Culminating a series of letters back and forth between LA-based Litvak Grant Gochin and the Center for the Study of the Genocide and Resistance of Residents of Lithuania–Lithuania’s state-sponsored arbiter of all historical truth–the Genocide Center posted a notice on their website saying Gochin’s questions to them might be criminal and in violation of the Lithuanian constitution.
The Genocide Center neglected to post Gochin’s actual letters and independent historical research, content to post only answers to the questions they cherry-picked and deemed worthy of refutation.
Note that Gochin himself says he never brought up Telšiai archbishop Vincentas Borisevičius and that the Genocide Center inserted him into their notification out of the blue.
Here is a translation of their notification with a link at the end to the original text in Lithuanian:
On the Provision of Information
With the advent of new public discussion on Jonas Noreika/General Storm (1910-1947), we are posting the Center for the Study of the Genocide and Resistance of Residents of Lithuania’s answers to Lithuanian citizen G. A. Gochin’s “69-page study” of Noreika. We would like to point out that for several years now the [Genocide] Center has been replying to G. A. Gochin’s accusations which are only growing deeper and broader (see answer no. 1).
In his recent texts sent to the [Genocide] Center on Kazys Škirpa and Jonas Noreika, G. A. G. [sic] Gochin reveals the essence of his “research:” he is trying to demonstrate that the Lithuanians rather than the Nazis started the Holocaust (answers 4, 5, 25 and others).
G. A. G. [sic] Gochin’s “study” of Noreika, without providing real evidence, possibly in violation of the constitution of the Republic of Lithuania and the criminal code of the Republic of Lithuania, accuses many people: Lithuanian Provisional Government prime minister Juozas Brazaitis, whose actions were exhaustively investigated at the request of the United States Congress in 1975 and who was rehabilitated by the United States Department of Justice; political prisoner Viktoras Ašmenskas; and others (see answer no. 1).
Especially noteworthy are G. A. Gochin’s accusations of Holocaust crimes against Telšiai archbishop Vincentas Borisevičius who was shot by the Soviets in 1946 and other priests from the Telšiai archbishopric, because archbishop Vincentas Borisevičius and Telšiai archbishopric priests father Vladislovas Polonskis and father Vladislavas Taškūnas were decorated for saving Jews by the president of the Republic of Lithuania (see answers 1 and 10).
In attempting to belittle Noreika and other Lithuanians imprisoned at the Stutthof concentration camp, G. A. Gochin explains in his “study” that they weren’t afflicted there, their activities have not been researched and even that they supposedly were imprisoned there as “hostages of the Lithuanian people” (answer no. 11).
[cherry-picked answers provided in a Lithuanian document on the Genocide Center’s server:]
[original notification posted in Lithuanian:]