The Vytautas Landsbergis Cup 2019 lightning-round chess tournament was held at the Lithuanian parliament June 8, a tournament intended to propagate the sport of chess and to commemorate the sporting career of professor Landsbergis. The competition was organized jointly by the Chancellery of the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania, the Vilnius Chess Club and the Rositsan and Maccabi Elite Chess and Checkers Club. Raimondas Paliulionis was chief referee. Participants included professor Landsbergis, world champion Gary Kasparov, top chess players from Lithuania and invited guests, including diplomats, MPs and the heads of government institutions–48 participants in all.

The Vytautas Landsbergis Cup 2019 Friendly Chess Tournament
- Invited Guests Celebrate 93rd Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II
- Sabbath with Designer Agnė Kuzmickatė