Invitation to Remember and Honor the Large Jewish Community of Švenčionys Murdered in the Holocaust

Invitation to Remember and Honor the Large Jewish Community of Švenčionys Murdered in the Holocaust

It has become a tradition now to meet on the first Sunday in October at the Menorah in the park in Švenčionys to remember and honor the large Jewish community of Švenčionys who had their own culture and traditions, and to remember their tragic fate.

I am please to invite everyone to attend the Holocaust commemoration at the Menorah statue in the Švenčionys city park marking the boundary of the Švenčionys ghetto. The commemoration starts at 11:00 A.M. on October 3, 2021.


11:00 A.M. Beginning of event

11:30 A.M. Nalšia Museum exhibit “The Jewish People, Part of the History of the Švenčionys Region”

12 noon Premiere of film “The Jewish People, Part of the History of the Švenčionys Region” at the Švenčionys Cultural Center. The film tells the story of the Jews of the Švenčionys Region and the events and people who gave this community its character

1:30 P.M. Mass murder sites in Švenčionėliai in the Švenčionys region, commemoration of victims in Platumai village in the Švenčionėliai aldermanship.


Moshe Shapiro, chairman
Švenčionys Regional Jewish Community