7, Matas Galinis, 9; Mark Svešnikov, 4; two works by Karina Šer, 7; Daniel Šer, 14; two from Maksas, 9; Rusnė, 10, Sholem; Abigail Rafael, 15, and Oren Rafael, age 8.